I tried to calm myself. Though I really wanted to punch that man, I realized he was powerful, for he could not be touched, and he seemed to be floating in air. Perhaps it was also because he was an air that he lacked feelings and a brain. He asked me to conspire with him or trust him without saying any reason. I had a hunch that he only wanted to be close to me so that he could use me more for his own purposes. However, it also came to my mind that nothing would be lost if we became friends. If I collaborate with him, he might also remove the curse from me. But I wasn’t that foolish anymore. If he really wanted to help me, why would he not remove the curse before that? He was definitely selfish.
“You put a curse on me and then you’re asking me now to trust you. Do you really think you’re trustworthy? Why won’t you take the curse from me so that we can be friends and we won’t need to fight anymore?”
“If I can only bring back the time, I already did it, so I won’t give you that curse, because I know that I cannot remove it from you. Sorry for not telling you the truth. Please forgive me, and I’m willing to help you get rid of it.”
Oh! He wasn’t totally a heartless man because he knew how to ask for pardon from others and he admitted his mistakes too. But I would not trust him until he proved to me that he would assist me in removing the curse that he brought with him.
“You’re powerful. Why won’t you use your power to set me free? Especially that it came from you. Are you a fool that you put this curse on me and you don’t know how to remove it?”
“I’m not a fool; you’re the one who was a fool because you accepted the curse without listening to me!” He defended
What a damaged, foolish demon. That conversation was just a waste of time if he was to defend himself and the wrong belief he had. He was so selfish that he could not understand others’ feelings. He was too old to fight against me and too young to know the difference between right and wrong.
“Please forgive me, Lil. There was only one heavy reason why I brought you that curse-because I believed in you. I believed that you could help me solve my problems, so please forgive me.” He cried, though there were no tears coming out of his brown eyes, but I could see the sincerity on his face while saying those words.
I was so kind to say, “What else can we do if it’s already happened? We cannot go back to the past and fix what we have done wrong.”
I realized that if I didn’t forgive others for their mistakes, other people might not forgive me for mine. It definitely would be better if I did not have any hatred for someone in my heart. They were like damaged tomatoes with a bad smell; they would just contaminate my heart if I kept them. The only thing I could do to remove the damaged tomatoes was to throw them away.
“Oh!” He exclaimed. “Thank you for listening to me!”
“Hey, I did not tell you that I had forgiven you. I said it to make you realize that you need to consider other people before taking an action. I will only forgive you if you can prove yourself to me. If you really want to help me get rid of the curse, please do so.”
“Don’t worry, I will apply your advice and I will also prove myself to gain your trust. I will help you with that curse.”
“Good, but you have not introduced yourself to me. Tell me your name first, if you really want me to trust you,” I ordered.
“I’m Cain, and I’m already dead thousands of years ago. I was strolling through this world with my wife when we were cursed by a powerful spirit in the place where we should rest in peace. That is why we are searching for someone who can help us get rid of the curses of the powerful spirit. We need to go back to the place of spirits to rest because we are tired of strolling in this world.”
“A place of spirit?” I queried. “Is there really a place like that? A place where the spirits are resting?”
“Yeah, that place is full of wonder, but no alive human can go there, especially if they don’t have any power that can bring them there.”
“Peculiar! Maybe every spirit there is powerful and they can do whatever they want to.”
“You’re wrong. Every spirit has a limitation in the things they are doing or want to do, and also, they cannot go into this world without permission. Because some spirits might hurt humans and use their power in a way that wouldn’t defend the law of spirits.”
“Without permission of whom?” I asked.
“Without the permission of whom?” He imitated like a fool.
“Yeah, did you not hear it? You mentioned that you could not come here unless you got permission from someone; can you tell me who it was?”
“It was a strict and powerful spirit, and he was respected by all spirits, and I cannot tell you about that one,” he explained.
“If you don’t want to tell me, then just tell me something, such as the curse and how to get rid of it.”
“You should sleep now. Let us talk about it tomorrow. Your parents might hear that you are talking alone here.”
“Uh-huh.” I agreed and sat down on my bed. “Why won’t you leave me alone now? I’m not used to sleeping with other people.”
“I will leave if you have already fallen asleep,” he replied.
“Okay, but you should never do anything stupid while I’m sleeping, or I will kick you out.” I was warned. Though I knew that he was a spirit and could not be touched, I still felt sad.
“You can’t even touch me, stop bragging… How can you kick me as well?” He sat down on the floor.
“My outrage would kick you out if you brought me another problem.” I cover my face with the blanket.
“You are so brave. Therefore, I chose to put you under a curse because I knew that you could help me too,” Cain mumbled.