Chapter 61

Book:BETROTHED TO THE MAFIA LORD Published:2024-5-1

Sofia’s POV
The first thing I came to was low, unclear voices which were blending into each other, making it hard for me to figure out who was who. I blinked my eyes open and winced immediately as bright lights shown into my eyes really intensely that I had to close my eyes back for a few seconds before finally blinking my eyes open slowly once again.
What happened? I asked myself as my eyes started trailing over every near you detail it could lay its gaze on. I turned my head around and stared straight down, the familiarity of the room I was currently in registered into my head slowly and I blinked once again in confusion.
I was… in the sitting room?
I stared down at the white couch I was currently lying on, recognizing the couch immediately as one of the ones in the sitting room. I pushed myself up to a sitting position and let out a sharp noise when that sudden movement made a sharp pain tug at the inside of my head and my stomach at the same time.
I didn’t notice the set of heads that turned around sharply the second I let out a pained cry– one moment, I was clutching my forehead with my first hand while my other hand was around my stomach, and in the next moment, someone was crouching down before me and grabbing the hand wrapped around my forehead. I squeezed my eyes shut and swallowed down the second cry of pain that was starting to build up in my neck when another biting pain vibrated in the middle of my head.
“Hey, hey… look at me.” Luca’s voice came out sounding calm and low as it drifted into my ear slowly and I felt the hand holding my right fingers captive tightened their grip a little. I slide my eyes open and stared at Luca– who was crouched down on the floor beside the couch I was currently on.
Never in my life did I ever imagined that I’d be in this kind of position.
Never did I ever imagine that The popular Mafia lord would one day be crouched down beside me, holding my hand in his and staring at me with an unreadable facial expression on his face.
Or it could be that he was pissed at me for acting like a child and passing out embarrassingly like a child instead of me acting like a grown wife…
I blinked once, feeling his grey eyes staring into mine deeply and I felt an embarrassed color rush into my cheeks after a few seconds, which made me duck my head and suck in an audible sharp breath as another stab of pain flowed into the lower abdomen of my stomach, a small scream dying at the back of my throat.
“Sofia?” I heard him call out, his deep voice rumbling out of his chest as it crept over my body to slide into my head.
I huffed out a deep breath and raised my head up to stare at him, our eyes locking once again – and I briefly noticed that the top buttons of the black shirt he had on were hanging open to reveal the brown skin of his chest and a bit of the sharp collar bones around his shoulders which were glistening a little like they he was a little beat sweaty at the moment.
I dragged my eyes away from his chest area with more color staining my cheeks redder when my eyes suddenly zeroed in on a coffee brown nipple which peaked out of one side of his unbuttoned shirt.
“Did you overdose?” Luca asked, no emotion crossing his face and I felt my heartbeat start to slow down a little. I didn’t know what to make of the question at first and so I stared confusingly at him while blinking a little for a few seconds before the brief encounter I had with Ryan right before I passed out, glowed brightly in my head.
“Overdosed? No I didn’t.” I started to say to Luca immediately with a small shake of my head while staring wildly at him.
Of course I didn’t overdose.
“Are you sure?” He asked and I felt his him release his hold on my fingers, leaving my fingers to rest against the couch and for some weird reason, I started to feel cold and chilly all of a sudden– making my mind start to drift towards the day at the hospital whereby the moment his touch had left my skin, I had started feeling cold immediately.
“I am.” I whispered, wondering why it was so hard for him to believe me.
I didn’t overdose, now did I?
“Did you take something then? That made you start having some side effects which affected your stomach and ended up making you pass out.” Luca continued and I started to shake my head at him even before he could finish speaking.
I started to slow down the shaking movement of my head after his complete sentence started to sink into my head.
I… I had taken something.
“Um,” I started to say and noticed the way his eyes narrowed a little bit, his eyes getting a bit sharper as well as he pinned me with a hard gaze– harder than the one he makes use of while staring at me on a normal day.
Not like any day here after I got married off to him had felt like a normal day to me.
I ducked my head down and swallowed emptily, feeling the movement of my parched throat almost hurting like I had suddenly developed a soreness of the throat.
I felt cold fingers grip the underside of my chin to tug my face upwards until I was staring back into Luca’s eyes, his gaze a lot sharper this night.
“You were saying?” His deep voice suddenly spoke up, his gaze never leaving my face for a second.
I blinked once swallowed emptily, my throat hurting a little once again. I tried to unconsciously duck my head when his unnerving gaze felt like it was almost stripping me naked, right there on the couch in the sitting room.
“Um,” I whispered out again, allowing my tongue which felt very dry to slide out my mouth to swipe over my lower lips and moisture it a little. My fingers which had been trapped in the insides of Luca’s hot palm moved on the couch, trying to bury itself by inserting the soft, hairy silk of the couch’s material.
“Go on.” He urged, his grip still sure and strong against my chin and I blinked again, trying to focus my gaze on anywhere on his face but his eyes – but for unknown reasons, my eyes were only ghosting the other features of his face to return back to eyes, like a magnetic pull I couldn’t fight nor resist.
“I had taken the regular drugs for my arm this evening.” I started to say in a small voice, feeling very little and powerless at the moment as I sat there with Luca’s fingers having a firm grip on my chin which prevented me from moving my head around as he waited almost impatiently for me to start speaking up.
“Did you take the drugs on an empty stomach?” A voice echoed out from the other side of the room and I moved my eyes straight forward until my eyes landed on a man who was currently standing, and writing something down in a book.
He glanced up from whatever it was that he was writing to stare at me, silently prompting me to provide him with an answer already. I dragged my eyes away from the stranger and swallowed emptily once again, feeling a hot wave of shame start to wash over me slowly.
“Did you take the drugs on an empty stomach?” Luca started to ask and I couldn’t help but blink a few times before nodding my head once at him in reply to his question– the same question the stranger had asked me, a few moments ago.
“That was what made her pass out and brought around the headache and stomach pains.” The man started to say loudly to Luca as he started writing on the books he was writing in before. I felt Luca’s grip exit the underside of my chin right before his eyes finally left my eyes to drift thoroughly over my face and I felt hot color wash into my face- right before he pushed himself to his feet, a small sound sliding out of his lips as he turned around and made his way towards the stranger who was still standing on the other side of the sitting room.
“Are you sure?” I heard Luca’s voice echo loud and clear in the sitting room, which made me stare up from my thighs which I had been staring at the moment after Luca’s fingers released their hold on the underside of my chin.
“Yeah.” The man replied to Luca before glancing up from the book he had been writing in to focus his gaze on Luca’s face.
“The pills she took were a really strong set of pills, and she was supposed to take them after meals, not the other way round.” The man whom I was starting to suspect worked in the medical line said to Luca and I felt realization started to dawn in my head and mind almost immediately.
So… that was why?
But I take some drugs on an empty stomach on some days and nothing always ends up happening…
I winced a little when a sharp jolt vibrated at the left side of my head, making me life up my left hand and start to caress my fingers against my forehead in order to ease the headache I was currently feeling flow into my head in strong wave after wave.
“Is she going to be alright?” I watched as Luca asked the man I couldn’t help the slow tug I felt in the middle of my stomach the moment his next few words drifted into my head– which was most definitely not a bite or stab of pain, because this sudden feeling in my stomach hadn’t hurt one bit, it had only left a weird heat in my stomach.
“Oh, she is. She will be.” The man started to say before pointing a hand at me and continuing almost immediately. “She wasn’t even supposed to pass out because of those drugs she took, but she did because of some other things- and everything combined together just made her body system gave up on her.
I stared at the man who was still speaking to Luca, blinking a few times as his words slowly sank into my head.
Yes! I just knew that the set of drugs I took wasn’t supposed to make me pass out.
It wasn’t something to be proud of, but that wasn’t the first time I’d be making use of some tablets on an empty stomach.
I used to take a ton of paracetamols while growing up on an empty stomach – a whole lot.
Depression sucks. I thought to myself right before my eyes widened the moment I noticed both men’s eyes turn around to focus on me, and in the next second, they were both making their way towards the couch were I was sitting.
The man crouched down, almost in the same spot Luca had crouched down in and I felt my body start to stiffen up a little. I watched as Luca stood right in the spot he had crouched down in, minutes ago, his hands deep in his pocket and his eyes staring down at me – making me notice once again, just how big and tall he was at the moment.
I had no idea if I was going to be as tall as he was if I stood up on the couch– that was how small I was compared to him.