When Johnson arrived at Zane’s place it was after seven. He parked in the drive and knocked on the door. He heard voices inside and a few moments later Zane opened the door. Zane stepped outside and closed the door behind him as if he didn’t want Johnson to come in or see inside.
“Hey, Johnson. What’s up?”
“Thanks for seeing me Chief,” Johnson said.
“No problem. You’re on my team. My door’s open at any time. How can I help you?”
“Well, after our ride and our chat today, I got to thinking. You asked if I had some time off due to me and I do. I wasn’t planning on taking time off but my mom’s getting on and she generally isn’t well. I have been thinking all day that I should go see her, so I wanted to ask you if I could take the leave that’s due to me, effective tomorrow.”
“Sure. Rather see her now while you can instead of waiting till her health deteriorates. Take all the time you need. Just fill in a form and leave it on my desk. I’ll sign it in the morning but you can consider it approved. Go ahead and make your bookings for flights or whatever you need to do.”
“Thanks, Chief,” Johnson smiled. “I already filled in the form. He pulled out of his jacket and offered it to Zane.
“Great. I like it when my men are so organized,” Zane said. He took the form and signed it against the wall. I’ll take it to the office tomorrow and put it in your file. Enjoy your time off.”
“Thanks, Chief. I appreciate it,” Johnson said smiling. He shook Zane’s hand. Then, as he turned to leave, Zane stopped him.
He turned back to face Zane. “Yes, Chief?”
Zane stepped closer to him. “Perhaps I shouldn’t say anything but I believe I can trust you.”
“What is it Chief?”
“I think you’ve made the right decision taking leave now.”
“Why? What do you mean?”
“There’s a lot of trouble coming to this city Johnson. It’s not coming, it’s already here. It just hasn’t happened yet. I want you to know that I like you and you’re an asset to the team. I also think that right now, you’re making the right decision. If I was in your position, I would do the same thing. Take time off.”
“Thanks, Chief,” Johnson said.
“I want you to know something else.”
“Yes, Chief?” Johnson swallowed guiltily.
“You can tell me anything. I’m here to listen. Whatever you tell me goes no further than it has to. I’m on your side. Okay?”
Johnson looked at Zane a long time as if he were considering something before he finally nodded. “Okay Chief. Got it. Thanks.”
Johnson turned and headed to his car. He climbed in, started the engine, and reversed out of the drive. As he headed home. He felt as if he had just had a burden lifted off his shoulders. Kind of like he had just dodged a bullet …
Zane watched him leave then went back inside and closed and locked the door. He put Johnson’s form in his bag so he wouldn’t forget about it the next day. He was thankful that Johnson was taking leave. If he was corrupt it was one less to watch his back for in the coming days. If he was innocent, it was one less that would have to be kept from the line of fire.
Zane didn’t think any less of Johnson though, and he believed that he was not involved in what was happening. If he was Johnson, he believed he would have done the same thing.
Zane returned to the living room where Amanda was waiting. “Who was that?” she asked.
“One of my officers. He came to apply for leave.”
“So late?”
“We spoke about him taking leave today. He wants to leave tonight still so he wanted to ask for leave urgently and give me his form. He’s a sweet kid. Does things by the book. I like him. I trust him,” Zane said.
“Are there some that work with you that you don’t trust?” Amanda asked sounding alarmed. “Do you work with corrupt police?”
“You never know until it’s out in the open I guess. There’s stuff going on right now that is making me wary of the guys I work with.”
“Really?” Amanda asked shocked.
Zane smiled and bent down in front of her seat where she sat. He gave her a quick kiss.
“I don’t want to talk about it. This is my time with you and I can’t enjoy it if I have to talk to you about work. Besides its police work and I probably shouldn’t be saying anything about it to you.”
“So professional, Mr. Chief,” Amanda remarked feigning disappointment. “Perhaps I can seduce you for it or coerce you to give it to me.”
Zane smiled. “Trust me, you seduce me every minute I see you, talk to you, touch you, and listen to you. And I guess you could coerce anything from me.”
“Well, Chief. You don’t make a very good cop then do you?”
“I guess not,” Zane smiled then whispered, “But please don’t tell anyone.”
“My silence can be bought,” Amanda smiled.
“Really? How?”
She stood up from the sofa and kissed him. Then she pulled down his shorts as he stood in the living room. Her fingers found his shaft and stroked it as she kissed him slowly.
He wrapped his arms around her and placed one hand behind her neck pulling her into him to kiss her as deeply as possible. Their tongues mixed, exploring as deeply and as far as possible. She stroked him as they kissed and he moaned before they finally parted.
“I think I’m not buying your silence but getting more indebted to you,” he whispered.
“Really? So how do you propose to buy my silence then?” she asked smiling.
He picked her up and returned her to the sofa. He reached under her dress and pulled her panties off. Then he knelt in front of her and placed her legs over his shoulder as he buried his face between her thighs.
Amanda moaned almost immediately, “Good effort Chief.” She moaned as she sucked in air. His tongue found her core and teased and tickled her, drinking her juices at the same time. He continued to eat her and tease her with his tongue and she felt her orgasm approaching fast. Then he finally took her in his mouth and sucked and licked her alternately. Her first orgasm tore through her as she wove her fingers through his hair.
“Oh, that’s definitely payment towards my silence Chief.”
“Well come with me and I’ll complete the payment.” Zane scooped her up and carried her off to the bedroom where he lay her on the bed. She sat up briefly and took off her dress and bra. Zane took off his shirt and straddled her. He entered her and she wrapped her legs around him trying to pull him into her as deep as possible. She moaned and soon she quivered with her second orgasm. Then she felt Zane begin to swell inside her as he neared his orgasm and it wasn’t long before she felt him explode inside her.
After he finished, he lay next to her and she cuddled up to him. He was silent for a while until she asked, “What are you thinking about?”
Zane was silent a while longer and when he answered he avoided her question.
“How long do you plan on staying?”
“Well mother’s not well so I guess I’ll stay until she moves on. I don’t mean to sound crass. I’m just prepared for what I know is coming.”
“And when she’s passed?” Zane asked.
“I guess I’ll return to the bright lights and big city. Why?”
“Just asking. You’re not tempted to stick around here?”
Amanda laughed quietly.
“What’s it?” Zane asked.
“I’m getting smoke signals.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Zane asked confused.
“Big Chief looking for a woman to keep,” she joked using a deep voice.
“Haha,” he smiled in the dark as the moonlight streamed through the bedroom window.
“You going to beat me over the head and tie a bone in my hair to make me yours?”
“I don’t think the Indians did that. You’re thinking of cavemen, or the Flintstones, or whatever. And no, I’m not that brutal or desperate.”
“Oh oooh,” she smiled. “I bet I could make you desperate,” she whispered.
“By the time you leave I just might be,” Zane said.
“Well, why don’t you come with me?”
“And do what my fair lady?” Zane asked.
“I’m sure you could find something. You could be my bodyguard.”
“Really? Do you need one?”
“Well, no. But I could afford one. And we could be together.”
“We’d be in each other’s face twenty-four seven. I think we’d drive each other nuts. Most couples are apart for at least eight hours a day.”
“Do you think we’d be like most couples? Would we need a break for eight hours a day from each other? Love is love. It doesn’t count time.”
“Whoa. Are you in love with me?”
“Always have been Chief. Aren’t you in love with me?”
Zane hesitated. “Well sure. It’s just we’ve been apart for so long I hadn’t thought about us in love again after all this time. But hey, not that we’re together again, I have all the feelings I had for you then.”
“Well that’s good to know,” Amanda said. “For a moment there I thought I was going to get a different answer.”
“Of course not,” Zane replied. “So what’s going to happen to us when you go back?”
“Think about it, Zane. I’d love for you to come with me. There will be more than enough opportunity for you with me. I think you’ll be happier there too.”
“You think I’m not happy now?”
“You don’t look happy. You seem to have become less and less happy every day since I’ve seen you. You’ve obviously got a lot on your mind.”
“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t. Sorry. I didn’t mean to bring it home with me.”
“It’s okay. Everything passes.”
“We can only hope,” Zane replied.
They spoke a while longer before they fell asleep in each other’s arms.