Kelly turned and looked out, then turned and looked at her friend. “What’s going on hun?” she asked, suddenly remembering that she’d sensed something wrong with her on the phone those weeks back.
Heidi sighed and shrugged. “Well crap, I didn’t want to start the weekend this way,” she said, tears coming to her eyes. “Dale left me,” she said, glancing over at Duncan and then Kelly.
Kelly’s eyes began to well up with tears then and she hugged her friend. “Oh, Honey,” she said. “I’m so sorry!”
Duncan knew better than to ask what the reason was, and figured that he should let them talk.
“I’ll let you ladies be alone,” he said. “Can I get y’all some drinks?” he asked.
Kelly mouthed him a silent thank you, but Heidi was shaking her head. “Duncan, you should hear this too,” she said, wiping her face.
“Okay,” he said. “Y’all wanna go sit down?”
They headed to the kitchen where they sat around the table and Heidi told the story of what happened to her marriage.
“Dale and I were always an odd fit. He’s so serious all the time, you know?” She glanced over at Duncan. “Do you think we could have some wine?”
Duncan nodded and headed to pour the drinks. He grabbed himself a beer and gave his wife and their guest their wine glasses.
“Thanks,” Heidi said. “I don’t know if I know all of the reasons that he left me, but what I think the reason is, is a little humiliating.”
“Sweetie, we won’t judge you, you know that,” Kelly said, taking Heidi’s hand in her own.
“I know,” she said. “Dale and I are just different now. When we first got together it was sex constantly, you know?”
Duncan nodded in understanding. Heidi was always very blunt, very straightforward with her conversation. She didn’t sugarcoat anything for anyone, even when it came to sex.
“Anyways,” she said. “We stopped having sex after awhile. I mean, I’ll admit that my desires were different than his, not that we need to go into that,” she said. “Suffice to say that he didn’t seem to want it with me anymore. I figured that he was cheating on me, and a few months ago, I caught him in his office getting a blowjob from one of his nurses.”
“That son of a bitch,” Kelly swore uncharacteristically.
Heidi shrugged. “I should have seen it coming, honestly. He always came home late, made excuses to be out and the like. I mean, I just wanted him to be honest with me and he tried to cover it up like I was some kind of idiot. We fought about it for a few days and then it got violent. He slapped me around a little and then punched me in the stomach one evening.”
“That motherfucker,” Duncan said, suddenly growing angry.
“Like a dumbass, I forgave him, but it didn’t matter. He came to me a few days later and said that he needed a wife that he would be proud to have on his arm. He said I wasn’t fit to be seen in public with him.”
“Holy shit,” Kelly said. “That motherfucker!”
Heidi shrugged. “Looking back on it now, I can see that it was doomed early on, but I tried to salvage it. He apparently had been wanting a divorce for a while, as he had all the lawyer stuff ready. He was very kind and gave me half of his money, but kept the house and his cars.”
Duncan felt a stab of anger. “He’s lucky he’s so far away. He’s got an ass beating coming.”
Heidi smiled but shook her head. “I’m okay. I appreciate the thought though.”
Duncan wasn’t convinced though, but stored the thought for a later conversation.
“So where are you going to stay? You headed back to your parents?” Kelly asked.
Heidi nodded. “I’ve been living in hotel rooms for the past couple of months. I figured I could come here and find a place to live, and then find a job. Luckily Dale was loaded, as plastic surgeons are, so I’ve got plenty of money to last for awhile. I’ll probably find a hotel tonight.”
Duncan was shaking his head. “Oh hell no you won’t. You don’t need to stay in a hotel. Our house is your house, you’re going stay with us as long as you need to get back on your feet.”
Kelly was nodding at Heidi in agreement. “Duncan’s right. You’re staying here. No arguments.”
Heidi smiled and hugged Kelly then, fresh tears beginning to flow. She reached her arm out for Duncan then, and he obliged her by coming over to wrap them both in a hug.
“Thank you so much you guys,” she said, “But I can only stay until next weekend if that’s okay. I’m headed back home to see my folks and relax for a few weeks. I might come back this way and take you up on your offer, though.”
Kelly sat back after the hug and glanced over at Heidi with a confused look on her face.
“There’s something that I don’t get. You said that he told you that he needed a wife that he could be proud of in public, but that he was the one that was cheating. What the hell did he imagine was wrong with you?”
The blonde blushed at that and shook her head. “I don’t really think it’s relevant,” she said. “How about you guys let me take you to dinner?”
Duncan was shaking his head. “How about you let me put the trailer in our barn, and we can unload what you need for this weekend. Then, we’ll take you to dinner. You’ve had enough of a painful time.”
Kelly nodded in agreement. “There really is a lot we need to discuss,” she said. “Things are different for us.”
Heidi nodded. “Well, I’m ready then, if you two are.”
Duncan stood then. “Let me change real quick and I’ll be good.”
They went to a quiet restaurant and talked. Kelly told Heidi about how they were trying to expand their horizons and try and be a little more adventurous. She didn’t hold anything back, filling the dinner conversation with the stories of how they attended a swinger party, and flirting with the college guys on the beach. She told her about both times that they’d gone to the club, about all the new friends they’d made and about Duncan’s new secretary that looked like her sister. Duncan figured that Kelly sensed that Heidi really didn’t want to dwell on her shattered marriage and would like to have her mind on something else.
Heidi was genuinely surprised to hear it all.
“I’m sorry if I just flooded you with all that,” Kelly said as they drove home. “I just didn’t want you to be surprised if you noticed us behaving differently out in public. I’m not the same, shy little wallflower that you knew growing up.”
“I’m getting that,” Heidi said with a grin. “I’m glad that you guys are getting a little more adventurous.”
They drove home and Kelly helped Heidi get situated in her room while Duncan carried in the bags that she needed for the night. Afterwards, he backed her trailer into the barn and headed back inside.
After saying their “good-nights”, Heidi retreated to her room and the two of them climbed into their bed.
“Thank you for letting her stay, Baby,” Kelly said, snuggling up to him.
He sighed happily. “You knew I was going to say that,” he said. “She’s family. She should’ve been here right after it happened.” He turned and looked at her then. “I can’t believe she was staying in hotels!”
“Oh that’s just Heidi. She didn’t want to be a burden to anyone.”
“I still owe that asshole a beating,” Duncan said. “Don’t think that I will let that go so easily.”
Kelly snuggled up closely. “I know you won’t.”
The week seemed to catch up with them then, and soon they were both asleep.
Kelly awoke early that next morning. Giggling quietly to herself, she slid gently down in the bed until she could slide between her husband’s legs. Slowly moving upwards, she stopped when she felt the warmth of his thighs close in around her, and extended her tongue and licked the tip of his cock as it hung downwards between his legs. Opening her lips, she quickly pulled the tip in and sucked forcefully, feeling the organ swell quickly in her mouth. Pulling the sheet back, she began to suck the tip of his cock gently, then slowly lowered her lips until the tip was brushing the roof of her mouth.
There was a soft knock at the door. “Kelly?” Heidi called softly, peeking in. “Oh my God!” she said quietly. “I’m so sorry!”
Kelly scrambled over her husband, covering him back up and giggling as he shifted, his eyes opening.
“Mmm,” he muttered. “Morning Baby,” he said, his hands pulled her hips into place. He hadn’t heard Heidi.
Kelly turned back around and looked at the doorway. A blonde head disappeared back around the door. Kelly stifled a laugh and then moaned quietly as Duncan pushed at her from below.
“Oh fuck, Baby,” he groaned, his cock swelling to full size. She sighed softly in pleasure, his cock pushing up into her pussy gently, and then sliding slowly back out as she lifted her hips up. Starting the long trek back down, she squeezed down on his cock, her pussy sliding slowly down the thick organ as he pulled down on her hips. She groaned, grinding her sex down on him.
“Fuck,” she moaned, sliding up and down faster and faster. She arched her back then, raising her arms above her head and lifting her hair up before letting it fall as he pushed upwards into her, his cock filling every crevice and sending fingers of pleasure rocketing outward from her succulent cunt.
“Cunt,” she thought. The thought of the word repulsed and excited her all at the same time.
“Do you like fucking my cunt?” she asked, leaning down and kissing him. He groaned in pleasure at her awful language, his cock pistoning faster and faster in her as he began to come.
She felt her orgasm crest and then fell down on top of him, her hips bouncing in time with his thrusts, his cock filling up her tight pussy.
“Cunt,” she thought again, the foul word sending her even higher.
“Fuck my cunt,” she said again, spewing the word as if it was a foul tasting morsel of food.
“Fuck,” Duncan groaned loudly as he thrust one final time, his thick cock fully inserted and snug inside her pussy.
She felt her pussy as it filled with his warm seed, and collapsed into him. Briefly, she glanced back and could have sworn she saw a blonde head disappear again.
After catching her breath, she pulled herself off of Duncan and went to take a quick shower. As she finished and got dressed, she found Heidi in the kitchen making breakfast.
The two exchanged knowing glances at each other and broke into laughter.