The judges of the abyssal realm stood in front of the veil, they noticed it weakening.
The Guardian came through it, looking distraught.
“Did you find anyone for the sacrifice?” The judges asked him.
The Guardian shook his head dismally.
A few other beings powerful enough to hold the veil had also gathered. They were not very hopeful however, the veil once weakened, was very hard to mend or hold together for long, once torn, the veil would just get weaker and weaker.
“We have to hold it the best we can,” one of the beings said, “Upir is already trying to tear the veil.”
They all took positions in front of the veil, invoking their powers to stop Upir from tearing the veil.
Upir and Lehi felt an opposing power. They knew that it was from the abyssal realm.
Upir only smiled to herself, she knew how to deal with that. As long as the judges were among those trying to stop her, calling their name would surely immobilize the others.
She started chanting an energy draining spell, she wanted to channel all the energy she felt from the abyss into tearing the veil.
“Aajeud thixs tyry yevh!” The judges and all the beings shouted, trying to hold Upir and Lehi back.
The heat from the abyss had begun to wilt the leaves and cause them to burn. The grass around them had already caught fire. The heat was spreading through the woods and gradually going into the town.
Upir smiled again.
“Avujeeh!” She cried, immobilizing the beings from the abyss.
Lehi was in a world of his own, he could already feel the veil.
The beings from the abyss stared at each other helplessly.
“She called your name.” One of the beings said quietly, aware of the consequences.
The woods were on fire now, the screams from the abyss could be heard clearly now.
It was finally time to tear the veil.
Upir and Lehi took a deep breath and shouted together;
As they did so, the veil tore in two. The blast of raw power escaping from the abyss rushed into the nearest vessels, Upir and Lehi. The beings trying to hold back the veil were flung back by the blast.
“Get back Lehi!” Upir struggled to say.
It was too late though, the power had begun to force it’s way into a screaming Lehi. Before Upir could do anything, the power held her still and begun to force it’s way into her too.
She stood still, screaming out. It felt like fire, like liquid fire seeping into every part of her.
The woods were on fire now, the fire had spread into the town and the fire department had a lot of work on their hands.
Beings from the abyss flew or crawled through the veil. Completely ignoring the commands of the judges and the others that they stay in the abyss.
People who had been trapped in the abyss could not move though, as they had been imprisoned there. To them, only the front door of the police station had been broken, their cell doors remained locked.
The raw power stopped rushing into Lehi and Upir.
They stood still for a moment, Lehi’s eyes glowing and Upir’s as black as ever. Then they both fell down, unconscious in the middle of the burning bush, which oddly, did not come close to their fallen bodies.
The Guardian looked on in horror as creatures and beings from the abyssal realm surged through the veil at will.
“It’s over.” He muttered.
“What happened last night?” Kenneth asked Nella, looking from her to Theo. They were at Erans talking over their drinks.
“A fire broke out in the town.” Theo replied simply.
“You think that was a normal fire?” Kenneth asked.
“It got to half of the town.” Nella said.
“And I heard it started from the woods,” Kenneth added, “now who would start a fire in the wood at such an hour?
“And it has something sinister about it.” Nella said thoughtfully.
“Okay whenever Nella says something’s weird it can’t be good,” Kenneth said, “spill the beans guys, what’s wrong?”
Theo sighed and then looked at his sister
“We think Upir has torn the veil.” He said finally.
Kenneth moved back as if he had been hit by a bullet.
“Are you sure?” He asked.
“We both know that fire wasn’t normal Ken,” Theo said “and we felt it even before the fire started.”
“So want does that mean for all of us?” Kenneth asked, still a little stunned.
“From what I saw in the abyss, it means trouble.” Nella said, a distant look in her eyes.
Lehi opened his eyes, slowly. He leaned back, trying to remember what had happened the night before.
“What an unglorious way to spend the night after our victory.” He heard Upir’s voice say.
Lehi sat up slowly, he was in his bed.
“How did I get here?” He asked, slowly remembering the events of the past night.
“I regained consciousness before you,” Upir explained, “so before the fire people…”
“Fire department.” Lehi corrected.
“Whatever they are called,” Upir dismissed with a wave, “anyway I found a way to bring you here before they
discovered us.”
“And how did you do that?” Lehi asked.
“Abyssal magic.” Upir replied.
The moment Upir said the word “abyssal”, he noticed that he felt a new surge of power through him, one that he could scarcely keep in check.
He closed his eyes briefly, summoning the power. Then he opened his palms and his eyes.
And there , resting quietly in his right palm was what looked like a red -black fire ball.
“It’s beautiful.” He said.
“It’s deadly,” Upir said quickly, “throw that and half of the city will be dead in the same second.”
“Sounds like a glorious way to die.” Lehi smiled.
Upir stared demons at Lehi.
“Fine, fine,” Lehi said in submission, “I’ll put it away. ”
When he had quenched the fire ball, Upir said what was on her mind.
“I thought we agreed that I would take the power from the abyssal realm and then you’ll take the power we would seize from the witches.” She said calmly.
Lehi stopped.
“We never agreed to so that,” he said, equally calm, “besides the power just rushed into me. It was kind of inevitable.”
Upir nodded, there was nothing else to do. She did not want to lose Lehi as an ally, after all it was his magic that enabled her to read the judges’ name. She could still do more with that magic. Besides while Lehi was still unconscious, she had tried to drain the abyssal power from him and put it in herself but it had almost killed her. She gave that up and then tried to channel the power into some magical objects but they had shattered.
Upir decided that she would let Lehi keep the power. She would know how to deal with him if he got out of hand.
“Very well Ah’Lehi,” she said, “what has happened has happened.”
“What are you going to do next?” He asked.
Upir smiled again, that evil smile of hers.
“I will establish my reign.” She said.
Lehi smiled too, things were beginning to look interesting.
What Upir and Lehi did not realize was that as they tore the veil, they allowed creatures and beings from the abyssal realm free entrance into the human world. These creatures and beings were not mindless beasts, but intelligent ones who had their own ideas as to what they were going to do in the human realm.
So when a Celin, a creature from the abyss (it was something like a more demonic cross between a vampire and a werewolf ) noticed that it had creatures who were like him in the human world, it wondered why it should not rule over them.
Upir and Lehi could have as well have dug their own graves and closed the coffin in on themselves, because they had unleashed something greater than them…