Chapter 183

Book:BETROTHED TO THE MAFIA LORD Published:2024-5-1

Luca POV
“Can you get me the two guys to come over here by noon, I need them to help me find someone.” I said to one of my general assistants on the phone as I made my way upstairs towards my office.
“Yeah, that sounds good. Let me know when you get here.” I said to him before ending the call, just as I made my way into my secretaries’ office and into mine in the next second. I sank into my chair and puffed out a deep breath, before starting to tug out my guns from my pants pockets. I pushed myself to my feet after a while, and then I made my way towards the bathroom.
I washed my hands and mopped my face with a wet towel a little, before making my way back into the office, straight to my window. I paused before it and tugged the curtains open, allowing the morning sunlight to shine into the office. After a few more minutes, I made my way back to my table and picked up my phone, sending a text to James. I tugged on my hair a little, digging my fingers into the roots and taking my fingers through the curls. I was glad I had coffee back at home before leaving for the office, that was the only reason as to why I was being this energized by this time of the day.
Janes was already here at the office, I met his car here as soon as my car had driven into the compound. I wasn’t surprised about James always arriving here at the office before me every damn day, it seems like James barely got any kind of sleep back at home, compared to me, I sleep soundly, and the fact that I get to feel my pretty wife against my body throughout the night is a huge bonus to me.
I could remember waking up this morning and rolling out from bed, and for the first time since we started cuddling to sleep, she blinked her eyes open, at freaking six p. m, staring up at me with sleep filled eyes which she could barely keep open without it trying to flutter close every two seconds. I had then leaned down over her in the next second, and she had wrapped her around my neck in tne next second.
“You’re leaving me?” She had asked in a sleep filled voice and I had chuckled lowly against her cheek before reaching up and brushing my lips against her forehead.
“No, bunny, I’m not.” I said to her in the next second and she nodded her head a couple of times, before rolling around a little on the bed until she was leaning more into my side of the bed, and she was fast asleep once again, before I could even blink. I stared at her for a few seconds, before bursting into a fit of small chuckles, she was Just like the damn cutest thing in the whole world.
A cutest thing which I wanted to protect at all costs.
I rose to my full height and leaned down to pull the covers over her until they were up against her chin, and then I stroked her cheeks a little with my thumb. I pressed my thumb against her slightly parted lips, before leaning down and stealing a featherlight kiss, and that was it. One more kiss against her forehead and I was making my way into the bathroom to take care of my bodily needs. I exercised for over thirty minutes before taking a shower and preparing for work.
She didn’t wake up after that and I stared at her for long seconds before making my way out of the bedroom one last time, as I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. It was empty when I made my way there and I quickly started to make myself a cup of coffee the next instant. Sarah came into the kitchen when I was almost done but I declined her request to take it up from where I was already at and make the rest of the coffee for me.
Once I had downed the cup of coffee, I asked how she was fairing and exchanged small conversations with her, before making my way out of the kitchen, towards the entrance leading outside the house.
I ended up confronting Sarah about her health about a week ago, and she had ended up confessing about having cancer. I had been honestly devastated and I had asked her not to let Sofia know about it yet, because I knew it was only going to make her feel even more emotional. I ensured Sarah had enough money to go get the much needed treatment and asked her to make sure to come to me if she needed more help, and she had bursted out into tears at that.
The sound of James pushing the door open jolted me out of my thoughts and I stared up at him, wondering why he was smiling like a dork.
“What’s up, man.” He said as he flopped himself into my seat, and I shorted a little as I started to shrug out of my suit jacket, reaching behind me to drape it over Ynr back of my seat.
“Nothing’s up, and you? Why are you smiling this brightly.” I said to him and watched as he rolled his eyes a little, before digging his phone out of his pocket and starting to tap away on it.
“Nothing specific, per se, I’m just in a really good mood, I guess? Also, all our deals are turning out really fine, and bringing in good profits as well.” James started to say without glancing away from his phone and I nodded my head absentmindedly, as my mind started to travel thousands of mile in a fleeting second.
“James?” I called out to him and he stared at me after a few moments, with his eyebrows raised up a little. I sat up and leaned forward, placing my hand on the table before me. James mirrored my stance in the next moment, doing the same thing I did before starting to speak. “What’s up, man?”
“We’re going to be visiting the family of Sofia really soon.” I said to him and watched as a look of confusion crossed his face almost immediately, as he blinked once before starting to speak.
“Huh?” He muttered and didn’t wait for me to say a thing before continuing. “You meant Sofia? Your wife Sofia?”
“Yeah, I meant my wife, Sofia. We’d be going there really soon.” I said to him and watched as he still stared at me confusingly, and after a few moments, a look of shock crossed his face and he was leaning forward against the table even more.
“Why are we going to her father’s house? You wanna take her back to her father’s house? As in, you’re not interested in marrying her anymore?” Janes asked in a shocked voice, staring at me incredulously and I rolled my eyes in the next moment.
“I thought you were already working things out with her? I thought everything was alright between the both of you? I thought you said it was perfectly fine between the both of you? I thought you said…” James continued to say one thing after another and I knew he wouldn’t stop if I didn’t cut into what he was saying, and so I leaned forward and cut into his words before he could complete his sentence.
“Things are going perfectly well between us like I said it was, there’s nothing wrong between us… it’s for a completely different reason.” I said to him and watched the skin on his forehead start to scrunch together in confusion.
“Sofia was assaulted when she was a kid, I’m going over there to teach the son of a bitch a lesson, and of course, you’re coming with me over go there.” I said to him and watched as his mouth fell open in shock in the next second, just as he started to lean backwards in his seat.
“Oh damn.” James whispered in the next second and I nodded once at him, reaching upwards to card my fingers through my hair in the next second.
“She was assaulted? That’s honestly shocking. I thought you said she was thoroughly sheltered while growing up.” James started to say and I could feel my chest start to squeeze tight once again, right before I started to speak.
“That’s what her stupid father told me, he has some explaining to do to me, he’s going to have to explain himself to me.” I said to James in the next second and watched as James started to shake his head unbelievable in tne next second.
“Who’s the person that did it to her?” James asked and I stared at him pointedly, watching as a shocked expression crossed his face in the next second.
“It’s one of her bodyguards.” I said to him with a puffed out breath.