The next day, I did my best to ignore Arthur the whole day, I didn’t allow myself to waste my energy on him and tried to stop thinking about him and made myself busy with work. I was on the ground floor checking the kitchen and other things, I asked Darcy to arrange my things neatly in my new office and didn’t talk much with her as what she did with Arthur flashed in front of my eyes whenever I saw her.
I was walking back to my office, “Miss Elis,” I heard someone calling me from behind, I stopped and turned around. Darcy was rushing towards me and I could see the panic in her eyes.
“Ma’am there’s an issue,” she said, stopping in front of me,
“What is that?” I asked calmly,
“Mr. Spencer has invited his business partner to have lunch with him and the business partner has found a bug in his dish,” she said,
“Bug?” I asked, shocked, our kitchen is very neat, I make sure of it, no one till now had complained about a bug in their meal ever and today’s complaint has made me angry.
“Yes, he’s shouting at us and asking for you,” She said,
“We tried to calm him, but he’s just furious,” she said with panic evident on her face.
I nodded my head at her and turned around, “What’s his name?” I asked while walking towards the elevator.
“Mr. Jonathan,” she said, walking behind me,
“Ask the chef to prepare a fresh dish which Mr. Jonathan had ordered,” I said while stepping inside the elevator.
“Yes, mam,” she replied and immediately called the kitchen.
“Hello… make a fresh dish which has been ordered by table 9… yes… Okay… ask Andrew to take it and wait near the kitchen, elevator,” She said,
“Mam, the dish is already made and the chief said it will be ready in a second,” she said,
“Good!” I replied, as the elevator doors opened, I walked out and found Andrew standing in front of us with a plate of smoking hot Lasagna alla bolognese. I asked him to follow me and we walked towards the kitchen doors.
Darcy opened the doors for me as I walked straight towards table 9, which was placed at the corner near the window. It was the best place to sit and eat as the view outside can calm a person, and the busy streets of New York City can be watched without the sound pollution. I could see Arthur smirking as Mr. Jonathan was shouting at a poor waiter and the waiter was standing there quietly while putting his head down. I could see the man was angry, his angry voice was able to be heard from where I am.
“Mr. Jonathan,” I said, gaining his attention. I stood in front of him and smiled when his eyes moved to me from the waiter. I could see Arthur’s eyes on me, but I chose to ignore him and acted like he wasn’t there. It’s just me and these people.
“Yes!” he replied while his eyes moved from my face to my body. I’ve been habituated to this kind of behaviour so I just ignored it.
“My name is Davina Elis, Manager…” he cut me off while extending his hand to me, “Alec Jonathan, you can call me Alec,” he said excitedly, I just gave a smile and took his hand.
He was young, maybe in his 20’s or something, but he was attractive. With his blond hair and manly features, he was handsome. As I shook his hand, I noticed his dimpled smile, “I’m so sorry for this, you have the right to be angry, I sincerely apologize…” He cut me off while saying, “It’s okay, it happens, no need to apologize,” he smiled, hearing his words and the smile on my face widened.
“Please let me serve you the dish… which my chef has prepared…” I said while I took the plate and began putting it on the table.
“Matt, please clean it,” I said while putting the dish in a fresh clean bowl,
“Yes, ma’am” he replied while rushing to me and taking off the bowl of previous content. As I was putting the dish in the bowl but couldn’t see the forks, I looked over to see the forks which were near Arthur, to his right. I bent over a little to get them, but Arthur pushed them back with his finger, I tried to get them again but he pushed them back. I turned to him and glared at him while reaching over and pulling the forks from there.
He smirked at me and looked at Jonathan.
“Please have it,” I asked while moving back, maintaining the smile, he smiled back while sitting on the chair and taking the fork. He took a bite and smiled at me, “This is better than the previous one, thank you,” he said,
I smiled in response, “I’ll let you have it,” I said and excused myself. As I began walking back to the kitchen, I could feel a gaze boring into my back, but I refused to look back as I knew who it was.
I hate this man.
As the day went on, I was very tired and my head began aching because of stress, “Darcy!” I called while walking towards my office.
“Yes, mam,” she replied while walking behind me,
“I need a cup of black coffee,” I said,
“I will bring it,” she said and began rushing to the elevator.
I walked inside my office and sat down in the chair, as the phone on the desk began ringing, my head began throbbing more.
I quickly grabbed it and answered the call, “hello!” I said,
“Come to my office,” I heard the harsh voice of Arthur coming from it,
“I…” I began to say, but he hung up on me, I deeply signed and got up from my chair and walked out of my office.
I think I need to rest; my body is exhausted and I’m in no mood to handle his man’s attitude now, but I had no other choice as I can’t avoid him since he’s my boss but I will try not to respond to his actions as that will make him angrier.
As I reached his office, I knocked on his door and waited for his response, “Come in,” he said,
I pushed the door open and walked in, “Mr. Spencer?” I said, he was working on his laptop while I walked in but looked up at me as I called him.
“Wait a sec,” He said. I walked up to his desk and stood there with my hands folded over my chest which made my chest push up.
I waited patiently for him to talk, but he kept on typing something on his laptop, my headache was fading but I was growing impatient by the passing second.
What the hell! Did he call me in just to just ignore me? Who on earth does that? I think I should just leave, I have work to do!
“Mr. Spencer, I think I should let you work and come some other time,” I said while turning my body,
“Don’t. Move.” He said still typing on his laptop,
I turned and stood still, what does he want from me now, bastard?
How I wish I could slam his head on the laptop and beat the shit out of him… ah! I just wish I could do that.
I waited for a while without moving from the place, I was losing patience, when I opened my mouth and was about to say something, “Okay!” he said while shutting his laptop and looking up at me.
His eyes moved from my face to my body, which made me self-conscious suddenly, he got up from the chair and walked towards me which made me step back. With every step he took, I moved back while my breathing fastened. As my back hit the wall, I turned back and looked at the wall, I moved my face to tell him to stop but came face to face with Arthur which made my heart beat faster.
“Mr. Spencer!” I whispered, looking up at his face. His eyes bore into mine, as I looked at his eyes, I lost myself and drowned in them. Those beautiful eyes have some kind of magic in them that makes you hypnotised and can make you do things you ever knew you could do, the power they held was unimaginable.
His blue/ green eyes roamed over my face like he was memorising every part of my face, I swallowed hard as I felt the heat emitting from his body, the tension in the air was high, I was breathing hard while he was so close that if I move, my nose could touch his lips. The height difference made me look up at him while moving my head all the way up, “Mr. Spencer!” I whispered, looking at his face,
He didn’t say anything for a while, he kept staring at my face and all of sudden a smirk began forming on his lips, which confused me to no end, why is he smirking now? he looked down at my body and back at my face, the smirk on his face widened while he began stepping back while placing his hands in his pockets.
“I must say… You have good business skills…” He said, stepping back.
“What?” I asked, confused at his comment,
“I liked the way you managed Alec… although I didn’t think he would calm down that easily… Sad! My hard work in putting that bug in his dish, gone waste,” he said,
“What!” I exclaimed while widening my eyes in shock.
Son of a bitch…