I use the keycard and enter. I hear his voice first, then catch sight of him pacing out on his balcony, talking-actually, yelling-into his phone. His head jerks up and eyes lock on me with the same dark intensity they wore yesterday. He says something more into the phone and then drops it into his pocket, never taking his gaze from me.
I push the cart into the center of the room, hoping I’m hiding how much he unnerves me.
He slides open the glass door from the balcony and stalks toward me. “You came back.”
Does he sound pleased, or am I imagining it?
“Yeah,” I mumble and make a big show out of pulling supplies from the cart.
“I wasn’t sure you would.”
I turn around and yelp to find him right in front of me, the heat of his body radiating into mine.
Oh lord, he’s still beautiful. Chocolate brown eyes with long dark, curling lashes-the kind a woman would kill for. Olive skin. His square jaw sports a five-o’clock shadow. The bags under his eyes are still there, but not quite as pronounced today. His periwinkle blue button-down gapes at the collar, revealing a light dusting of dark curls.
I run my tongue over my lips to moisten them and his eyes follow the movement. “Are you going to strip search me again?”
His lips kick up at the corners and suddenly I find myself crowded against the cart. He’s not quite touching me, but it wouldn’t take much to bring our bodies flush with each other. “Do you want me to?”
“No, thanks, I’m good.” I swallow, heat pooling between my legs, my core quivering. His lips are just inches away. I can smell his breath-minty and fresh. “Did you sleep last night?”
He arches a brow-yes, just one. It’s movie star sexy. “Are you asking after my well-being, bambina? After what I did to you yesterday?”
My face grows warm at the reminder and I shrug.
“You’re as sweet as you look, aren’t you?” His face darkens and he takes a step back. “You shouldn’t have come.” He shakes his head. “I figured you’d quit for sure.”
Suddenly I’m suffocating under his disappointment in me, which mirrors my own. When will I ever smarten up? Bartenders who like to drop ecstasy and mafioso casino owners are bad news.
As if he senses my change in mood, he reaches out and touches my shoulder. It’s a light touch-respectful. Nothing sexy or dominating about it. “I’m sorry about yesterday, Sondra.”
The way he says my name makes my insides twist and wriggle. I didn’t expect it to sound so… familiar on his lips.
“I’m glad you came back-even though I wish to hell, for your sake, you didn’t.”
I shove my chin forward. “So which is it? You want me here or you don’t?”
Suddenly I’m trapped against the cart, caged by the two steel bands of his arms. Tacone comes flush up against me, hard, muscular lines pressed against my curves. His cock bulges at my stomach. “I jerked off three times watching our video last night, bambina.” His voice comes as a hoarse rumble that enters my body.
My pussy squeezes, thrills of shock rippling through me.
What video? Oh dear lord, did his security surveillance catch the whole interaction? Who else has seen it?
“I was so sure you were a plant yesterday because there’s something special about you. Something that hooks me right here.” He curls his finger in front of his solar plexus. “So yeah. I wanted to see you again. Wanted to hear your voice. Make sure you’re okay.” He drops one of his hands to my hip.
I suck my lower lip in between my teeth. I’m trembling almost as much as I did yesterday, only this time, there’s no fear. Just excitement.
His palm slides around my hip to cup my ass. I put my hands up on his chest, ready to push him away, but I don’t follow through. The thread of indignation running through me is drowned out by his velvety voice.
He cants his head, studying me. “Beautiful face. Perfect tits, that lush little body of yours. I’ve seen that before. But the way that sweet pussy got wet even though I scared the hell out of you. The way you revealed everything, like you really have nothing to hide…”
Oh gawd.
My sweet pussy is definitely wet again, clenching and releasing as his hot breath caresses my cheek.
“Have you forgiven me?” His voice drops to an intimate level.
Another squeeze of my lady parts tells me I’m already lost.
I want to say no because of the humiliation I endured, but, once more, my body betrays me-he has me leaning toward him, panting, hungry. “Not yet,” is as close I can get to a negative.
He brushes my cheek with the backs of his fingers. I get the feeling he’s testing to see if I’ll resist.
I don’t.
Score another one for the bad boy.
“Just like that,” he whispers, staring down at me. “That’s the look.”
What look?
One corner of his mouth lifts and he cups the back of my head, pulling my face up to his. “I’m not sorry.”
My eyes widen and I try to jerk away, but he holds me fast, and goes on like I didn’t react. “I wouldn’t have missed that encounter for all the world.” His lips descend on mine, firm and demanding.
A wave of lust rolls over me. I melt into him, parting my lips, allowing his tongue to sweep into my mouth. Heat explodes in every cell of my body.
He pulls away, nostrils flaring. “As sweet as I imagined.” He licks his lips, as if tasting me. “That I regretted. Not tasting you.”
I lick my lips, too. “I didn’t say you could kiss me.” The breathy quality of my voice belies my reaction.
He gives a harsh laugh. “No, you didn’t. I stole that kiss.” His features harden. “That’s why you shouldn’t have come back. You stick around here, piccolina, and I’m going to make you sorry. Probably make us both sorry.” He steps back and surveys me. “Or maybe not. I might just take what I want without apology.”
My pulse skitters. My panties are damp with arousal, nipples chafe against my bra. I’m one part scared, two parts turned on. And damn, if his warning doesn’t make me want to offer myself up to him on a silver platter.
He straightens his jacket and walks toward the door. “So I’m going to leave, amore. You do your thing here.” He stops at the door and turns back to face me. “And you’d better think about what you want to tell me next time. Make up your mind. Yes or no. And I’ll make up mine. But I’m warning you, bambi-you have even a little bit of yes mixed in with your no, I’m going to mow you down to the ground.” He points a warning finger at me. “Believe it.”
When he leaves, I have to hang onto the housekeeping cart to keep my legs under me.
What. In the hell. Just happened?
I want to call Corey and report, because today’s story turned out almost as exciting as yesterday’s, but I don’t dare. Tacone has cameras everywhere, and he already confessed to jerking off to the footage of me yesterday. I wouldn’t be surprised if he reviewed today’s feed, too. And I really need to get my head straight before I open my mouth around him again.
Because he just gave me an ultimatum. Make up my mind. I don’t know the full implications of that decision or even what it entails, but I do know one thing-
There’s way too much yes in me to say no.