Emily’s POV
I found a blue pair of jeans, a white shirt, and some underwear, and made my way to the bathroom.
There was already a soft, fluffy white towel set out for me on the sink, along with a hairbrush and other necessities.
I picked up the soap, noticing that it was my favorite flavor.
“How did he know that?” I gasped, amazed.
I shook my head in wonder. “It must be a coincidence.”
Yet, everything else was spot on.
“Maybe you left some clues in your room,” Willow said, explaining.
“Maybe,” I said, opening the shower taps and waiting for the water to run warm before getting in.
It didn’t take me long to freshen up; I wasn’t someone who enjoyed long baths and showers.
I dried off, got dressed, wrapped the towel around my head, and went to the bathroom.
“Finally!” Mila’s voice startled me, and I froze wide-eyed. I wasn’t expecting her to be there.
“Dammit, Mila!” I growled when I got to my senses. “Why do you always sneak up on me like that?”
“Why do you always disappear and not tell me where you are going?” She hit back.
Mila must have seen my note on the door telling her I would be out and back soon. I should have been back a day ago. No wonder she is pissed at me.
“How did you find me?” I asked, ignoring her question. “And how the hell did you get in here?”
“Luke called me,” she said, and I flinched. I was even less expecting that as an answer.
“Why?” I asked. “Why would he do that?”
“He was worried,” she said. “And he thought you needed a friend.”
A friend. Seriously, was Luke now trying to play Cupid as well?
“Mila,” I said. “I am fine. I am just a bit overwhelmed, but fine.”
“Okay,” she said, getting up from her bed. “We needed to talk about Alex. I have given you enough time to process what happened between you and Alex. I need you to open up and tell me about your feelings and why you feel overwhelmed. Tell me, how can I help you?”
“There is nothing you can do,” I said with a sigh. “I need to figure this out on my own. I loved him, and you know that, but after what my father said to me, I don’t know if I should trust him or not. I need time, that’s all.”
“You know that it was just a misunderstanding?” Mila said, searching my gaze.
“You don’t know that!” I snapped. “Why would my father lie to me about something like that?”
“Maybe he was just misinformed,” Mila offered. “Anything is possible. You don’t know what your father heard; maybe you should just speak to him and get clarity on the subject. Let him explain things.”
“And then what?” I snapped. “I just fall into Alex’s arms and accept him? I can’t do that, Mila, not with everything that is going on!”
Mila knew about my mission; I told her. She picked up my mood before I left to meet Alex, and she asked me about it.
“You are worried,” she suddenly said, picking up the brush and pointing to the chair for me to sit on.
I sighed, taking a seat at the dressing table, and Mila started working on my hair.
“Yes,” I said. “I am worried. I need to work with Alex and get to the bottom of these rogue attacks, but the mate bond is screwing with my mind and body. I can’t think straight, I can’t focus, and I am constantly-”
“Want to jump his bones?” Mila completed my thoughts, laughing.
“Yeah,” I said, finding Mila’s gaze in the mirror. “It’s frustrating!”
Mila nodded her head.
“Are you feeling the need to be with him?” She asked.
“Yes!” I growled. “The pull is impossible to ignore, but I can’t give in.”
“Why?” She asked, and I turned my gaze toward her.
“Why what?” I asked.
“Why do you want to ignore and fight against the mate bond?” She asked. “And don’t use Lex as an excuse this time! This is also nothing to do with the mission Uncle Xavier sent you to do!”
My shoulders dropped.
“I am scared.” I eventually came clean. “I am scared that Alex will be what I always dreamed he would be. I am scared that I would be happy and that he would accept me and Lex. I am scared that my life will change. I am scared that Alex will accept what I do for a living, but I am even more scared that he will turn his back on me and reject me.”
“So running away is the easiest way out?” She asked.
“For me, yes,” I said. “He can’t reject or accept me when I am constantly on the move.”
“But you are hurting him and yourself in the process,” Mila said, and I froze in my chair.
I never thought about what Alex was feeling, and I didn’t like the idea that I was hurting him. I didn’t care about my wants and needs; as long as everyone was safe and happy, then I’d be happy.
“Why don’t you give him a chance?” Mila suggested. “Take it slow and learn to know him. You have nothing to lose, just to gain.”
“But what if…?”
Mila took my hand and squatted down next to me.
“You deserve happiness, Emily,” she said. “You have been alone too long.”
“Yes, but-”
“The mate bond lets you love unconditionally,” Mila continued. “Whatever your differences, your fears, and your hopes, you will be able to sort them out between yourselves. Trust in the bond; give Alex a chance. He waited for you for so long.”
I sighed.
Was I ready to let someone in?
A knock sounded at the door, and my head snapped at the door. Mila got to her feet and opened the door.
“Is Luna ready?” Luke’s voice filled the room.
“Almost,” Mila said. “She will be out in a minute.”
Luke nodded with a smile.
I quickly fitted my shoes and headed to the door, with Mila following me out.
“Are you joining us?” I asked when we were outside.
Mila shook her head.
“I’ll be visiting my folks for the day,” she said. “I brought the kids.”
My face drained from blood; how could she bring Lex here?
“Mila!” I growled over the link. “How could you?”
“What did you expect me to do?” She snapped. “Leave him alone at home.”
“No,” I said. “But you could have made plans to leave him with someone like Jax.”
Mila rolled her eyes at me.
“You sent Jax to the Bright Star Pack, remember!” She snapped. “He’ll only be back tomorrow night. Luke sounded worried about your mental state, and I drove through the night. There was no time to look for someone else to babysit!”
I sighed.
“Fine!” I growled. “Just make sure no one sees him. I can’t let anyone find out who he is!”
“As you wish,” Mila said, coming to a stop. “I’ll see you later!”
Mila turned on her heels, leaving me with Luke at Alex’s office. I hadn’t even noticed that we had arrived.
Luke opened the door, and my heart fluttered in my chest. I wasn’t ready to face Alex.
I swallowed hard against the intoxicated scent of apple crumble, assaulting my nose, and followed Luke inside.
I never expected the meeting to go so smoothly-until an unfortunate occurrence occurred.