Seeing his sister naked starts something beyond their control. (Enjoy).
I never meant to catch my sister naked. It was an accident, one of those moments when you are walking along, minding your own business, and then suddenly – wham! – it happens.
I had arrived home early and I put the car keys on the hall table and walked through to my bedroom. The house is ‘L’ shaped, and as I moved down the carpeted hallway I looked to my left, as you do, down the corridor. The bathroom door was open and she was stood at the sink, her back to the door, as naked as the day she came into the world.
Jenny is a tall girl, probably about five-ten and she’s slim – good proportions, if you know what I mean. She was bent over the sink doing something with her hair and her legs were splayed out a little to get her down to the height she wanted without having to bend her knees. It was an arresting sight, I can tell you: long shapely legs, firm and well toned, and impossibly long – they just seemed to go on for ever, up and up, each thigh a model of perfection until they reached the neatest little ass I’ve ever seen. It was firm and round, each cup-cake buttock beautifully defined… just begging to be grasped – framed by the flare of her hips and the tight curve of her waist. The flesh of her back was as smooth as alabaster, a sort of creamy-white colour, marked only by the faint outline of where her bra-straps had been. Her head was down, hidden behind her shoulders, and the sound of running water drowned out my little gasp of surprise.
I stopped dead in my tracks, my eyes glued to the view. I guess my mouth dropped open too – in shock and surprise. Shock because one moment I’d been thinking about work and the next I had this vision in front of me, only a dozen paces away. Surprise because I’d lived in the same house as Jen for years and never realised just what she had hiding under the jeans and baggy sweaters she liked to wear. It was like finding you had a pile of money under the floor that you never knew you had.
I don’t know how long I stood there, gawping at her. Long enough to pick up the little details: the thin gold chain around one shapely ankle: the dimples behind her knees; the smooth olive warmth of her skin, good enough to eat; the little curve under each buttock that defined their roundness, and the neat little crease above them where the crack of her bum began. Best of all though, was the sight of her little pussy peeping back at me from between the cheeks of her ass as she bent forwards. It was in shadow but I was close enough to see it clearly, hiding like a little furry animal in a cave with a few wisps of hair around it, as fine a spun gold – testimony to the fact that she was a genuine blonde.
She must have sensed my gaze, as I stood there staring at her. She stopped all movement and was still for a moment, listening, and then she pushed herself up and turned her head slowly, her eyes peering backwards through the little gap between the smooth skin of her waist and one her arms. For a moment she was motionless, her eyes on my face. I felt the hot flush of embarrassment staining my cheeks at being caught – but I just couldn’t move: and then she stood up slowly and turned towards me – just standing there, front on. Her breasts were bigger than I had imagined, sitting firm and upright on her ribcage, the nipples thick and protruding. Her pussy hair was neatly trimmed back and the lips of her vulva were slightly open, revealing a gleam of pink wetness behind them; and her hair was wet, a dark blonde, lying around her face as she regarded me.
For a long time we stared at each other. Her eyes were grey and steady, neither embarrassed nor angry. She allowed them to roam over me – moving over my body slowly, resting on my crotch for a few moments before sliding back to my face. I could see a gleam of amusement in them, an awareness of the sudden impact she had made on me, and her mouth curled slightly in the faintest of a smile: her teeth so white behind the softness of her lips. I caught the sound of her chuckle: a throaty little laugh that promised almost as much as the sight of her body had – and then she leaned forward and quite slowly and deliberately closed the door, shutting out the best thing I’d seen in a decade.
I was reading a book in the lounge and the words were a shapeless blur. My mind was filled with the vision I had just seen… the golden skin, the teardrop breasts and her little furry pussy – and the calm grey of her eyes as she watched me looking at it. Pink Wet. Slightly open. And all this time she had been living with me and I had never noticed. Ah, God, how can a day change so much?
I heard her footsteps on the tiles in the kitchen and she walked in. Her hair was still damp, but tied back in a little pony tail that lay across the vivid blue material of her blouse like a strip of gold bullion. I looked up at her guiltily.
“I’m… sorry, Jen. I – I didn’t know you were there. I was surprised.”
She stopped and looked down at me. “You sure took your time being surprised.”
I was silent, not knowing what to say.
“Well, what have you got to say?”
“I’ve said I’m sorry.”
She leaned forward a little. “Sorry for what, David, for catching me, or for standing there for half an hour perving when you did?”
I stared up at her. She was still looking at me, her eyes bright. “I wasn’t perving.”
She laughed. “Well, you sure gave a good impression of a perve.” She turned her head on the side and fixed a glassy look on her face, poking her tongue out of the side of her mouth for a moment in an expression of imbecilic attention. “Just like that, David, for half an hour. I surprised you didn’t drown in the drool that was sliding down your chin.”
I laughed with her. “I wish it had been half an hour. Anyway, its your fault.”
“Me? How’s that?”
“Well, you looked – um, I mean, well – you were worth looking at. Now, if you’d been ugly I’d have moved right on along.”
“So you’re saying that you liked what you saw.”
I looked her in the face. “Sure.”
“How much?”
“How much did you like what you saw?”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
She laughed again. “Sure you do… in fact, I saw how much you liked it… a lot, judging by the reaction. A huge amount.”
I felt myself colouring again. “So why are you asking me, if you already know?”
“Just checking.” She turned away but stopped by the door and looked at me again. “It was a perve, you know. Now you owe me.” And before I could answer she had gone in a flurry of skirt, leaving a trace of her perfume and a disturbing memory of that long, golden body.
Over the next few weeks our relationship, if you could call it that, returned to normal. We both work so we were doing our own thing, only bumping into each other from time to time. Nothing in what she said or did gave a hint of what had happened and the busy tempo of our lives gradually pushed it to the background. At times I would dwell on what I had seen – mostly at night when I lay in bed and played the tape in my head again – but the clarity of the image gradually diminished. I never really connected it with going further, either: we were sister and brother, and siblings just didn’t do that. It had been a pleasurable few moments of my life, and time had moved on.
I guess it would have died altogether, like a faded photograph that is finally thrown in the trash, had she not come by my room that day. It was stinking hot: one of those heavy, oppressive days when the air is as thick as a wet sponge. The usual thunderclouds had built up in the afternoon and hung in the western sky in towering castles of lead and pewter, but the rain that everyone begged for still had not come. You could almost feel the oppressive air crushing down on the town, robbing everyone of energy. All you wanted to do was to lie down.
I had left early and I stripped off and lay on my bed with my eyes shut listening to the occasional growl of thunder to the west and feeling the trickle of sweat on my skin. The house was quiet – no dogs barking, no shrilling cicadas – not even the swish of traffic on the freeway three blocks away. It was as if the world had stopped and I was the only survivor, lying in my bed in a stupor with my eyes shut, dreaming of air conditioning. I could hear the muffled tick of the old grandfather clock in the hallway and then the faint clunk of its mechanism as it reached the hour and prepared to chime: the crisp click of the gearing, lifting the hammer, drawing it back… and then the first chime, too loud to be through a closed door: and I opened my eyes and saw her.
Jen had opened the door and moved silently across the room to stand next to the bed. She was leaning forward slightly, her weight balanced on one foot as if ready to flee and she was dressed only in a sleeveless sports top and panties. I could see the gleam of perspiration on her skin and the hair at her temples was discoloured with sweat, darker than its normal shade of pale honey. Her breasts were full and round, pushing against the material of her top, and I could discern the outline of her nipples against the weave of the cloth and the dark shadow of her aureole around them. The thin fabric of her pants was stretched tightly over her mound, the filigree lace delicate against the golden tan of her skin. She held her head at a slight angle, looking down at my nakedness as if puzzled by what she saw, and there was an expression of guilt on her face, like that of a little girl reaching out to steal a cookie.
She must have known I was aware if her, but she didn’t look at my face. She turned a little, almost sideways on so that I could see the swell of her ass filling the white lace panties, and the curtain of her hair dropped forward to hide her expression. She was very close to me. The film of sweat on her skin gleamed in the pale light from the window; and I could see the fine golden down on her arms and in the crack of her ass just above the elastic of her knickers. I could smell her, too: the fragrance of her perfume, overlaid with more powerful aromas: salt and sweat and the faint musk of excitement. She bent forward a little more as if to inspect me closer, and the elastic leg of her panties moved over the curve of her buttock to reveal a crescent of firm flesh – and beyond it the dark shadow of her crotch with the tight gusset of her pants snug between the golden thighs.