Chapter 6

Book:To Love A Lich Published:2024-5-1

Morning came fast and so did a running stomach. Clair awoke with a strong urge to use the toilet. She knew that if she wasted another minute, she could relieve herself there on the couch. She quickly rushed to the toilet, brought down her pants and let out a sigh of relief as she released the contents of her bowels.
What happened? Ugghh
She bent her head and placed her hands on both sides of her face.
What do you think? Of course you have to pay for all that gluttony.
She knew she couldn’t be constipating today of all days. After she finished she cleaned up and opened her overhead shelf where she keeps her first aid kit, supplements and emergency medication. She brought out an over the counter drug she got a while back when she had a similar experience. The medication was in form of a powder, she went to the kitchen, fetched a cup and poured the drug inside. She added some amount of water to it till the glass was half filled and watched as bubble rose to the mixture’s surface. She stirred it and drank it all in a few gulps. Clair rinsed the cup, sat down for a few minutes and then went to the room to change into her running gear. She tied her shoe lace, plugged her ear pods and out she went.
When she got back from her road walk, she brushed her teeth, washed her hair and had her bath.
She spent a lot of time on her hair, straightening it to look presentable. She opted for a bone straight style which she quite easily slithered into a tight low bun.
She always dressed stark and masculine for interviews. It discouraged all but the most stubborn of ass holes from making a pass at her. No matter how hard she tried for the stern, unfeeling school matron look, there was always some perv who was into that. Go figure. It also commanded a little respect especially from all those misogynistic men.
She does not abhor male attention, no. But when she attended official meetings like this one, she’d rather not be carried away by sentiments or her hormones. She dated here and there a good number of fine men, but they were all nothing serious. The thought of long commitments scared her for some unknown reasons and whenever she found that any of her partners at the time was beginning to develop feelings for her, she found a reason for them to break up. She preferred a no strings attached agreement but so far, emotions seems to creep in no matter how hard they tried. It’s been almost six months since her last relationship and from the way things were looking, it might stretch into a whole year.
She wore a khaki green top and a black three quarter sleeve length blouse. She tucked it in and wore her belt. Going through her shoe rack, she went for black flats and a black purse too. She got her woolen coat with furs inside down from where it hung and then put it on because of the cold weather outside. The coat was black too.
Helps to keep the look dark. Just the way I want it.
She checked herself out in the mirror. Her ever present lucky red stone necklace was under her blouse so she brought it to the surface.
There, all set and ready to go. She slides her hands on her blouse and trouser as if to straighten it with them.
She grabbed her mini travelling bag and purse from the bedroom, her car keys from the dinning and headed out through the front door. She locked it and put the key into her purse.
“Ok, here goes nothing.” Clair said out loud letting out a low whistle.
Clair walked to the Main road and waited for a cab. After a while, she finally saw one.
“The airport.” She told the driver when she was inside.
At the airport, she went through all the normal routine check and boarded the flight. A very pretty flight attendant accompanied her to the first class section. Clair was marvelled by how exquisitely crafted everything was inside the first class compartment.
She has never flown this class before because her paycheck only afforded her the economy class. There was a mini bar by the side of the room. At the far end, she could see what looked to be a restroom from the placards that said ‘male’ and ‘female’.
That would come in very handy. Oh Clair, why did you have to go and overeat.
Her stomach made weird noises every few minutes and she hoped to God that the air hostess in front of her did not hear it.
“You can seat anywhere you like. The plane will be taking off soon. I’ll bring you some snack and a drink. Is that ok with you Ms Fisher?” The hostess asked Clair.
“Yes. Yes, that will be very fine. Thank you.”
“Alright, what snack and drink would you prefer Ma’am?”
“A croissant and cold sprite, if you have it that is.”
“I’ll be right back with it Ma’am. In the meantime, make yourself comfortable and keep your seat belts fastened at all time.” With that she left.
Clair appraised her sorroundings once again and finally settled in a seat near the window. She could feel the plane rising in the air. She brought out the magazine she wanted to read when she was onboard. It was a cosmopolitan tabloid that featured the mayor of the state. Clair Opened it and started to read.
She heard steps approaching behind her and saw the flight attendant advancing in her direction, a large stainless tray in her hand. When she got to Clair, she carefully dropped the tray on the table in front of Clair.
“Thank you.” Clair greeted her.
“Not a problem at all Ms Fisher. If you need any other thing, just press the intercom button on the table and someone will attend to you.”
“Ok, got that.”
“Do have a wonderful time aboard the plane Ms Fisher.”
“Don’t worry about that. I have already made plans to enjoy myself very much. And I’ll be starting with this sweet smelling croissant rolls in front of me.”
“I’m glad to hear that.” The hostess indulged her with a smile and left.
Clair glanced at the tray in front of her. There were two golden brown croissant rolls, one bottle of sprite and about three bars of chocolate.
She picked up one of the croissant and took a bite. “Hmmm. Tastes heavenly.” She said with her mouth full. She finished the two rolls in a tiny record, drank her sprite and then opened her Magazine and continued reading.
After some minutes, she felt the urge to use the restroom and rushed to ease herself.
Better here than the research compound. How humiliating it would be if I get there and while we’re discussing something important I feel pressed. Then i’ll have to excuse myself to go take a shit. Embarrassing as fuck!
She finished and got back to her seat. Clair picked up the magazine again and continued her reading till the enticing hands of sleep reeled her in. She woke up to the voice of the flight attendant announcing that they have landed in Alaska and passengers should kindly come down.
Clair put her Magazine back into her purse and made her way out of the plane. She collected her travelling bag and at the waiting room where a lot of people waited for their loved ones and what nots, Clair saw a tall big muscled man with a crew cut holding up a placard that had her name written boldly on it. She waved at the man and his head swivelled in her direction. He was dressed like a military man, from his crew cut to his army khaki clothes and bullet proof vest to his boots. He was wearing an earpiece like device with wires that went into his clothes.
“Ms. Fisher?”
“I am Jude. I work for Mr silver in his security team. He ordered me to escort you to a private air strip not so far from here. Mr Rick Silver himself Is waiting for you there.”
“Alright then. Lead the way Jude”
“Let me help you with your bag.” He took the travelling bag from her.
“Thank you.”
She walked some steps behind him. They finally stopped in front of a black lamborghini.
“Wow! Such a nice ride you’ve got here.” Clair exclaimed
“Wait until you see the inside.” Jude told her with a wink.
And just as he promised, the interior of the car was a far greater marvel. Only years of self development and schooling her facial expressions stopped Clair’s jaws from hitting the floor of the car. To say the car was exquisite would be a great understatement.
When the car started, Clair found herself being caught in another wave of awe. The revving of the engine set a low pulsating vibration throughout the whole car and when it moved, she wondered if the tires touched the ground because it felt as if they were flying. They overtook other vehicles on the road with so much ease and before Clair knew it, they were bending into what looked to be a wide open coal tarred space. She could see what looked like a private jet at the end of the field.
“Are we there yet?” She asked Jude just to be certain.
“Yes Ms Fisher, we’re here.” Jude replied opening the two doors with a button he pressed. She got out and waited for him while he collected her travelling bag from the hood.
They walked together towards the plane. The cold winter air blowing in the open space made them both quicken their steps. After some minutes of walking, Clair could see the stairs of the private jet unfolding. When it fully opened, the silhouette of a man perched at the top of the stairs. She assumed it was Rick Silver and she waved.
Then the dreaded took place.
It all happened so fast, one minute she was fine and thinking of what she would say to Rick Silver when she sees him, the next minute a bullet zapped past her narrowly missing her and hitting the car behind them. Luckily the car was bullet proof, so the bullet’s impact on it was merely a spark. Clair was still confused as to what was going on.
“Jude, what is happening. Huh?” She turned to her companion to ask. Far in front of her, she saw some men dressed just like Jude only that they had helmets on coming down from the jets and shooting towards the left. Turning her eyes in the direction they were attacking, she saw two truck with guns attached to the roof. Another bullet wheezed past her. Jude tried to cover her.
“Get down Ms Fisher. Someone is shooting…” Before he could complete his sentence, a second bullet was shot. It hit in the shoulder. Jude fell on the tarmac floor, blood seeping out from his wounded shoulder. “Get down.” Jude managed to say, his voice still audible. His face knotted in serious pain. Clair gasped as Jude fell to the ground.
By now Clair knew she was already in trouble. But getting down was not going to solve anything as they were in an an open space with nothing to hide behind. She looked at the private jet.
No. No. To far.
She looked back at the lamborghini and decided to make a run and hide behind it.
But her speed was nothing compared to that of a bullet. The third bullet hit her right between her chest. She fell to the ground, her empty eyes staring into space.
Clair Fisher lay there on the ground.