Luca’s POV
“You seem like a mama’s girl…” I found myself saying to Sofia at the table and I watched as her eyes widened instantly, and she placed her cup of water down on the table and started to speak.
“What does that mean?” She asked, blinking at me curiously and I grinned a little before shaking my head a little, and I watched as she smiled embarrassingly but didn’t avert her gaze this time, like she usually does.
“It means someone who’s obsessed with her mother, the way her mother is obsessed with her… that’s the kind of aura you have around you.” I explained, and before I could even finish speaking, her facial expression had suddenly morphed from embarrassed and sweet into a really unrecognizable one, and I blinked once at her before continuing, even though she wasn’t even staring at me anymore and was staring down at her plate of food.
“Or I could be wrong.” I murmured bit she made no move like she had heard what I had just said, as oni waited for a couple of minutes, before calling oof her name softly when she had still remained in the same position she had been in since I had started to explain what a mummy’s girl meant to her.
I watched as she lifted her head up and turned her face gaze around until she was staring at me, and then she started to speak in a quiet voice. “What made you think I was a mummy’s girl?” She asked and I started to give a shake of my head after a fleeting moment whereby our eyes had met and held for a second.
“Like I said before, it was just a feeling and I also said that I might be wrong, and clearly it looked like I was wrong.” I explained to her, having no idea as to why I was like this around her… because I know mud and I know I never bother to explain myself to people on a normal day.
“Yeah, you’re wrong. I am no mummy’s girl.” She scoffed those words out in a bitter tone and I felt myself got taken aback for a second, and I watched as she leaned back into the seat and picked up her cup of water once again, taking a couple of sip from it, and then after she placed it down on the table, she pushed the half filled plate of food before her away from her.
About ten minutes had passed and we were both sitting in silence. We’ve come in here to eat after Matilda had come to tell us about the food being ready. I could remember how Matilda had started to speak at the entrance of the sitting room, when Sofia had still been in my arms. Sofia had jolted in my arms nervously and had tried to pull away but I didn’t budge and instead tightened my hold on her even more, choosing that moment to card my fingers through my hair in that same moment.
And then I decided to start to break after that with a few words.
“Sofia?” I called out and watched as she turned her head around to stare at me, and she whispered out a quiet ‘huh’ in reply, there was not even any trace of any other emotion on her face, apart from blankness.
“Tell me about your family, I realized that I don’t really know s thing about you.”
“Oh,” she whispered and I nodded my head once, grateful that the hardened expression on her face wasn’t there on her face any longer.
“Yup,” I agreed with her just for the sake of it and then she started to speak.
“There’s not really much to know about me actually, nor my parents, we’re all really boring.” She said with a small laugh that wasn’t in any way funny, and I could feel her restlessness right from where I was currently sitting in.
“Still tell me about them, and you. I want to know.”
“Well, first of all, I’m not close to my parents.” She started to speak and I stared at her confusingly at first.
“But you do have a favorite between the two of them, don’t you?”
“No, I don’t.” She replied with a shake of her head and I felt myself sitting up on my chair. It felt like I had been thinking wrong about her all along, and there I was, calling her a mummy’s girl… Now I see why she got angry.
“What was your father like? To you and around the whole house.”
“He was brutal.” She said simply and I felt my brain start to rack, as I started to think of the encounters which I’ve had with her father almost immediately.
“Brutal how?” I demanded, hoping it wouldn’t be something really bad.
“Oh, well, the usual? You know, just the regular father characteristics.” She continued and I huffed out a breath.
“Sofia, you need to give me more details.”‘I pointed out to her and watched as she breathed out a deep sigh, right before she continued to speak once again.
“He was just never there, but that’s normal because he’s very busy and always working to give us a good and sheltered life, coupled with the fact that he keeps us safe as well, and whatever he says was the law because he also have everyone’s wellbeing at heart, even though in reality, it’s just for his own well-being.” She spat the last word out and I remained silent after that, and I watched as she started to drag in deep breaths into her lungs almost instantly.
“He doesn’t hit you, does he?” I demanded after a moment, even though I had a fleeting moment I wouldn’t like whatever the answer to that question was going to be.
“He does.” She replied after a moment.
“He does?” I demanded without even realizing it.
“Yeah, he does. But he was just disciplining me, and also making me become more respectful and more of a wife material.”
“What the actual fuck?” I heard myself demand almost immediately, feeling my heart start to slow down slowly and I also started to see red at that same moment, everything I was seeing at the moment was all hazy and blurry at this very moment.
“That’s just now he is, I guess? He was just trying to be a good father.” Sofia continued to speak after a moment and I felt something snap at my chest in the next second.
“Stop fucking justifying all what he did, he could have been a damn good father without hitting you.” I snapped and I barely registered her flinch at my loud voice.
“What about your mother, what did she do in those days? She did tried to stop him from hitting you, right?” I find myself asking after a few moments.
“She didn’t, I think she was in support of him disciplining me making me a better person and making me a better person wife for whoever it was that I was going to end up getting married to.” She spat out and I felt myself breathing out a sharp breath.
“That’s just fucked up.” I murmured and watched as she shrugged her shoulders and was about to speak after a moment, but I cut her off instantly. “Don’t you even dare. Don’t you even dare start to justify what it was that she did to you as well.” I warmed and watched as she snapped her mouth close after that.
I mean, I got hit by my father a lot, but I had been convincing myself that assuming my mother had been alive, that it all wouldn’t have been like that, because w part of me had believed that she wouldn’t have been able to stand behind and watch her children get turned into punching bags.
And then here I was, hearing a true life story of a mother being in support of her daughter getting beat up by her father, to think I had always thought that all mothers were all companionate and ever caring.
“How are you feeling?” I asked Sofia after some time had passed once again and I felt the burning anger which I had been feeling at the back of my mind, start to thankfully reduce.
“No idea, to be honest.” She replied with a small lift or her shoulders and after a few moments, I pushed away from my seat and stretched my hand out to her.
“Let’s head upstairs.” I said to her and she slipped her hand into mine almost immediately, as she pushed herself from her seat as well.
And we started to make our way up the stairs together, and I couldn’t help but stare down at her legs as we both walked side by side. Her skirt was just some inches down her thighs, it was so skimpy.
So daring.
It was a good thing I trusted Ethan and Ryan around her, if not, I wouldn’t be able to stomach the thought of her body being around other men in a cloth as small as that.
We got into the bedroom and I pushed the door close behind Sofia, and for some reason, I still wasn’t moving away from the door.
Sofia was currently trapped between the door and my body and I didn’t miss the way a tiny tremble had washed over her body, with her wide eyes staring up at me.
I dipped my head down, following my instincts, and because I knew that I had wanted to do this ever since I got married to her and at this point, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to hold myself from giving into that animalistic urge at the back of my mind any long.
“Can I kiss you?”