Not born taciturn and probably not verbose. If the topic wasn’t really important, then there wasn’t use talking about it. Therefore, I teleported to or behind the wall where the boy who was destined to fight me was. There he was. A tall boy wearing a printed, plain blue shirt, striped trousers, blue hat and black slippers. Sitting on the same bench beside him, was a girl wearing a printed plain white shirt, mauve pants and a green slippers. Her hair was tied together by a pink band. Except them, there was no more people here, maybe because it was already midday and the sunlight was so warm.
The smoke from the cigarette of the boy which was the third person who should die was floating in the polluted air. I didn’t know why there were many people wasting their money in insignificant things. Those people could not see themselves amidst the smoke in the morning, they chose to buy cigarettes rather than foods, clothes or significant things. In effect, it made me think if which was important to them, their vices of their life. I knew they could not be judge by me, because their lives were not mine, they had freedom to do the things they want as long as they were not hurting others.
Unfortunately, the girl which was with the cigarette boy looked dead, because I was looking here minutes elapsed, but she wasn’t moving. Or maybe she was just sleeping there, because her head perched on the bench’s shoulder. But lately, Cain told me if what power did the boy had, and he seemed telling the truth because of what I saw. My hunch about the girl who was lying there on the bench became stronger when I remembered what Cain said.
He said, “The third person you need to kill has a power of smoke, which came from his cigarettes. You must not go towards him headlong, because if you smell this smoke, definitely, you will be out of your consciousness and if you smell too much smoke-definitely, you will die in just a short period of time.”
For a long time that I’m with Cain, I learned and observed the way he talked seriously and if he wasn’t serious in his words. If his word was long and didn’t had any destination, hilarious, reprimanding or something that wanted to talked like an insane man, that wasn’t important. Therefore, if his word was whether short or not, but wanted to convey, advise or warn me, that was very important and needed my attention, as it could affect my fights towards the hundred of humans or even monsters nor aliens that were destined to fight me.
But the big question in my mind was, “How could I go towards that boy without breathing?” Necessarily, I should breathe to go there, else I would die instead of him. It was really a difficult task and I knew my next task would be more difficult than this. I would surely need Cain’s help in this kind of situation, because he was powerful and spirit who couldn’t even breathe because he was an air too. But if he wouldn’t help me with this boy then I didn’t care, because I could not control others. And if I die, that would be okay, because this life of mine was so unpleasant. If there was another chance to restart, I would live a life where nobody’s with me, I wanted to be alone.
With bravery, I go towards the cigarette boy. While going towards him, I realized that I mistook something. One, two, three, four-four people lying on the ground, I mistook as just clothes or garbage, or nothing, but they really not, they were dead or maybe out of their consciousness because of the smoke from the boy’s cigarette. The features of the boy and girl also attracted my attention. Their faces were related to each other, if I wasn’t wrong they were siblings, because it wasn’t possible that they were couple because of their looks seemed far from each other’s ages. I knew I could not judge them, because when it comes to love, looks and ages did not matter, for there were other who were in December affair.
I thought, I should die fighting for my freedom rather than to let freedom depart me. I was surprised when I wasn’t lost of consciousness as what happened to those four. I also noticed that there was no cigarette left to the boy. My hope came back and it wasn’t my end yet, but it was the end of him. There was one more thing I noticed, the girl wasn’t just out of her consciousness but truly dead and she was just lying there. She was pitiable, because of her young age, she experienced to be abandoned, but the most painful part the possibility that her own brother was the culprit.
The power of this boy had disappeared and instead of being looked strong, he looked pitiable in my eyes because of the diseases he got from his own vice. That wasn’t my problem anymore; if he was suffering because of it, then he deserves to rest. Instead of doing the right thing, what I did was the contrary, I killed the boy by throwing him against the black-painted wall. For sure, his bone had been broken because of it. I never did felt any weight of him when I slung him across the air. I didn’t know if what made him alive, maybe his vices too, that instead of dying because of his vices, it was what making him alive, and now, he wasn’t alive, but the contrary.
I had thought that it would be difficult for me to kill the third person. But it was the contrary. It turned to be the most easiest. Unfortunately, that was what life was, many things were unexpected and it was sometimes surprising and there was horror. Some people, somewhere, in a happy ending, that was life, what one could do was to hope that he or she was one of those. Though I had killed that boy in just a short time, that wasn’t yet the best, because there was only one best thing for me: to live my normal life, again.
For the sake of his freedom, just in a second after the death of the cigarette boy, Cain suddenly appeared beside me. I didn’t know if he have powers of connection to the people that I killed, but it seemed that he know when that person was already dead. And that was his spotlight, he would perform something, I didn’t know if what should I call to it, but ‘vesper’ was the most accurate word. After he perform the vesper, he turned and go towards me, as usual, it was time to leave and go to the next.
“Cain, this may sound unimportant, but can you tell me what thing that you were performing? Or is it appropriate to call that as a vesper?” I asked.
“Whahaha,” Cain laughed.
I was surprised when he could laughed like a normal human, unlike before that every time he would laugh, he seemed to be a demon who wanted to invade the whole world. Anyway, it was all my mistake, because he was always with me and I influenced him, as he also influenced me. Because before I was a little bit coward, and he was always quarrelling with me, but now, he turned me into a valiant one. It wasn’t called influenced, but because of his treat towards me, because he love to underestimate my capability, and that was why I wanted to prove to him that I could weave more.