Book:Fated To The Ruthless Alpha King Published:2024-6-5

“Kill her!”
Maybe this was the end; this was truly the end for her, she wasn’t sure that there was anything she would say that would move him further, this man was harder than a brick wall, with a heart made of steel.
She saw the executioner approaching her then, wearing a mask, a large axe hanging from his hand, ready to carry on with her sentence.
Her wolf cried out then.
“What are you doing!!!! You can’t give up! You can’t let him kill you just like that!!!”
Lily was right, she can still do something about this; maybe there’s a chance her life might still be saved. She began to plead again, her view in line with where alpha Damian was, holding his gaze with desperate eyes, Lily tried to see if she could reach out to his wolf too.
“Please! Don’t kill me alpha Damian! Please…. there has to be a way! Anything! I’ll do anything to prove my innocence to you! Anything!”
It was almost too late! As the headsman held out the axe standing behind her, in a few seconds, it would be the end, her headless body would be lying in the middle of the court for all silver wolves to witness.
Giving it one last attempt, she held eyes that showed nothing short of sincerity, pleading for mercy.
As she said those final words….
“I’ll do anything alpha Damian, please don’t kill me, I’m innocent.”
She’d already given up, already accepted her fate when she heard the order from the alpha. It can’t be; maybe she was hearing things she wished she would hear. Why did he change his mind all of a sudden? What other plans did he have to deal with her?
Alpha Damian stood up then, approaching her again.
“You’re innocent?”
She looked up at him, at that moment she was too distraught let out any words, only nodded her head.
He smirked devilishly at her response, and then, “do you know how the rogues work, princess?”
“Umm… n-n-no.”
“Of course, you must have been nothing but a child during the last war. The rogues are very deceitful; they send spies, they send the most INNOCENT of souls, someone you’d never think, you’d never expect. Once you let your guard down, they penetrate your heart, learn your secrets, use them against you, weaken your barriers from the inside, and that’s how they bring you down.”
He bent, so he was now on an eye-to-eye level with her, before he continued… taking her face and whispering into her ears… “That’s why I can’t trust you princess, if that is what I should even be calling you. I can’t trust you even if you are innocent.”
She whispered back shakily, “you CAN… trust me alpha Damian, I am not a s-spy, neither was I sent by any rogues. I’ll do anything to prove… my innocence to you.”
He got up and returned to his seat. “Very well then, I’ll admit now that the thought of killing you doesn’t sound so good to me anymore. I’ll give you a chance to verify your claim of being the lotus princess.”
Her eyes lit up then, “oh, thank you. Alpha Damian….”
“Don’t thank me yet, princess.”
He got up again and went to stand in the middle of the court, giving an order to the guards. “Send in the former prisoner.”
Miranda watched as the guards ran off and shortly after brought in a young man who almost looked like a teenager, should be in his early twenties at most, he was also chained up like she was, his eyes full of sadness. The guards brought him to kneel opposite where she was in the court, with the alpha standing in between them, alpha Damian then continued speaking.
“The silver pack is peculiar for one thing; we never let our defenses down, we never mix with the other eleven tribes, we don’t attend the gatherings nor do we perform the rituals other packs do, some call it pride but its far from that. We know that the enemies might be amongst those gatherings, and we NEVER let any chance for the enemy to know our secrets, the farther they are away from us, the better.”
Alpha Damian then went to the prisoner that was brought in, and stood behind him, holding his neck in his hand, the young man simply closed his eyes as if he knew what awaited him next. Miranda saw what alpha Damian was about to do, she knew what was about to happen, she closed her eyes too, as she couldn’t bear to watch.
“This man was caught planting bombs in our packhouse, he claimed to be a refugee and we took him in, but what he didn’t know was that we’d be watching him carefully, it later turned out that he was sent by the rogues to destroy us, to break our defenses from the inside. I’ve only kept him alive because I wanted to make a public show of his punishment, and now, I’m going to show you how we treat rogues around here…”
Still holding the young man’s neck in his hand, alpha Damian applied force, twisting his neck, the sound of bones cracking radiated the court along with the screams of the prisoner, the last sounds he would ever make.
“Arrrrgghhhhhhh!!!!! Arrghhhhhhh!!!! Arghhhh!!!”
The silver pack’s alpha turned a deaf ear to his screams as he broke his neck effortlessly, killing him, but Damian wasn’t done; sinking his claws deep into the man’s chest, ripping out his heart before throwing it like a worthless ball on the ground in front of her. He then threw the corpse to his feet before sending for a guard to bring him a rag to clean his bloody hands.
Tears lined Miranda’s eyes as she horrifically watched alpha Damian end the life of that young rogue, as much as she tried to stop herself, she’d opened her eyes and now she wished she didn’t.
The guards came in and quickly took the body away.
“I’d hate to have to kill you like this if I find out you’ve been lying to me. You have only ONE chance to prove to me that you’re Luther’s cub, princess.”