“I was very sorry to hear of your mother’s death, Miss Griffiths.”
Jen gave the Priest a little smile. She had always felt uncomfortable around him, but he seemed sincere enough, and Lord knows, there was no one else to talk to as the only other two people had left.
Father Tobias’s dark eyes were watching her and she felt compelled to reply. “That’s kind of you to say, Father.” She glanced around the room, at the plates of uneaten food and the empty chairs. “I’m surprised so few people accepted our invitation to the wake – there were so many at the funeral, I would have expected a few more.”
“Ah, well, people are busy, Miss Griffiths.” He rotated his head to look around the room, and she saw that his clerical collar was too big. She was reminded of a turtle rotating its scrawny neck through the carapace of its shell. “And where would your brother be?” he asked.
“He offered to take Mrs Williams home.”
John Tobias smiled. He new that the old widow lived a good half hour away, which gave him plenty of time. He leaned forward to close the gap between himself and the girl. She was still wearing a black dress of mourning, but even that couldn’t hide the luscious swell of her breasts or the firm voluptuousness of her body. She had a direct manner about her, too, and he knew instinctively that she would be good in bed. No wonder her brother was porking her.
“There is a little matter I need to discuss with you – ah, Jennifer.”
“Certainly, Father. Perhaps you could help me to tidy up while you do.” She lifted a plate of sandwiches and walked through to the kitchen, setting them on the table and moving to the sink to wash up.
He followed her, watching the curtain of her hair as it brushed against the creamy white skin of her neck. She had her back to him and he stood close enough to smell the fragrance of her perfume and to see the outline of her bra straps through the material of her dress. He could feel himself getting hard. “It’s about your relationship with your brother,” he said.
Jennifer stopped what she was doing and turned around slowly. He was very close but her back was to the sink and she could not move. She tried to keep her tone calm. “What do you mean, Father?”
“I mean that you are having carnal knowledge of one another.”
The shock of his words was like a punch to the belly, and it robbed her of coherent words. She stood before him, mesmerized by his black eyes, like a snake before a charmer. She felt his hands reach up to grasp her shoulders and his words poured into her senses like a tide of warm molasses, so thick and cloying that she could not move.
“You see, your mother told me, Jennifer… what she saw, and what it meant. You and David, your brother. It killed her, you know.” He saw her shake her head in denial, her face white and strained. “Yes, yes, it did. I was there.” He gripped her shoulders more tightly. “It killed her, and it will turn everyone else against you too.
“But I didn’t – we didn’t…”
Father John laughed. “Oh, but you did! In the garden, in your bed…” he looked around the room. “Even in here, Jennifer, bent over the sink while he took you.” He saw from her eyes that it was true. “She wrote it all down in a signed affidavit,” he lied. “Do you want people to see it? Do you want everyone to know?”
She stared at him without speaking, shocked beyond words. “Do you realise what will happen to you if they do?” he said, “the headlines in the papers, destroying your life. Your friends laughing at you, shunning you, work colleagues whispering poison behind your back. You’ll lose your job – there’ll be nothing for you…. and then the Police will come. It will mean shame and ruin, Jennifer. Is that what you want?”
She stared up at him, her eyes huge in her face, and she shook her head.
“I can help you. I can take that all away. Your life will still be the same.” He could see the hope flare in her eyes, and he spoke earnestly, watching the play of expressions on her face. “You cannot keep on with your brother – you must look to another relationship. I can help you, Jennifer. I can teach you how to love another and we can keep this a secret, just you and me – but you must do anything I ask.”
“I’ll do anything.”
He smiled. It was so easy. “Then come to the Rectory tomorrow after lunch. Just you, alone.”
For a moment he thought she would refuse but then she nodded, a little bob of he head. Her eyes were on his face and he could see her lips trembling. He felt a surge of power at his control over her, and the thought that she would soon be his. His cock hardened rapidly as he imagined what he could do to her slim, golden body. He slid his hands over her shoulders, cupping her face, feeling the warm velvet of her skin under his fingertips. Her mouth was slightly open and her grey eyes were on his, mesmerized. He fancied he could feel her sexual energy crackling and buzzing through his fingers and the thought of possessing her swept away the last vestiges of his control. He seized her neck and pulled her close, thrusting his hips forward to rub his engorged member against her pubis, and he pressed his lips over hers.
For just a moment Jennifer was too surprised to act, then with an explosive grunt she flung him backwards with a powerful thrust of her arms. He stumbled back, crashing into the table, and he lost his balance and fell heavily on to the floor.
“You dirty little pervert!” Her voice was harsh, stabbing into his ears like shards of glass. “You dirty little prick! Do you think for one moment I’d go with you?!” In three steps she was beside him, leaning down towards his startled face. “Do you think you can offer me a relationship, you shit! All you want is to put your pious little prick in me!” She stepped back. “Get out! Get out of my house!”
Father John scrabbled to his feet and backed away, watching her. He smoothed down the rumbled material of his cassock and adjusted his collar where it had become dislodged. She was breathing heavily – he could see her breasts moving up and down and suddenly a wave of burning anger seized him at the thought of what he was being denied.
“You little cunt! Do you think you have any choice?” The measured tones of the Priest were gone and his voice was harsh and ugly. “Make sure you screw your brother tonight, you bitch, because it will be the last time! I’ll make you an outcast and your poxy life will be a living hell!” His face was twisted in hatred and flecks of spittle flew from his mouth as the foul words poured out. “One day you’ll crawl to me and beg for forgiveness, you slut!” He laughed, a high pitched giggle, and thrust his face forward towards her. “And I’ll fling you back in the gutter with all the other whores I rejected!”
He turned and left the room, the door swinging behind him, and Jen sank down on one of the kitchen chairs. His words rang in her ears like the tolling of a funeral bell: ‘It will mean shame and ruin, Jennifer’, and although he was nothing but a sick little turd she knew that they were true. The long, frantic nights with David were no longer a secret, and she knew that if the Priest did nothing else he would make it his business to destroy her. And so she held her face in her hands and wept – bitter tears from the well of her soul for a mother lost and a reputation shattered, and for a brother’s love that she knew in her heart could never be sustained.
In the morning Jen found the word “Whore” painted on the garage door, and the letter box vandalized, and she understood that it had started.
David Montgomery Griffiths watched with hooded eyes as his latest date climbed over him. She was a small girl but perfectly proportioned, with a trim waist and firm round breasts capped by surprisingly big nipples. She was also very pretty but there was a hardness around her mouth and eyes that seemed out of place in one so young. He felt her little hand grasp his cock, engaging it against the warm wet lips of her vulva, and he saw the curtain of her hair swing down over her face as she bent forward to better see what she was doing.
She lowered her hips and grunted as the head of his cock popped into her, and she held the position for a few moments before removing her hand and gradually impaling herself onto his shaft. They both watched as it skewered into her body, and she gave another little grunt of satisfaction as his heat reached up into her belly.
“Ah, ah!” She wriggled a little bit to adjust to his size, then looked at him with her bright smiling eyes. “Why, Mr Griffiths – that’s good! Were you planning to make a deposit tonight, Sir?”
David laughed at the little game she was playing. Sophie was a junior accountant in the finance department of his company and although he was far senior to her, he knew that she was unfazed by rank. They had been out for coffee once or twice and then a dinner date, and this was their first time in bed.
“A sizeable one, Miss Andrews. Can you handle that for me?”
“Of course, Mr Griffiths! I have just the right size deposit box for you.” She looked into his face and giggled. “Actually, it feels a little too small.”
She began to move gently, her thighs flexing to raise and lower her torso on his cock. She was right – it was deliciously tight, but he could see her cream beginning to coat his shaft as she moved, easing the friction between them. He loved girls that were prolific in their juices, and Sophie promised to have a great deal. He lifted his hands and fondled her breasts, his thumbs teasing her nipples until they swelled like ripe raspberries, and she tilted her head back and groaned at his touch.
“Ah, that’s good.”
“Tell me what you like, Sophie.”
“I like what you’re doing.”
“Tell me what you feel, then.”
She began to gyrate her hips whilst still raising and lowering herself. Each time she lifted his shaft was exposed, shiny with her juices, sliding out until only the purple glans was embedded in her. She had shaved her pussy and her lips were visible as they grasped the intruder – and she would hold herself there for a few moments before hunkering down to accept him into her body again.