Zane finished up his report and saved it on the system. Then he did his final rounds before leaving for the night. He said goodnight to the officer on duty, Tex. Tex had come on duty after the day’s drama so had not been in the station at the time that Zane was cuffed in his office.
Zane believed it would be a quiet night despite the arrests they had made earlier in the day.
Hope’s accomplices were all teenagers. Street kids just trying to earn a buck. Zane was tempted to simply let the kids go but he didn’t have the right to do so.
He had seen so many kids just trying to make a buck and getting sucked into doing something criminal. By the time they found out what they would be doing for the job it was too late to back out.
Generally, they would be out on the street again in a few days but they’d have a record. Something that could have been avoided if people like Hope didn’t get involved with them.
Zane sat in his car for a while in the parking outside the station mulling the day’s events before he started the car and drove home. He pulled into the garage and closed the door behind him using his remote. He waited until the door was fully closed before unlocking the cruiser and stepping out. Then he unlocked the door to the house and entered.
The entry from the garage took him into the kitchen. He placed his keys on the counter in the middle of the kitchen where he always ate breakfast. His cat, Flunker, entered the kitchen and immediately crossed to him where he began rubbing itself against his legs as it meowed hungrily.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m a bad parent,” Zane muttered. He opened the fridge and took out his cat, Flunker’s, dinner. He scooped a portion of canned food into her bowl and returned the tin to the fridge. Then he grabbed a six-pack of beers to end his night with. He left Flunker hungrily gobbling his dinner. Zane left the kitchen and entered the lounge. He turned the light on and froze.
Hope was seated in his favorite chair.
“Nice to see you again, officer,” she smiled. She held a gun trained on him and he did not doubt that she could and would use it if she had to. Zane hesitated and then advanced slowly into the living room.
“What do you want?”
You’re not curious about how I got in?” she asked disappointed.
“Breaking and entering would be my guess,” Zane said. “Would you mind getting out of my chair?” he asked.
“Sure,” Hope stood and shifted to the sofa which stood at an angle facing away from his chair. He watched her as she moved. She had changed clothes since he had last seen her. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail, revealing high cheekbones. She wore a tight t-shirt and a short, loose matching skirt. Her legs seemed to go on forever and his mind began to race with dirty thoughts as he watched her seat herself on the other sofa. He crossed the living room and sat down in his chair. He opened a beer and offered her one. She declined.
He took a sip of his beer and studied her. She had crossed her legs and her skirt flared slightly revealing more of her thigh than she knew. He enjoyed the view.
“What do you want?” he repeated.
“I like you,” she answered.
“Why? You know I’m going to put you in prison.”
Hope smiled. “Perhaps. But I don’t think that day is today. Or tomorrow even.”
“You’re too confident for your own good,” Zane said calmly as he sipped his beer. “I don’t understand why you are flirting with your greatest occupational hazard.”
Hope laughed. “Don’t flatter yourself. You and the police are not my greatest occupational hazard. You are one of them but certainly not the greatest.”
“Criminals fear someone more than the police?”
“We all have bosses we serve willingly or unwillingly,” Hope replied.
She moved to the edge of her seat and her skirt rode up revealing more of her thigh. If she noticed him look, she gave no indication of it. “I think I was rather cryptic today in everything I told you. Sorry, I had to be. Times are hard and you never know who you can trust.”
“Really? Did someone betray you?”
“Ask yourself, how did you come by the information regarding our operation?”
“A tip-off.”
“Exactly. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.”
“So you think I’m going to play private investigator and find who tipped us off?”
Hope laughed. “No. I didn’t come to talk about that.”
“What then?”
“Do you mind if I make myself some coffee?” she asked.
“You’re going to draw this out as long as possible are you?” Zane asked.
“No longer than I have to I promise,” Hope smiled and then continued, “but I thought you might want to draw it out as long as possible.”
Zane sighed. Hope was teasing him. He told himself to relax. He told himself he would catch her. He just had to keep a clear head.
“Sure, be my guest,” Zane waived his beer toward the kitchen which was visible from his vantage point in the living room. Hope stood and walked to the kitchen. She filled the kettle and turned it on. Then she began scouring the kitchen for, cups, coffee, milk, and sugar. She searched all the lower cupboards and shelves giving him a great view of her legs from where he sat. He guessed it was deliberate. She was so busy searching or, pretending to search for the items, that she never noticed Zane leave his chair and approach the kitchen.
“Coffee’s in the cupboard on your right. Two shelves up. Sugar’s next to the coffee. Mugs are in the cupboard above you and milk’s in the fridge.”
Hope straightened and spun around in surprise to look at Zane. Her eyes flicked from his to the table where she had left her gun.
Zane could have picked it up when he entered the kitchen but he didn’t believe it was necessary and had left it. She saw the gun still on the table and weighed the need of picking it up before she decided it wasn’t necessary. She realized he could have picked it up if he had wanted to but hadn’t. She relaxed visibly and her eyes met his again.
“Decided you can’t wait to arrest me?” she asked teasing him.
“You haven’t had coffee yet. Maybe I can get a confession or at least a statement from you while you drink your coffee.”
“I guess you could get a confession or statement of sorts. Or both,” she smiled biting her lower lip again. Tension hung in the air between them as they studied each other. Zane placed the remainder of his six-pack on the table next to the gun.
“Coffee?” she asked.
“Sure. Why not?” Zane replied, his voice a soft rumble.
Hope moved to where Zane had told her the coffee and sugar would be and placed it on the counter in front of him. Then she turned around and reached up to where Zane told her the cups would be.
Zane watched silently enjoying how her skirt rode up as she reached for the mugs above her head. She placed them on the counter and filled them with sugar, coffee, and hot water.
Then she turned. “You take milk?”
“That’s why I have some in the fridge,” he smiled.
She smiled at his sass and brushed past him. He caught her scent as she passed him. It was delicate, feminine, and sexy. His gaze followed her to the fridge where she bent over to retrieve the milk from the lowest shelf. He enjoyed the view again and then asked, “Would you mind putting my six-pack away while you’re there?”
Hope straightened and fetched his six-pack from the table. She bent over again as she put it in the fridge and then returned to her position in front of Zane to finish making the coffee.
She poured the milk into the cups, closed the milk, and picked up their cups. She moved around Zane and placed them on the table. Zane had watched Hope’s every move as she made coffee. He had watched as she moved around the kitchen retrieving the cups, coffee, sugar, and milk. And he had watched her as she placed the cups on the table right by the gun. Despite the gun being right there before her, she left it and turned around.
“Are you going to join me or are you going to leave your coffee to get cold?”
Zane hesitated only for the briefest of moments as he lost himself in her eyes again. Her lips demanded to be kissed; her eyes were filled with a hunger that matched his. It had been ages since he had been with a woman and this woman drove him crazy. She had a certain ‘joie de vivre” that rolled off her in waves. It filled him with desire, with want, the likes of which he had not known in ages.
Even as his mind screamed at him not to, he was unable to resist. In one move he scooped her up and deposited her on top of the counter where she had stood moments before making their coffee.
“Coffee needs to cool down,” he muttered as his lips found hers. She did not resist but returned his kiss immediately.
Their tongues clashed with desire and their mouths melted together in passion. Zane breathed deeply inhaling her scent again. It was so not her, not what he expected anyway, and it drove him even wilder than he could have imagined. He broke their kiss and took her head in his hands as he bent to kiss her face. He kissed her just in front of her ears and trailed down the side of her neck. Then he moved to the other side and kissed her in the same place. She threw her head back exposing her neck to him and he smothered it with his kisses as he drank in her perfume before returning to her lips again.
She circled his neck with her arms and ran her fingers through his hair as she tried to pull him into an even deeper kiss. Then with one hand, she began to unbutton his shirt until it was open and she gently ran her fingers over his hairy chest.
He ran his hands over her back and her sides and felt her ribs through her shirt. He tugged and lifted her shirt and they broke their kiss briefly so he could lift her shirt over her head. He tossed her shirt on the table behind them and enjoyed tracing his hands over her warm scented skin to her breasts hidden in their lace bra. He made short work of her bra and lowered his head to take her breasts in his mouth. Her breasts were firm and her
nipples perfectly sized, marking her arousal as he found them with his tongue and gently nibbled them.
Hope moaned as she pulled his face into her breasts. He struggled for breath briefly as she pressed him against her breast as hard as she could. Then she released him and he moved to her other breast with a gasp of breath. His hands moved down and pushed up her skirt. He applied gentle pressure to her knees and she willingly obliged, parting her legs and letting him step even closer to where she sat on the top of the counter.
His hands traveled up her thighs softly but hastily exploring her legs. His fingers traced lines on the outsides of her thighs and then moved to the insides of her thighs. He grabbed her flesh in his hands and massaged it roughly as he enjoyed the closeness and the sexiness of her legs he had seen earlier on the sofa.
Finally, his hand settled on her panties. He touched her softly and realized her panties were already soaked. He stroked her softly through her panties and gradually increased the pressure. He felt her juices soak through her panties and mold to her pussy as he stroked her. His fingers were soon from her juices as well.
He replaced one hand with the other as he smelled her on his fingers and then put them in her mouth so she could taste herself.
He massaged her with his other hand as she moaned and sucked his fingers. Then he withdrew his fingers from her mouth and pushed her panties aside. He slipped his fingers into her. One finger, two, and then three. She moved on the countertop trying to position herself to get maximum pleasure from his fingers but he slid them out and grabbed her
panties, tugging at them, indicating that they needed to go.
She lifted her ass briefly letting him slip her thong off and down her legs. Then he moved in close again and she wasted no time dropping her hands to his pants. She found his belt and undid it even as his fingers found her wet lips and entered her again. She hesitated, recovering from the ecstasy of his fingers inside her before she unzipped his pants. She pushed them down with his boxer shorts, releasing his aching cock. She stroked it quickly, roughly, craving it inside her. Her head was still thrown back with pleasure as he lavished her neck with attention. She hadn’t seen his cock but from touching it she knew it was huge.
“Fuck me,” she moaned as he fingered her deeply.
He pulled his fingers out and she felt his head greet her entrance. He slid it up and down, lubricating it before he slowly started to enter her.
He was big. Enormous. She felt herself stretch slowly, to accommodate him as he pushed into her.
“Oh yes!” she whispered in ecstasy. “You’re … so … fucking… huge!”
“Should I stop?’ he whispered.
“No!” she gasped. “Split me, skewer me, impale me, and tear me all the way open!”
“Your wish is my command,” he replied as he began to thrust hard and deep.
Hope screamed with pleasure. She thought she would die from ecstasy or pain. She wasn’t sure which initially, but as he thrust into her repeatedly, deeper and deeper, she knew she might die from ecstasy.
Finally, he paused his thrusting and lifted her off the kitchen counter. His lips found hers and they kissed again as he carried her to the room. Her legs were wrapped around his waist and he remained inside her as they made their way to the room.
When they reached his room, he sat on the bed and then lay back.
Hope now straddled him and began to ride him rapidly as she moaned with pleasure. He reached up and took one beautiful, firm breast in each hand. He massaged them and lifted his head taking turns to flick each nipple with his tongue. Then he pulled her face down to kiss her before his hands circled her body to clutch her firm, round ass.
He spanked her ass cheeks alternately as she rode him more and more vigorously until she screamed as her orgasm ripped through her. She quivered with ecstasy and he increased his thrusts which seemed to drive her even wilder as she continued to moan and whimper with pleasure.
He felt her pussy clenching his cock with her orgasm and felt himself respond with the increased tightness of her sheath. He began to swell and she moaned as she felt him growing still bigger in her tight hole.
Then he exploded in her and she felt his cum striking her womb as he squirted again and again inside her. Then finally they were still as she lay down on top of him and listened to his heart beating.
He was silent too wondering what the hell he had just done.
He chastised himself. He was a fool for letting his self-control go. This woman was a criminal and he was going to have to arrest her. She couldn’t continue her activities in his town. He had worked long and hard to become the Chief of Police. This was his kingdom and he couldn’t afford to fuck it up.
Finally, she rolled off him onto the bed.
“That was the best,” she murmured as she nibbled his ear.
“Thanks. You were awesome too,” he replied as he continued staring at the ceiling.
She raised herself onto her elbow and ran her fingers through the hair on his chest. She sensed that something wasn’t right.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
Zane turned to look into her eyes and then looked away quickly as he felt his resolve begin to crumble.
“You can’t stay here,” he said calmly.
“I know. But it would be the best place to stay. No-one would ever look for me in your house, now would they?”
“What?” Zane was surprised, “I wasn’t talking about my house. I was talking about Hurstville. You can’t stay here. You need to leave town else I’m going to have to arrest you.”
“So arrest me now,” she smiled as she began kissing his chest. He didn’t react but he didn’t stop her either.
“I don’t want to. Just move on. Go to another town Hope.”
“I can’t Zane. I don’t get to choose where I go and set up shop. I’m told where to do it.”
“By who? Tell me who they are so I can arrest them and then we can end this.”
“It’s not that easy Zane,” Hope replied.
“I can’t tell you who gives me orders.”
“Why not? There’s a witness protection program. If your boss is that important, I’m sure we can get you into it.”
“That’s not an option, Zane.”
“Why not?”
Hope sighed, “I can’t tell you. You’ll be in danger if I tell you. Trust me.”
“Well, you can’t be here. I’m the chief of this town and I’m responsible for everything that happens here. You’re not going to start peddling drugs here. I won’t let it happen.”
“So arrest me then. Arrest me right now chief,” Hope said. She sat up and held her arms out to him, hands together, squeezing her breasts together between her upper arms.