Chapter 36

Book:Love & Justice Published:2024-5-28

Amanda had watched the news with interest. She heard that Zane had been cleared of all charges and reinstated as chief of police in Hurstville.
She thought of calling him to congratulate him but she put it off. She felt guilty for the way she had ended things. She had been right she knew but she also knew in her heart that what she had done went against everything her parents had always taught her. She had chosen money and success over caring for another. On the other hand, it was her life and she had to look after herself. There was no point in destroying her career because she cared about Zane.
While they had enjoyed some passionate moments after they met again, a decade had passed and there was no guarantee that their new relationship would last. She could not justify destroying her career for Zane.
Now that he was cleared she wondered if he would call her. Over the next few days though, he had not called and she decided that he must have decided it was best that they go their separate ways.
She was happy for him that he had been cleared of all charges and she told herself she would look him up next time she visited Hurstville which would be in the not too distant future.
Amanda exited her apartment building and climbed into a waiting cab. She gave the driver the address and sat back relaxing as the cab inched through the rush hour traffic. She had a modeling job across town and left early to make sure she would be on time.
She thought of her apartment that she had decided to vacate. She had found a smaller place which she preferred. She did not know why she had suddenly felt the urge to change apartments. Perhaps it had been the memories that she had in the old apartment. Memories of her parents who were now gone. She had loved them both very much but she wanted a fresh start in respect of her past.
Her mind was almost made up to let the property in Hurstville go as well but it would take time and she would finalize her decision the next time she returned there.
For now, moving apartments in Manhattan would suffice. It would save her money, not that she needed to save money but it was one of the benefits of moving. She liked her new place and looked forward to moving in the next day.
Zane had hoped to get an earlier flight to New York but had not been able to.
No matter, he told himself. What was one more day? What mattered was that he had arrived and was now on his way to Amanda’s apartment. Besides, it was Saturday so his chances of surprising her at home were better he thought. He would be in time for breakfast and would take her breakfast in her apartment.
He stopped at a coffee shop near to her apartment, bought two cups of coffee and bagels, and headed over to Amanda’s apartment. The doorman let him in and he took the elevator up to the seventy-eighth floor.
He stepped out of the lift and made his way to her apartment. He rang the bell and held the coffee and bagels up in front of his face.
There was no answer and finally, he lowered the coffee and bagels. He looked around. He saw someone leaving their apartment down the hall and he called out to them.
“Excuse me. Do you know Amanda who lives here?”
The young man studied Zane suspiciously from behind his thick-lensed spectacles as if trying to decide if he should trust Zane or not. Then seeing the coffee and the bagels he decided he probably could trust him.
“Yes. I know her. Is she expecting you?” he asked.
“Not actually,” Zane replied. “I’m from out of town and I thought I’d surprise her.”
“Oh. Oh no,” the young man said.
“What is it?” Zane asked concerned that something had happened to Amanda.
“Well, she’s just moved,” the young man said. “Left this morning. Early.”
“Where did she move to. Do you know?”
“She didn’t move far away. She gave me her new address but I really shouldn’t give it out.”
“Please. I’ve come all the way from Hurstville. I wanted to surprise her and I don’t want to ruin the surprise if I can help it.”
“Gee, I don’t know…” the young man said hesitating.
“Look, here, you grab this coffee and the bagel. It’s going to be cold by the time I get to her anyway. I’ll find some fresh coffee closer to her new place. I don’t just want to surprise her with coffee and a bagel. I’ve got something more for her.”
The young man hesitated and then took the coffee and bagel from Zane. Zane used his free hand to fish inside his jacket pocket and removed a small box. Zane opened it with one hand and showed the ring inside to the man.
“Wow! You’re going to ask her to marry you? I didn’t know she’s seeing anyone.”
“We go way back to our schooldays in Hurstville. I saw her again when she was in Hurstville a few days ago and we still seemed to have the fire we had before but she left town before I could ask her,” Zane said.
The man looked at the ring a moment later and then recited an address to Zane. “That’s her new address.”
“Thanks,” Zane said. “You’re a lifesaver.”
“Well I hope she says yes,” the young man said. Zane stepped into the lift when it arrived and the young man shouted, “Thanks for the coffee! As the doors closed behind Zane.
Outside the apartment building, Zane flagged down a cab and gave the driver the address he had been given by the young man. He arrived a few moments later and paid the cab driver. He bought another two cups of coffee and warm bagels across the street and entered her apartment building.
He was informed in which apartment she was and Zane made his way up to the twenty-fifth floor.
He walked down the hall and finally stopped in front of her apartment. Zane rang the bell and waited. He lifted the coffee and bagels to hide his face and this time Amanda opened the door.
“May I help you?”
“A gentleman asked for this to be sent up to you Ma’am,” Zane replied trying to change the tone of his voice.
“Well thank you very much,” Amanda said. As she reached up and took the cups and bagels from Zane she saw his face and gasped in surprise.
“Zane! What are you doing here?” she asked, surprised.
“I came to see you,” he smiled.
“Please come in,” she said backing up and letting him enter. She turned and walked into her apartment and set the coffee and bagels on the counter in the kitchen. Zane closed the door behind him and followed her into the kitchen. She turned around after setting the coffee and the bagels down. He stood right in front of her.
“Have you been watching the news?” he asked.
“I have. I thought of calling you but I thought that maybe you didn’t want to hear from me even though I lent you the cabin. I heard you returned the key anyway.”
“Well, they cleared my name and offered me reinstatement as Chief in Hurstville.”
“That’s great Zane,” Amanda replied. “I’m so happy for you! Are you taking it?”
“Well, I haven’t given them an answer yet.”
“Really? What’s stopping you?”
“I told them I wanted to have time off to think about it.”
“Well, I’m here. I wanted to see you. I wanted to see if your thoughts would change now that I no longer have a record and have been offered reinstatement with full honors.”
“You, mean … us?”
Zane nodded. “Yes. Us. This is our chance to be together. I’ll give it up for you. I’ll come and join you here if it’s what you want and if you’re willing to give us another shot.”
Amanda was silent as she looked into Zane’s eyes. Her eyes slowly began to fill with tears and she bit her lower lip. Zane began to fear that he wasn’t going to hear what he wanted to hear but then she flung her arms around him and buried her face in his chest.
“Yes! Oh Yes! Stay Zane. Don’t leave!”
Zane wrapped his arms around her as he sighed with relief.
“I promise. I won’t. I’ll never leave you or let you leave.”
They separated briefly and Zane said, “I have something else for you.”
“What is it?” Amanda asked.
Zane removed his coat and laid it on the kitchen counter. He removed the box from the pocket of his coat and turned with it concealed in his hand. Then he knelt before Amanda and opened the box as he held it up to her.
“Will you marry me?” Zane asked looking up into Amanda’s eyes.
Amanda’s gaze settled on the ring and then as she clutched her hands together in joy, she squealed in delight.
“Yes! Yes!” Amanda cried as tears of joy streamed from her eyes.
Zane stood up and removed the ring from its box. He slid it onto Amanda’s finger and then pulled her close. They kissed again and embraced tightly for a long moment. They separated for a moment and then Zane pulled Amanda close again. He kissed her deeply and passionately. He prayed as he did so, that he would kiss her that way, every day for the rest of his life.