Gabriella Monet POV
I didn’t know how long I’d been locked up in the darkroom but my lips and legs were shaking hard on the cold ground. I was suffering because humans are worthless to vampires. We were nothing and even if we are right, to them we were always wrong.
They didn’t even listen to what I had to say before tossing me into the dungeon. I thought about how humans were living until I fell asleep.
I had a dream and in the dream, it was about Slade and me. In the dream, we were outside the castle stargazing.
“That’s a pretty one,” I pointed to the brightest star in the sky.
” And that’s one too,” Slade had said and pointed to another star in the sky.
I could not believe I was having a crazy dream. A dream that would never happen in real life. I hated Slade’s gut and I never for once wished we would be together. The girl in the dream looked like me but had blonde hair.
” Promise me one thing Slade?” the girl who looked like me said.
”What’s that Bianca?” Slade asked.
This was the Bianca everyone had been talking about.
She looked exactly like me except for the hair. My hair was black while she was blonde.
“Promise me one thing Slade,” Bianca said.
“What’s that Bianca?”Slade had replied.
“Promise me that you’ll always remember Me even if I die” she looked at him Anxiously, waiting patiently for an answer.
“Why would you talk about death Bianca?”
“Because I’m going to die soon. I’m human and you are a vampire. I’m your slave and you are my master. There is a rule guiding it.”
“I’m going to turn you and make you my bride. You are mine for eternity” Slade assured and pulled Bianca for a hug. “Together forever Bianca”
“Together forever”
I woke up with a gasp and sat up. I was still in the darkroom. My face was wet from sweating too much and I could feel my heart racing.
“was that a dream or a memory?”I asked no one in particular. “Oh my God, that’s was Bianca in my room. The girl that looked exactly like me.”I let out a gasp.
What kind of dream was that? Why was I dreaming about someone who had died a long time ago?
These thoughts went through my mind as I laid back on the ground and close my eyes, hoping that I wouldn’t have to dream about Bianca and Slade again.
The cracking noise from the dungeon door woke me up. I opened my eyes as two men dragged me out of the dungeon violently.
“Where are you taking me?”I protested and tried to break free from their grip. “Let’s me go, I didn’t do anything wrong. Let’s me go!!!”I shouted.
I was dragged into the arena. An opening spot probably for executions. I was pushed to a chair and was forced to seat down on the chair against my will.
“If you want to kill me, just do it fast and stop wasting my time!”I shouted.
None of them replied to me instead, they tied my hands and foot to the chair. I was so angry that I yelled again.
“Kill me and let me go in peace!”I shouted at them but they pretended they didn’t hear me.
Soon, some vampires and their slaves gathered in the arena to witness what was about to befall me. I didn’t care or pay attention to them. All I cared about was how I was going to die a painless death.
“The king is here” a short man announced as the king walked into the arena. He sat on a chair that was opposite me and began to talk.
“I welcome you all to the punishment arena. This slave did something outrageous yesterday,” the king pointed at me before he continued what he was saying. “She slapped a noble person and she would be punished for it. Samuel and Gideon, “he called two guards that had pulled me out from the dungeon. “whip her a hundred times.” the king ordered.
Samuel and Gideon both took a whip from one of the weapons in the arena and walked to where I was tied down. I was untied and made to kneel. Both my hands were tied behind my back. I didn’t expect that I would be whipped. I thought I was going to get killed. Even death was better than the humiliation and pain that I was about to go through.
“This would serve as a warning to slaves who think the vampires are their equals. You may begin!” he gave the order and a bell sounded.
When the first whip landed on my back, I closed my eyes and sucked in the pain. The second whip came and I bite my lips to stop myself from screaming. I couldn’t show my weakness in front of some vampire. I’m Gabriella, a strong and brave girl. I never give up and I wasn’t going to all because I was beaten up.
Through my blurry vision, I could see the queen, Daphne, and her master entering the arena. The queen gave me a pitying look and walked to where the king was seating.
“George please stop this” the queen begged.
I was surprised because the queen, a vampire was begging for me. I couldn’t believe what I heard. Maybe it was the effect of the whip.
“Don’t beg me, my queen. She deserved it”the king said and watched me with hatred on his face.
The queen gave up and took a seat beside the king. What was I expecting? All the vampires were the same. I looked around and saw Daphne crying in a corner while her master tried to console her. I looked around for Slade and saw him speaking with his girlfriend; the girl who had put me in this position.
I had Lost count of the beating after taking like twenty whips but I could feel my back on fire. The two men were whipping me aggressively like I was some wood. I wanted to scream but I had lost my voice. The only thing I could do was cry in silence. The warm tears flow down my face and I was slowly losing my breath. Blood spilled out from my mouth and dropped to the ground. I couldn’t hold back my scream as I felt my back splitting in half. I raised my head when I couldn’t take it again and screamed out.
“Ahaaaaaaaaaaa, “I screamed out. My voice was really loud and I bet everyone in the world could hear my scream. I struggle to keep my eyes open. I tried to be strong but the severe pain in my back wasn’t helping. I muttered some words I could barely hear myself and fell to the ground.
“Father stop!”I could hear Slade shout.
“Have you lost it, prince Slade? Let me die cause that’s your wish” I didn’t say it aloud.
He looked at me and turned to face his father. “Father! I apologize on her behalf. Please father” he went down on his knees and beg for me.
The king stood up from where he was seating and gave his order.
“That’s enough you both,” he said to Gideon and Samuel. ” if she is dead, burn her corpse. And if she is still alive, Warn her because the next time she tries to do this, I’ll kill her myself” he warned and at the same time threatened to kill me. The king walked out of the arena with the queen and the guards trailing behind him.
Slade appeared in front of me with his superspeed and Carried me into his arms.
“See where your lousy mouth has gotten you to,” he said as he carried me.
I opened my eyes and smirked at him.
“fuck you Slade”
I closed my eyes and blackout.
Slade POV
After the party ended, I retired to my room that’s night and had the weirdest dream. it was a dream about Bianca and me. I woke up with a groan and couldn’t go back to sleep because I didn’t want to see Bianca’s face.
Why was I having a dream about a girl who died a long time ago? I needed answers and no one could give me an answer to why I was dreaming about Bianca. As I couldn’t go back to sleep I went to the library And read some old books on vampires.
The rays of the morning sun and a loud voice woke me up. I had slept late because I couldn’t stop thinking about the dream I had.
“Slade. It happening” Kyle shouted.
“What?”I questioned. I stared at him with a confused look because I had no idea of what he had said.
“Did you lose you’d brain over the night?” he jokingly asked.
I didn’t answer instead I folded my arms and glared at him.
“The King Is in the arena now and they are about to start the whipping”
“What whipping?”I asked in confusion.
“Gabriella’s punishment! “he shouted.
” oh no, “I stood up from where I was seating and rushed to my room with my super speed. I took my bath and dressed up. When I was done I walked to the arena where the punishment of Gabriella was taking place.
Gabriella deserves what she was going through because she was a rude and sassy girl. Why would she put herself into trouble every time? Bianca was far different from her. Bianca was a nice, gentle and pure girl while Gabriella was a stubborn, rude, and arrogant girl.
Someone touched me and stood beside me. It was none other than Luciana.
“She deserves what she is going through because she is a bitch “Luciana commented beside me. “how would a human slave slap my face and get away with it?” she throws the question at me but I didn’t answer. “I’m going to be the future queen and slaves like this deserves a death sentence.”
“Yes, they do”I replied with uncertainty. I wasn’t sure if she was even going to be my queen.
As the beating continued I remembered what Teale said on the night of the ball.
“You couldn’t save Bianca when she was thrown inside the dungeon. You killed her Slade”
The word resounded in my head and I knew I had to do something. I didn’t want her to die as Bianca did. I would never forgive myself if she dies.
“Ahaaaaaaaaaaa” I could hear Gabriella scream.
I couldn’t bear to see her In pain even though I hated her attitude. I decided to put an end to the beating.
“Father stop!”I shouted and walked to the front of the arena.
“Have you lost it, prince Slade? Let me die cause that’s your wish” That’s what was she said in her mind as I walked to the arena.
I looked at her and ignored her thoughts and went on my knees and begged for her, something I would never do for my brother.
“Father! I apologize on her behalf. Please father” I begged.
My father stood up and gave the orders for the beatings to stop.
That’s enough you both” he said to Gideon and Samuel. ” if she is dead, burn her corpse. And if she is still alive, Warn her because the next time she tries to do this, I’ll kill her myself” he warned and at the same time threatened to kill her.
“Believe me. when my father threatens to do something, he always does it.”
my father walked out of the arena with my mother and the guards trailing behind him.
I appeared in front of Gabriella with my superspeed and Carried her into my arms.
“See where your lousy mouth has gotten you to,” I said as I carried her.
Gabriella opened her eyes and smirked at me.
“This girl is something else,” I thought.
“fuck you, Slade,” she thought and blacked out in my arms.
Gabriella is such a problem.