It had been twenty-four hours since I had been here in a place where I expected to be with the third person who was destined to fight me. A weird and scary place, because of the prevailing silence and emptiness. Though I was used to living in silence, I felt something odd there. It was the emptiness, and I was scared for so many reasons. It had been two days of being here, in a place where there wasn’t even a tiny ant, not even an air bubble, and I was curious if I could breathe.
A question, “How did I get here?” was messing my mind. I only remembered that I was trying to teleport to the place of the third person who I needed to kill in order to get rid of the curse, and I brought myself here. I seemed to fail in controlling myself from transporting, and it brought me into nothingness. There were only three words I could say: I WAS LOST, and I didn’t know how to get back to the real world.
Right there, I realized: it was my mistake. I was thinking about the void while teleporting. At that time, the only thing I thought about was my dream, a dream that until now, I had not gotten any explanation for.
Throughout the twenty hours of being here, there was nothing I discovered. What I only saw was a void. I didn’t know what would happen, if I could go back to my world or if I would float forever in this place where there wasn’t even a little gravity. I wanted to live a normal life. I wanted to see my family and to know what was happening to them.
Even the power of hearing could not help me in this kind of situation. I was thinking of what its reason was, but I had a hunch it was because there was no air here. There was no air here and I was still alive. I was infallible in my hunch that I wasn’t a normal human!
After a day of doing nothing, there was finally something that entered my brain, something that would surely end this problem. I seemed to be stupid that after a day of being here, I thought about it, but for only now. My hope came back when I realized the way I got here, because that was also the way to go back. I would make sure I would not fail this time in transporting to the place where the person who was to die was. Hence, I closed my eyes and teleported to the place where the third person was, as Cain told me.
Thinking about many things was normal, but during my transportation to the other place was a different thing, and because of that, I was almost lost the second time. I hadn’t expected that this would happen to me. I seemed to be a rolling stone, because I was transported without destination. Dazed and full of terror, but I did not let them conquer. I never opened my eyes and focused on the place where I wanted to go.
Fortunately, I arrived at the exact place, but I wasn’t sure if the third person was really living here. Before making a theory about that, I must do a search first. For sure, it would be difficult for me to recognize that person because there were a lot of people living here.
I started walking, but I stopped when someone abruptly appeared at my front. A man who was wearing a black robe He had a high nose, hard facial lines, black eyes, and dark eyebrows, which even seemed to drop.
“Hey, who are you? Can you get out of my way?” I asked.
“You’re so snobbish Lil, stop pretending that you don’t know me, because it’s just me and that’s just you,” he replied.
“I know you, but what are you doing here? Have you found the fourth person whom I needed to kill? It’s just twenty four hours that we didn’t saw each other, but there’s already a big changed on you.”
“Of course!” Cain exclaimed. “How about you? Did you finished your task here? Where was the third person now?”
I did not say anything. Cain looked exultant despite what happened. I didn’t want to lose his pleasure. I wanted to say something, but I could not find an accurate word to say, so I sighed.
“Don’t tell me you did not finished your task here,” Cain guessed.
“That’s exactly what I want to convey. I was lost and there’s nothing that happened within twenty-four hours before I went here. But don’t worry, maybe it’s not too late to do my task?”
“And what kind of absurdity you did that until now your task isn’t done yet?” He reprimanded. “Where did you went and what did you do for over twenty-four hours, and you just came here?”
I didn’t want to tell my failure to this demon, so I said, “It’s not your business, there was just something wrong that happened. I’m just asking you if it’s not too late to do my mission, so don’t go too far from that.”
“Of course it’s not too late though you wasted your twenty-four hours in your own absurdity.” He said it again.
“But where’s that boy right now? Do we need to waste time in searching for him?” I asked.
“Don’t liken me to you, because I’m doing what we have acquiesced, that I will the one to search them, and of course it is your task to kill.” He pointed his finger onto the black-painted wall and said, “There he is behind that wall.”
“Yeah, I know that, so what shall I do now? What’s the plan?” I asked.
“I already told you if what kind of boy is the person you needed to kill. Now, don’t rely on me and make your own plan to kill him, because not in all occasion I will be there to help you. Don’t worry, I know you don’t need my help this time. He’s just a boy like you, why won’t you challenge him one on one so that…”
What a hermaphrodite! I didn’t let Cain finish his words because I knew that he was going to say thousands of sorts, even though they were far from our topic. I didn’t know if he was really a spirit who was once a man, because his mouth was like a machine-gun and his words were the bullets. I walked towards the wall, which was more than thirty meters high or equivalent to a house with three floors.
“Don’t tell me you don’t know how to get inside,” Cain said.
“Of course I know, what I want to know is the things behind this wall.”
“Just because of that? I had been thinking that you’re so powerful, why won’t you use your power to know what’s behind this wall?”
“There’s only one way to know what’s behind, and that’s to go there.”
“What kind of boy you are, you’re already dead if you were not always with me, because you’re thinking not about the possibilities before making a decision. You’re powerful now, what if behind this wall is an inferno and you just get there without knowing. I don’t know what…”
“Can you stop talking even in just for a second?” I asked.
“How can I stopped talking if you are communicating with me?”
“This is the last, don’t talk to me again if there’s not an important thing you wanted to say. Those people might think I’m crazy. Nonetheless, our works will be more easier if we’ll focus in it.”
“It’s my last word too: you shall not regret of your decision and you must not implore me again if you want to talk to me because-“