Maya’s point of view
After the rude escort had left, I breathed a sigh of relief. That guy has a lot of balls! I just wanted to lose my virginity. Oh, my God. Was that too much to ask? How unlucky can I possibly be? My fiancé, with whom I had been engaged for three years, had an adulterous relationship with both my sister and my closest friend. Well, ex-girlfriend? We’re no longer pals, as far as I’m concerned. I tossed and turned on the bed, attempting to ignore the ache in my pussy. That man’s dick… is it a human or a donkey’s dick? He didn’t touch me last night, which is a good thing. Instead, he provided me with some medication, and I am feeling significantly better today. Why is he so concerned about my well-being? Wait a minute, this gentleman returns earlier than expected. At what time does he make money? Escorts are required to work at night. Wow, this is just incredible. It’s not my fault that I married an enigmatic stranger and am now stuck with a gigolo in my bed. Well, hotel. If the rest of the world finds out about this, I’m doomed. I’m really, really, really, really, really, really, really doomed. My husband’s identity is now a riddle that I am unable to unravel. I showered and then checked out of the motel to return home. After returning home, I was greeted by my manager as well as by my father. I greeted them and was about to head to my room.
“Stop right there!” my father screamed angrily. In the middle of my trek, I came to a complete stop and turned to face my father. The manager of your company has come to deliver your termination letter. My pupils swelled to their maximum size. I didn’t say anything because pleading with this man is pointless. In his mind, I’m nothing more than an obstacle to his ambitions. So I went with the best option I could think of.
“Mr. Clark, I’m just curious as to how long it has been since terminations have reached households. Was it my family that worked for Knight Enterprises, or was it me who was employed by Knight Enterprises?”
“You have the audacity to disagree with Mr. Clark! You still have a mouth to talk?”
“Oh, my termination has reached my household, and I have no voice in the matter?”
“Like your mother, you’re a complete idiot. Get the hell out of my house!”
A feeling of retaliation has never crossed my mind throughout my life. My mother was no longer alive, and I only heard his version of the tale, which was that my mother had tricked him into becoming pregnant with me.
“For me, this house has never been a home, and you have never been a father figure in my life. This was never my home in the first place. To this day, I have endured a barrage of insults from you. However, you may never again offend the spirit of my mother in your life! You’ve failed miserably as a father. My mother did not fail in her role as a mother in the slightest. You tore me away from my family, especially my mother. That’s how cold-blooded you are. You claim that my mother has seduced you. Aren’t you the one who has the inside scoop on all of this? My mother, on the other hand, can’t defend herself because she’s no longer alive. Never, ever, ever offend my mother again in your life, or else your wife will find out what you did on the 7th. Just in case, you were under the impression no one was watching you. Moreover, you are standing there defaming the deceased.” His eyes widened as I watched him think about it. Yeah, let him think, after all, I saw him. “You’ve done me a tremendous service by tossing my clothing outside, so thank you very much! You’ve never treated me as if I were your daughter before. In your eyes, I was nothing more than a business transaction. You see, Mr. Jones, the day I married my husband, I officially ceased to be a Jones. I wish your lovely daughter the best of luck in marrying Mr. Archer.”
I returned to the hotel after saying that and collecting my belongings. Well, I’m married, and I cheated on my husband with another man. At the prospect of being married to someone I’d never met, I burst out laughing. In truth, I don’t even have a job, and I have to spend every night in the company of a gigolo. Wow, I deserve some Bells.
I was sobbing in my hotel room, unsure what to do when Mishka called.