When he was quiet again, Yuko spoke. “I’m at peak fertility tonight, and unlike Human women, I’ll know if I’m pregnant within the hour. The Soul Binding will dissolve.”
Henry nodded as he looked at the table surface. The questions were becoming more awkward. “There’s still the matter of the child.”
Jun and Yuko looked to him with curious expressions, so he pressed on. “I’ll want to be part of its life.”
“Of course!” Jun laughed suddenly, surprising both Henry and her sister. “But we’re definitely getting ahead of ourselves as we haven’t yet proven your glamor can eliminate the Wild Magic. Before that, we should enjoy this meal I spent so much time slaving over.”
Henry smiled at her burst of enthusiasm as he watched Yuko’s eyes roll in her head.
“When I was Henry’s housekeeper, I would make meals for him, and he found them to be delicious,” Yuko said casually, but Jun’s eyes picked up the challenge.
The younger sister placed two slices of prime rib, some potatoes, and carrots on Henry’s plate. He smiled and nodded to her as it looked and smelled delicious. She placed smaller portions on her sister’s plate.
“Would you like some gravy, Henry?” she asked as she held up the small pitcher.
He smiled but shook his head. She turned to Yuko’s plate and began pouring.
“No! I don’t want any, thank you,” the older sister snapped, then glanced at Henry as she dipped her eyes in apology for her raised voice.
She scraped the small amount poured to the side of her plate and frowned down at it. Her frown became a smirk as she looked at her sister. “You might want to check for lumps next time.”
Jun’s cheeks reddened as she set the gravy boat back on the table.
Henry was getting a very clear impression of the rivalry between the sisters. As an only child, he had no idea how to defuse it, so he concentrated on the meal. His first bite of the meat made him sigh with pleasure as it was so tender it melted in his mouth. He chewed it slowly to savor the flavor. He opened his eyes and caught Jun’s anxious gaze.
“It’s delicious! I see the Imamura sisters share not only beauty but a talent for preparing wonderful meals,” he said as he watched them both.
He saw them both perk up at his compliment, so he felt relief at that little measure of success. Then he saw the hunger in their eyes as they looked back at him. They both looked like they might devour him given a chance. He smiled and returned to the meal, which he enjoyed very much.
He asked questions about the meals they ate at home and learned that their mother was a world-class chef.
This led to questions about childhoods, and he found himself talking more and more about his own being raised by the world’s most powerful witch.
He finally grinned at them as they finished the meal. “Remember, she never showed me any sign that she had any powers at all. She was just my Baba, a strict but caring grandmother. She wasn’t big on showing affection, but I could get hugs from her if I did it in subtle ways. I think she knew when I needed it and didn’t deny me on those occasions as I hid my tears and presented a calm façade, even if I was wailing inside.”
Yuko was watching Henry with her fork, forgotten halfway to her mouth. “When… when did you need it?”
He shrugged and smiled self-consciously as his eyes dropped to his plate. “You have to understand, I was smaller than the other kids but smarter than most. I wasn’t connected to the same things they were,” he gestured to the comics and toys around the room. “We shared so little in common, I was ripe for bullying. Some of the kids were particularly vicious, and I got beat up a few times a year. The teachers in the schools Baba enrolled me in weren’t particularly strong in their abilities, or Humanity, so most turned a blind eye to it. I’d come home from school and get my crying done on the way when I was alone, as Baba wasn’t one to listen to that. She’d clean me up, and I’d keep it together until she was done. If I was calm, I could remain on her lap in her arms until I fell asleep.”
He looked up, and both ladies were now fighting back the tears. “Hey! I didn’t mean to make you sad! It all worked out fantastically. Sure, my childhood had its challenges, but the payoff has more than made up for it!”
“You must hate Humans,” Jun said softly as she wiped at her glassy eyes.
Henry smiled and shook his head. “No, not at all. It was a hard time. I saw good and bad kids. I saw good and bad adults. I kept my mouth shut, but my eyes and ears open and I learned I wasn’t the cause of the bullying. They didn’t really hate me. They couldn’t, as none of them knew me.”
He saw he had their complete attention, so he continued.
“College was better. I wasn’t getting beat up, at least. I worked hard and learned so much. I-heh… I leaned into it, as an old professor once told me to do. I found my forte, and I loved it. I still didn’t have any friends, but I found a purpose.
When I got to this building, I met some Humans who didn’t know me, but they took the time to get to know me. They were, and are, exceptional people. I don’t know, maybe I’m a pushover since they were my first friends, but they showed me what Humanity could be. So, no, I don’t hate Humans. Except for a certain ex-Queen, I try not to allow hate into my heart.”
He smiled at them, and they nodded. Jun stood and collected their plates to carry back to the kitchen.
“Do you like sweets?” Yuko asked.
He gave a small nod. “We didn’t have them at Baba’s. I’ve tried them, and I’ve liked some but not so much to eat them every day.”
“I bought some Castella, which is a Japanese sponge cake. It’s not too sweet as American desserts can be. I like it very much,” Yuko said.
Jun brought over three small plates with slices of the cake on each. “I bought ice cream if you’d like a scoop with your cake.”
“Ah, ice cream is my weakness!” Henry joked, and they giggled.
“Chocolate or vanilla?” Jun asked.
Henry sighed. “Chocolate, but just a small amount, please.”
She went to the kitchen and returned with the tub to place a scoop on Henry’s plate. She looked at her sister with a raised eyebrow.
“The same as Henry, please,” Yuko admitted.
When she was finished with the ice cream, it went back into the freezer, and she sat so they could all enjoy their desserts. Henry made sure he tried the cake on its own to appreciate its flavor, which he quite enjoyed, then they finished off the sweet treat.
Jun stood and walked over to Henry’s side as she reached back behind her neck to tug loose the tie on her apron. It dropped to expose her lovely breasts. Henry was frozen as she reached a finger down to his plate to scoop up a little bit of melted chocolate ice cream. Then she dabbed this cold liquid on her nipples.
“Ooo, that’s chilly!” she sighed. “Won’t you lick them clean?”
Henry glanced at Yuko, but she was already undoing the buttons on her silk blouse with a hungry look in her eye.
He felt Jun’s fingers slide into his hair as she guided his mouth to her nipple. He ran his tongue over and around the stiff nub as she gasped.
“Your tongue is cold!”
He pulled back slightly. “I just ate ice cream!”
Jun pulled his mouth onto her once more, so he sucked and licked both nipples until they were free of the dessert and stiff with her excitement.
“Henry? Would you clean mine as well?”
He pulled back to see Yuko’s amazing breasts exposed and smeared with streaks of ice cream. He moved his mouth to them, and she moaned as he cleaned and teased her nipples until she was squirming.
“Maybe we should continue this in the bedroom?” Jun suggested.
“My bedroom,” Yuko insisted. Jun dipped her eyes, yielding to her sister’s will.
Henry slid his chair back and stood as Yuko took his hand, leading him to the bedroom at the end of a short hall.
Yuko’s bedroom had a canopy bed with strings of small amber LED lights strung up above. They cast a warm glow over the sheets below. The rest of the room was… girly. The walls were a soft pink, and the rest of the furniture showed Yuko’s feminine style preferences. She was also a bit of a slob as several alternate outfits were strewn across her bureau, chair, stand-up mirror, and of course, the floor.
A gentle but firm touch on his chin guided his eyes back to Yuko, who was blushing.
“Do not look at how untidy my room became today,” she scolded him gently.
Jun snorted, refuting her claim that this chaos was the product of one day. Yuko’s eyes snapped to hers, and once more, Jun dipped her eyes in submission, but her crooked smile remained.
To forestall an argument which Yuko’s rising color indicated was almost upon them, Henry slid his fingers along her jawline into her silky-smooth hair, making her gasp before his lips found hers.
Her mouth was hungry for his kiss, and her tongue quickly found his.
As the kiss deepened, Henry felt small hands undoing his belt and pants. They soon slid down his legs, and he stepped from them as Jun carefully folded them and placed them on the corner of the bureau. She pulled off his low-rise socks and stood to slip her arms around him to start peeling his shirt back over his shoulders as Yuko completed its unbuttoning.
Henry had to pull his hands from Yuko’s hair to allow Jun to pull his shirt off. Yuko moaned a little as he released her.