Ghastly looking, careworn closed to decay was the skin of her face, wrinkled beyond recognition. Beards as tough as a man’s. Her eyes looked savage, they showed raw hunger filled with cruelty and hatred, looking just like a snake eyes, very calculating.
The few hair on her scalp were lice infested, and some fell on her pointy huge long nose, almost reaching her thin bloodless lips with hid her row of rotten set of teeth.
She finally broke the silent with her hiss voice asking her assistant to pass her a small knife wrapped in a thin slik clothing material.
She was dressed in a slik white material, matching the cloth on the knife, AMARGO was ready for the sacrifice.
An alter made of brick stone was set up, sanctified for the activity soon to be performed, another replica was placed by it’s side.
The two alter was build by the same person who had built them In the past centuries for Amargo. Azara poured liquid perfume oil on the two alter she had just finishing erecting for Amargo’s sacrifice.
The supreme Witch AMARGO was now old with a decayed skin, and the only way to preserve her beauty was the sacrificing of a young Innocent female Elf.
They were beautiful, stronger, and lived a longer life than the humans.
Queen struggled in the arms of Azara, the twelve year old Elf fell prey to the devices of this two witches.
Amargo was amazed by Queen’s beauty immediately she walked into the graveyard were the sacrifice was to take place. The thought that the beauty of Queen would soon become her’s made her fingers tingle. Sooner than she expected, she would be able to look at herself in the mirror without feeling disgusted.
She walks up to Queen who was bound in both hands and mouth by Azara.
Amargo used her long un kept nails filled with dirty from clay and rotten flesh, and stretched it to grace Queens soft, white, spotless baby skin face, imagining it on hers.
You Don’t Have To Be Scared Queen, Soon All This Would Be Over, And You Would Be Free Forever.
Queens ear stood at the sound of that, her freedom was what she needed.
Are You Sure Ma’am? I Would Be Grateful To Have My Freedom Back, My Poor Mother Should Be Worried Sick By Now. The Weather Gets More Freezing By The Day, And I Was Sent To Get Some Firewood To Heat Up The Fire Place.
Queens voice sounded like rat chatting in AMARGO ear. The lesser queens talk, the better for them.
Why Don’t You Save Your Strength For Your Journey Queen, I Heard Your Destination Is Quite Far.
Ma’am you right, my home is quite far from here, it would be wise if I stopped talking and save my strength.
Amargo forced a smile as she pointed a long glass filled with green liquid to Queen. Even in her state of confusion, Queen took the cup in her hand, but she couldn’t help the questioning look on her face.
Amargo put Queens heart and doubt to rest, as she told her the first lie that came to her mind.
It’s Herbal Queen, It’s An Energy Drink That Would Give You Strength. Drink It, And You Would Feel On Top Of The World.
Ma’am I Hope You Find Your Lost Daughter, She Should Know What A Good Woman You Are.
Queen directed her eyes to look at Azara standing in a corner after speaking her mind to Amargo.
You Can’t Just Be Taking Children In Search of You Masters Child.
Naive innocent Queen drank the liquid in her hand, trusting Amargo and the lie about finding her lost child blindly. She felt light headed, and couldn’t stop smiling until she fell losing her consciousness almost reaching the ground before Amargo caught hold of her laying her straight facing up on one of the alters prepared by Azara.
Queen had been purified and accepted by Amargo’s god, now the next step was the slaughtering of the sacrifice.
Este es el sacrificio de ofrenda que te traigo, como razón de esto, su belleza será pasada a mí, y su espíritu llevó a pasar a los otros mundos.
Amargo repeated her chant over and over again. She raised the knife above Queen, in the direction of her heart.
Toda su belleza es mía, su vida se me agrega … Así será.
Amargo lowered the knife, and it went through Queens heart. Blood gush out smearing every where especially on Amargo’s face.
Amargo let out an evil laughter as she began to fill goosebumps all over her body. It was working, and soon she would be young again, her beautiful young self again.
Queens body began to get wrinkled and dried up by the second, her big beautiful eyes entered her eye socket turning to Amargo lifeless ones. Her plumb lips grew thin and her long hair disappeared. Queens breast sagged, and her finger and toe nails cracked. Soon she was a shadow of her formal self, and all that was left was a rotten decayed Queen.
Amargo could feel the difference, and immediately requested for a mirror from Azara.
Azara brought the mirror at Amargo order.
Amargo felt good to be back, she was done with hiding, and it was time to announce to the world of her resurrection, it was time to install fear and affliction back to the world, and rescue the witches, her sisters out from their hiding, and create a world they can life in, a word they dreamt of living in. A world that would fear them, a world they would reign supreme over it.
Amargo glance at queen, not even an iota of pity lies in her heart for the child she just murderer in cold blood.
Amargo knew what must be done next, she needed to resurrect her army, and needed to plant in moles working for her.
Her mind takes her to her formal ex Vampire lover, a man that would do anything and pay any price just to have her attention.