Book:VIMDRAOLF Published:2024-5-1

All Esmeralda ever heard was how strong and powerful the sword inside her was, but she never really knew why Priest Luz chose her to be the bearer.
Amargo pointed her sword at and everyone she hated or felt was a threat to her.
The wizard continued his story.
He stood up from where he sat, walking to the middle right in front of Esmeralda.
I never saw that coming, I knew my sister hated me, but I never thought it was to the point where she wanted to see me dead.
I joined forces with some of her enemies who were ready to fight.
Four witches hurt by Amargo’s bitterness joined us the wizard. They exhibited courage like I have never seen before, but sadly they were sacrificed in the end, and died in the hands of Amargo in the most brutally way possible.
The rest of us ran, taking off into this forest for refuge.
The next day, she said a letter to me, informing me of our mothers death, also saying it was her dying wish that she have mercy on me, and let me keep my head on my neck.
Since then I have never left the forest, I send spy’s to inform me of the outside world, and that was how I knew she was dead at last.
Can I feel the sword?
The wizard pointed his hand towards Esmeralda’s stomach.
Esmeralda although scared nodded her head to the wizard, she can’t miss this opportunity of getting to know more about Priest Luz and the purpose of this sword.
Vimdraolf made an animalistic noise, daring the wizard to put a hand on his mate.
Esmeralda gave Vimdraolf a piercing look. It is her body, and only she has the right to dictate who touches it.
I need to know more about the CIELO sword and how to get it out of me, and if that would require the wizard touching me Vimdraolf, then so be it.
His relationship with Esmeralda is as fragile as an egg, being all dominant and possessive won’t help him now.
Although not agreeing nor disagreeing with his mate, he kept quiet and let the wizard have his way, but made sure to keep drilling a hole on the wizard head with his eyes before warning him.
You Are Dead Meat If She Screams Out In Pain Old Hag.
Not paying any attention to Vimdraolf, the wizard and Esmeralda continued what they were doing.
He placed his palm on her stomach trying to feel for the sword.
The energy he felt was strong and powerful, one strike of the sword to Amargo heads would have killed her, only if Esmeralda knew what she had then.
Has the sword ever communicated to you?
The wizard asked out of curiosity
Once, it came out of me and introduced it self as priest Luz
Everyone concentrated on Esmeralda and the wizard as they continued their question and answer section.
Te convoco, sal sacerdote luz
Te convoco, sal sacerdote luz
He pushed his hand, pressing Esmeralda stomach.
Just like the last time, she started to feel warm, then hot and when she couldn’t bear the heat, she screamed out in pain.
Vimdraolf howled, but still didn’t go close on Esmeralda’s command.
His eyes kept switching from his wolf back to himself. The two fought for control.
If his wolf should gain control, the wizard and everyone in this room is not save until he is sure Esmeralda is no longer in pain.
The ancient man saw the edge of the sword for the first time in centuries.
The bright light called him, and he lifted up his tomb to touch it.
The force threw him to the other side of the room, and his shoulder came in contact with the huge nail on the wall.
Blood rushed out from his mouth, and his eyes were closed in pain.
Chester and Andrew ran to his rescue. The wizard cannot die yet, the reason for their coming has not been fulfilled.
They pulled the nail out of his flesh trying to rescue him.
Priscilla ran to his shelf looking for a potion to stop the bleeding. Thankfully she saw one, and ran to her mate, telling him to pour the substance on the wizards injury.
Esmeralda was in Vimdraolf’s arm, but still couldn’t take her eyes off the wizard. It was still hard to believe that what happened to him was because of what was inside her.
Two hours had gone by, and the wizard regained his consciousness. He had barely stood up from his lying position when Alpha chester walked up to him.
Can you reverse the curse the elder witches placed on land?
Chester was already getting irritated and out of patient, he had spent more time away from his mate than what he bargained for.
Follow me!
Was all the wizard said before standing up and moving outside with the help of his stick gotten from a tree branch.
The witches donated blood before the start of the ritual.
The wizard called the wolves out side, and ordered priscilla and Esmeralda to stay inside for their own protection.
Esmeralda and Priscilla could not see the ritual taking place outside because of lack of window, and the door was shut against them.
All they head was noise, then a resounding thunder which shook the foundation of the hut for sometime before everything went calm.
Curiosity killed them, and when they couldn’t hold it in anymore, and burst the door open, and ran outside.
The wolves were fine, and so also the wizard.
What happened, is the curse broken?
Esmeralda asked, directing the question at Vimdraolf.
The ritual was successful, the rain that would fall this night will clean Maldito of the spell and by tomorrow, the curse would be broken.
Relief flowed through the ladies, and Priscilla ran to her mate kissing him passionately while Esmeralda gave Vimdraolf just an half smiled.