Chapter 505

Book:BETROTHED TO THE MAFIA LORD Published:2024-5-1

Sofia’s pov
T/W Noncon • Violence • Proceed With Caution
As each sob rattled out of my body, every inch of me trembled from fear and pain. I tightened my arms around myself even though I know it wouldn’t make any difference.
“Why are you making this hard for yourself for no reason?” Ryan asked, voice softened and ladened with so much concern, if I hadn’t known better, I’d have fallen for it.
“I’m so sorry.” I whispered for the hundredth time, head throbbing from how much I had been screaming and crying.
After Ryan had caught me trying to escape, he hadn’t done a thing to me, which had shocked me to the core. He had laid me in the bed and kissed me Goodnight before existing the room, and I had stayed wide awake from fear until the next morning. He treated me with so much care, never bringing up the fact that I attempted to excspe from him for a moment, and that left me tense throughout the day, because I’ve witnessed just how bad he could get.
Unexpectedly, that night, he had us vacate the house all of a sudden, claiming that his first hideout was about to be found and that he couldn’t let that happen on his watch. That had left a window of hope open in me, because that was the first proof since I got kidnapped, that Luca was finally coming for me. When I tried resisting going with him, he easily had me bundled into the car before zooming off.
On getting to another hideout of his, which was just as extravagant, I began to wonder about what he actually is. I used to think he was just a bodyguard, but now, it was obvious that he was definitely way more than that.
“Feel free to wander around. Make yourself at home cause it’s where you’d settle in for now. Note that what is mine also belongs to you, so don’t feel all tensed up, hm?” He had said after the door of the large house closed behind us. As I stared at him, at the small smile playing around his lips, all I could manage was a timid nod, while my mind kept silently praying that somehow, Luca and his team had been able to figure out this current location which Ryan had brought me to.
That night, I remained awake and after waiting hours, I came to the dumbest conclusion of my life. I made a stupid decision, which was to attempt sneaking out. I should have probably figured out that something was off from how everywhere felt empty and cold. Each window was locked, but each door gave way easily and even though I knew it was too good to be true, I still pulled the main door wide open and stepped out unto the pouch. Two steps down and I came face to face with Ryan sitting at the foot of the pillar of the side. His eyes was closed and his head was thrown back and a lazy smile on his face, and as my eyes wandered lower, I realized that someone was lying inbetween his thighs, with their mouth buried in his groin.
My eyes widened at once as his eyes cracked open to pin me with a lazy look. Intense fear gripped me at once and I stumbled backwards from the force of it. His fingers were buried in the girl’s head and he pushed down on it hard, lazily thrusting upwards with his eyes never leaving mine. As choked sounds and coughs echoed around us, I expected Ryan to stop and pull out, but he only went harder and harder, causing bile to rise in my throat as I took another step away from him.
“My gorgeous Sofia…” He let out around a moan and I flinched, retching a little. “Do you know what this chick did to get herself in this situation?”
He didn’t wait for my response before continuing. “She went against me. She tried to betray me by attempting to sneak you out, and as punishment, after this, her life is gonna come to an end.”
My mouth fell open in horror and my fingers shook as I covered my mouth in dread as tears fell down my face.
“S- she t…” I whispered in shock as tears kept falling down my cheeks. Ryan snorted, clearly unfazed. The girl has stopped struggling in his grip, laying motionless as he moved in and out of her throat, and I had a feeling she has fainted.
“Yes, princess. She tried to get you out, but I caught her just in time. Isn’t that cool?”
I shook my head from side to side as tears kept sliding down my cheeks. He snickered and shoved the girl’s head sideways and then he got to his feet, tucking his junk away. I took a step away from him, watching in horror as he got his gun out and fired at the girl. Her body jolted once before going still and a scream tore past my throat before I could think.
He was in front of me in an instant, closing me against the other pillar pressing into my back. His lips trailed over my throat as I sobbed. “Now, now, love… there’s no need to scream cause no one’s gonna hear you, no one’s gonna come from you.”
“But that’s no reason to panic, okay?” As he spoke, his fingers cupped my chin, and then his gaze hardened menacingly.
“You tried to run away from me once again, you know I’m not gonna let you off easily this time, right?”
He whisked me in his arms, straight into the house and into a larger bedroom this time, and then I was laid on the bed and tied to it. He left me there till the next afternoon, when he came to deliver some strokes on my body as the start of my punishment. It still made me shocked every now and then that he was such a monster under all that friendly facade.
“Have you learnt your lesson yet?” He asked and I nodded my head through another sob.
“I have, I swear.”
“Never try to run away from me, yeah?” He continued in a softer voice this time as his hand cupped my cheek softly as if he hadn’t just inflicted so much pain on my body.
“I won’t.” I whispered and he hummed before licking a teardrop off my cheek.
“Promise me, my gorgeous princess.” He whispered, lips hovering above mine and after giving a timid nod, his lips settled atop mine, and I could do nothing but cry, and take it.