Gabriella Monet POV
“Gabriella, wake up!” Someone yelled into my ears. The voice was too loud that I thought my ears were going to bleed. My eyes fluttered open and I was surprised to be laying on a bed. It was a queen-sized bed and when I looked around there was nothing else in the room apart from the bed.
“Gabriella,” The voice sounded again.
“Who is there?” I shouted.
Instead of answering me, the person laughed at me. “Who the hell are you?”
“Can’t you guess gabby?” The voice retorted.
“Being sarcastic won’t get you anywhere.”
“It’s me, Bianca.” As soon as she said that, she appeared right in front of me with a flash of light that almost blind my eyes.
“Oh my God!” I shouted and fell out of the bed. Bianca burst into laughter when she saw how scared I was. “What’s was that for?” I shouted at her.
“I made just made an entrancing girl.” She laughed and sat down on the bed.
“Where I’m I and why are you here?”.
“Care to guess,” she was being sarcastic again.
“I have no time for your silly jokes Bianca. Why do you keep appearing to me? I didn’t kill you.”
“Yeah I know,” she bites into her nails. “You refused to find out the evil one in the castle.”
“If you know who the so-called evil person is then tell me rather than appearing in my dream all the time. I don’t even know you.”
“Right.” Bianca stood up from the bed and walked towards the entrance of the room. “If you keep ignoring your mission, everyone around you will vanish and you will be all alone just like this bed.”
Her voice resounded in my ears as I thought of being alone. I didn’t want to be alone. I wanted to have people around me. I want to be loved and be happy. “How do I find the evil one?” I questioned.
“It’s your destiny dear. Goodbye!” She clapped her hands.
“No, wait.”
I gasped for breath as I woke up from the dream. I looked beside me and saw Slade sleeping peacefully. I came out of the bed and walked out of the room. Bianca’s warning resounded in my ear as I walked down the hallway having no idea of where I was going. I didn’t want to be alone.
“There you are, “Luciana’s annoying voice sounded opposite me. Both her hands were placed on her waist as she walked towards me. ” Quite the joke you pulled out there little human.”
I gave her no reply and pretend I didn’t hear or see her. “Keep ignoring me, little human.” I hated that word. How dare she call me a little human? As if I was little. “You missed the best part of it,” she smirked.
She walked closer to me and bent to whisper to me. “Slade and I are getting married!”
I wanted to reply to her but I just stood there and watched as she talked about how their wedding was coming up in two months. Every word she made about herself and Slade sent multiple daggers into my heart. It’s felt as if my heart was getting stabbed every two seconds with the dagger. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I shut her up. “Are you done!” I shouted.
She blinked and burst into laughter. “Are you jealous?” She questioned and when I didn’t reply, she slapped my arm. “You should be little human because you are nothing. I see you getting closer to Slade lately but I must say you are a fool if you do not realize that Slade has no feeling for the likes of you. ” She smiled. “Should I tell you a story, little human?”
I covered my ears to block her out but she grabbed my hand and whispered into my ear.” stay away from Slade you dirty little thing!” She scoffed and walked past me.
I let her insult me because it has to do with Slade. They could get married for all I care but I felt betrayed because I thought Slade and I were getting closer but everything we had was all a lie. It’s wasn’t just about the kisses and hugs, it’s was the bond we shared.
I thought of what Bianca said to me in my dream and placed a hand on my mouth as I wanted to scream out but all that came out was a whimper. The tears rushed down my face and I tried to wipe them off but they kept coming.
“I found you here again.” I recognized the voice anywhere. It’s was Teale’s. He stood in front of me and brushed the tears off my face. “What happened to you Gab?”
I looked up at him with my teary face and burst into tears. This time I cried out. Teale pulled me closer to himself and I bury my face into his shirt. I continue to cry while he gently caresses my hair.
After the meltdown, Teale took me to our favorite spot. We sat under the tree and talked about ourselves. “When my father was alive. He used to take my sister and me to a mountain.” I smiled as I remembered how my dad used to sneak us out of our tent and take us to the mountain.
“You must miss him.”
“I do.”
“Gabby,” Teale called and I looked at him. “Is lady Aneka your sister?” He questioned.
I bite my lips and nodded. Teale heaved a sigh and grabbed my hand. “I wonder why she slapped you but don’t worry, If he was truly your sister, she would come around.”
“People change.” I sniffled.
“It’s going to be okay.” Teale pulled me into a hug and pat my back.
“Thank you. You are the best.”
We discuss more ourselves and I found out that Teale had a tattoo on his back. “I got it when my dad left. It’s a picture of a wolf who looks up to the moon. Will you like to see it?”
“Uhm, maybe later.” I wanted to see the tattoo but people who walked past were staring and whispering amongst themselves. I wasn’t ready to be a topic in the castle yet. “We should go back.” I pointed to the castle.
“Right.” He stood up and grabbed my hand. “Let’s go,” he pulled my hands and we both walked into the Castle’s hand in hand. We bumped into Aneka and Lord Xavier. Teale held my hand tight as we walked past them.
“Gabriella?” I heard Xavier call but I didn’t turn but stood in the same spot. “Don’t you have something to say to my Wife?” He demanded.
My heart skipped a beat at the mention of my supposed Sister. I turned and looked at her. Her hands were on her belly and when she looked at me, it was a look of hatred.
“Lord Xavier,” Teale came to my rescue. “She was mistaken yesterday. I apologize on her behalf.”
“Let’s her speak for herself,” Xavier’s voice was stern and powerful and I trembled at the sound of his voice. “Apologize!” He commanded.
I trembled and bent her head. I didn’t know what to say because, for the first time, I was scared. I was hoping my supposed sister would come to my rescue but she just stood there and watched as I was being shouted at.
When Xavier didn’t get a response from me, he walked to me and raised his hand to slap me. I waited for it but didn’t come. “what?” Xavier’s hand was caught in the air by Slade.
“When did you appear here?” I thought when our eyes met.
Slade smiled at me and bought Xavier’s hand down. “How dare you try to touch my Slave?” He yelled at him.
Xavier trembled like I did earlier and tried to say Something but Slade cut him off. “How dare you?”
“That’s enough Slade! ” Teale shouted but Slade was getting Started.
“You dare to hit my Slave!”
“Your highness, I….,” Xavier stuttered and in a blink of an eye, Slade grabbed him by the throat and pinned him to the wall.
“Your highness!” Lady Aneka shouted. “Please have mercy!” She begged. “Please!” She bows her head.
“You should have warned him when he lay hands on my Slave!” Slade refused to let go of Xavier and tightened his from on his neck.
“Do something, Gabriella!” I heard Aneka shout. I turned to look at her and saw her teary eyes. Her hands were joined together as she begged.” please do something.”
“I….” I couldn’t form a word as seeing Aneka broke my heart. Even if she wasn’t my sister, I didn’t want to see her cry.”Slade!” I moved closer to him. “Slade!” I shouted.
Slade turned to face me and then growled at me.” please let him go.” I touched his arm and he groaned. “Please,” I begged.
Slade growled and release his grip on Xavier’s throat.”This is a warning Xavier. The next time you even try to lay hands on her hair. I’ll cut your throat.” Slade threatened and grabbed my hand.
“Where are you taking me to?” I questioned.
He looked at Teale and then looked at me.” I need to talk to you.”
“Why?” I protested.
Instead of replying with words, He carried him in a bridal style.”Slade!” I shouted.
He ran out of the lobby and in a blink of an eye, he was inside his room. “Put me down!” I yelled.
“Shut up Gabriella!” He retorted and laid me on the bed. He pinned my hands to the bed and leaned in to kiss me but I turned my head and his kiss landed on my cheek. “Really?” He lets out a dry laugh. “Why?”
Why? I couldn’t believe he would ask me that question. “I’m not some pleasure slave you could kiss anytime Slade. I know about your upcoming wedding with Luciana.” I let the cat out of the bed.
“I’m not getting married to Luciana!” He denied. “My father planned it and he just announced it last night.” He tried to defend himself but I didn’t care. I pushed him off me and stood up from the bed.
“Whatever you do is none of my business Slade.”
“You sure,” he grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to him. “I don’t affect you,” he placed a hand on my cheek and caressed it gently. He placed his hand on my lips and traced it down to my neck. My body shook and I felt a surge of electricity throughout my body.
“Slade,” I moaned under his touch. I couldn’t resist him after all Luciana said to me. I had fallen hard for him and I might later fall into a pit.
Slade kissed me on the neck and trailed the kisses down to my breast. He turned me over and laid me on the bed. He leaned in and kissed me on the lips. The kiss was rough as he sucked on my Lips and grabbed my ass. As much as I liked Slade, I didn’t want to have anything with him until I was sure that the feeling was mutual and not one-sided.
“S…. lade,” I tried to say in between the kiss. Instead of replying, he pinned my hand to my sides and sucked on my neck.”Slade!” I moaned.
I couldn’t even control myself as he sucked and kissed my neck. “Slade!” I shouted and just then a knock sounded on his door.
We both turned to look at the door. “Excepting someone?” I questioned but he shook his head.
“Slade!” Luciana’s voice sounded outside the door. “I’m coming in Slade!” She announced.
The doorknob turned and Slade and I stared at each other.
Oh no.