78 The Tickle

Book:The Search for Freedom Published:2024-5-1

Cain was always at the right time. Therefore, I wouldn’t need to rob or exert too much force to kill the callous sun man, because Cain could surely kill him in just a second, though I knew he must not be the one to kill him, for it was my task. He should go first into hell to feel the pain caused by being burned.
We went back to the place where the sun man was through teleportation, but it was already late; he wasn’t there anymore. I saw nothing but the empty playground, houses and buildings, standing ahead, the sun was hiding behind them.
“Do you have any idea where he went?” I asked.
“I don’t have. How about you?” Cain replied.
“You don’t have? I don’t have either, but you’re so powerful to say that you don’t. You’re not telling the truth.”
“Honestly, I’m telling you the truth, and it’s only you who thinks that I’m so powerful. Especially that my power has a limit and sometimes magic won’t work because of the curse.”
“Maybe you’re not as powerful as I thought, but don’t tell me that I’m the only one who thinks you’re so powerful, because you sometimes bragged about it.”
“I know, but that’s the truth; I don’t have any idea where the sun man went. We cannot change that,” Cain added.
“Don’t tell me that, man; there’s something used to tell me the place where that malevolent man went,” I replied.
“Whoa!” He interjected. “‘Malevolent’ is a big adjective, but don’t you know that you’re the malevolent one? It’s you who wished to do evil to others.”
“Why only me? Don’t say that, because we’re the same. Have you forgotten you were the one who involved me here?” I asked.
He sighed and replied, “That’s enough. You should tell me what you’ll do to find out where your enemy went so that we can kill him quickly. There’s no doubt, we’re both malevolent.”
Maybe Cain was telling the truth that he wasn’t powerful enough, because if he was, he already knew what used to tell me something I wanted to know, the power of hearing. He must also knew where the sun man went, these evidences were telling that he wasn’t powerful as I thought. And I could be more powerful than him, and that could be only gained if I mastered all magics.
I didn’t want to tell him I had a secret power, because nothing would changed. I knew it could help me if I need its help, especially if Cain wanted to break our partnership in doing crime. I could be more powerful than anyone through it. And right there, I needed its help to know where the sun man went. Fortunately, it worked and it told me the place where exactly he went.
“So, what are we going to do? Do you really know where your enemy went? Or you just want to do nothing?” Cain asked.
“Of course I have, follow me and I will bring you there.” I walked on the grasses towards the houses ahead, while Cain also followed me, but I halted when he held my shoulder.
“Wait! Why are you going to walk if we can teleport?”
“That’s indolent man, my stomach will become bigger if I won’t walk, look at yours, I don’t want to have that stomach of yours, why I should be walking than teleporting.”
“Don’t be bad, I don’t have a big stomach at all, it’s just normal, why are you worrying about little things though you’re not even eating? You’re just drinking water, and we should teleport because we want your mission done easier,” Cain defended.
“In great minds, there’s nothing little, but you’ve a point. it’s impossible for me to have big stomach as yours, because I’m not eating food. But how about you? What did you do for your stomach to turned big, don’t tell me you’re eating too much food though you’re already a spirit.”
“You! I told you it wasn’t big at all. I’m eating foods of spirits, which gives me strength to endure in this world, because you cannot see me now if won’t eat that foods. I cannot touch anything, and I will become an air floating around.”
“Not big? I told you, in great minds there’s nothing little.”
“You misinterpreted your own words, why cannot you call it an average size, because if it’s not small and it’s not big, then it’s normal!” Cain exclaimed.
“You’re just wasting time in unimportant things. Don’t forget you didn’t even want me to talk such nonsense, but what are you doing now? We should go to that sun man. He’s our enemy, not each other. It’s your choice if you want to walk, teleport, fly, crawl, swim, run, etcetera, but I prefer you to teleport.” He concluded.
I thought knowledge was rare and precious, there were many used of it, but it must be use at the right time. They were words, but sometimes it caused deep wounds than any swords did. Those words made the speakers ashamed, and so I was. What kind of foolish was I? There were many things to do, but why it always came to a dispute with Cain? Perhaps I needed to be submissive if I really wanted to have a good partnership with others.
So I said, “Okay man, let’s stop the nonsense talk from now on. I know you’ll say that, but don’t worry about. Hold my hand and I will bring you to our real enemy.”
“Good to know you thought to listen and stop defending yourself from nonsense things,” Cain added.
I felt uncomfortable as he held my ear with his cold hand. It seemed to drown me down the cold ocean. I was born with tickle at that part, and I didn’t want anyone to touch me there because of the inexplicable feeling which made me laughed.
I laughed at the same time. Cain seemed to know not the reason why I laughed as that. I removed his hand from my ear and said, “I told you to hold my hand, not my ear!”
“Isn’t it inappropriate to hold you hand? Don’t tell me you felt uncomfortable with it. Can you stop lingering? Just teleport us to that sun man.” He held my ear again.
“What… the… hell…” I tried to speak normally, but I couldn’t control my laughter. I removed his fingers and stepped several feet away from him, as I didn’t want him to touch me again.
“Hey! Do you have a plan to finish your task, or you will just laugh there? Huh? Can you tell me why you’re laughing like that? I never saw you laughing like this before?”
“It’s you and your cold hand, there’s nobody tickled me like that before, not even my mother nor her hairs!” I exclaimed.
“Tickled? Do you mean you has tickle on your ear?” He furrowed his forehead.
“Uh-huh, Is there anything else that it means?”
“Uh, there’s nothing other, but that’s not really important, just bring us to the sun man, and this will be done.”
“Okay, I will bring us there, but only if you won’t touch my ear. How can I focus to teleport if you’re tickling me?”
“You had a point. Just tell me where’s the sun man and I will be the one to bring you there.”
I didn’t know the name of the exact place where the enemy went. Hence, I went near to Cain and held his arm. Then I teleported us to the building where the sun man was, as what the power of hearing told me.