“What?” her voice let him know this was a horrible time to interrupt her, in the middle of a TIVO’d episode of Sex & the City.
“You’re not just going to sit around and do nothing all day, every day. With your mother gone, we both have to pick up the slack. I expect you to do the laundry, keep the place generally neat and clean, and do the dishes.”
“Jesus! Do I have to do everything with Mom gone?” Heather griped.
“I’ll deal with the shopping, the cooking, the trash, the yard, and house maintenance, and, oh yeah, the bills. Breakfast and lunch, you’re on your own, but I’ll take care of dinner. Got it?”
“Fine. Whatever.” She said, turning away and taking the show off pause.
Harold ignored the blatant disrespect, and returned to his study where he unlocked the door, and carefully locked it behind him.
Finally. His sanctuary. The one place where he had a little privacy and didn’t have to listen to the bitching and moaning. He turned on his computer, entered his password, and opened his browser. Time for a little well earned relaxation.
Heather wasn’t too worried. Her conniving little mind was already hatching a plan. A bad plan. She was a bad girl, after all. Everybody said so.
* * *
When her father went out shopping, warning her to get the laundry started if she didn’t want to lose some more privileges, she was up from her perch in front of the TV like a sprinter out of the blocks.
She ran and dumped an armful of clothes in the washer, and turned it on. There. Now he couldn’t complain.
Then she headed straight for his ‘study’.
She giggled to herself as she pulled out her key-chain and quickly unlocked his door. When he’d installed the new lock on his office several weeks ago, she’d taken the packaging out of the trash and headed down to the hardware store. The guy at the key machine was happy to make a key for her, based on the code of the tumbler.
She’d be damned if she’d let him keep a locked room in the house without knowing what was going on there.
The computer was a different problem. She’d tried guessing at his password but no such luck. A few minutes on-line with some friends and acquaintances and she had a couple of new approaches lined up. Now was her chance to test them.
Expecting to be working at this for a while, she was amazed when the very first suggestion worked. Hitting CTRL-ALT-DEL at the login screen popped up a login window. She entered “administrator” as she’d been told, without a password, and – miracle-of-miracles – she was in, with full access! Two minutes later, following the instructions on her cheat sheet, the administrator account had a password, her password, and she had unlimited access.
She pulled out the USB flashdrive, with all the software she’d been given for this task, and ran the first two programs. Just like that, his entire Internet browser was backed up to her little device. Another click and she was running her own browser, with all his bookmarks, history, saved passwords, cookies, and more.
Now to see what the old man was up to….
* * *
“OH, GROSS!” she exclaimed, actually turning away from the screen. She’d been able to bring up his browser and visit the sites in his browser history. THAT was an education.
She was getting nervous, he wouldn’t be gone much longer. She shut down everything, pulled her flashdrive and shut things down. Locking the door behind her, her mind was still reeling with the new found knowledge.
There had to be a way to use this. Maybe this wasn’t going to be such a bad summer after all…
* * *
Harold was pleasantly surprised by his daughter’s new behavior. She’d accepted her responsibilities, performed her chores with minimal complaint, and was able to converse without obvious condescension.
She’d also started taking care of herself again; cleaning up each morning, and wearing nicer clothes, not sweats and dirty t-shirts. He wondered what had gotten into her.
For the past few days, she’d slowly cleaned up her act. She still could be slow to respond to his questions, and she’d put off her chores until the last minute, but they were getting done. She’d even stopped whining about how bad her life was.
The change was so noticeable, he’d even brought it up with his wife on their nightly call. Janice’s suggestion had been to give her room and show a little appreciation. He thought he’d give it a try.
“You don’t think she’s up to something, do you?” Harold asked, still a little wary of her behavior.
“Hard to say, maybe she’s realizing that her past behavior was getting her nowhere. Do you still have her grounded, and cell phone taken away?”
“Yeah, but I’m thinking if she can keep this up a while, I might slowly start loosening the reins. How’s things at your end?”
Janice had to stifle a giggle. Her ‘end’ was doing just fine. Roger’s hands were fondling her there, and she could feel him trying to nuzzle up behind her and slide his huge cock back inside her. She slapped him away, teasingly.
“Just fine here,” she answered. “It sounds like you’ve got things under control. I’m glad.”
She gasped a bit as Roger got a little more insistent, lifting her leg high and jabbing into her. Even after the recent pounding, he still felt enormous entering her. She couldn’t believe she’d ever get used to it.
“You Ok?” Harold asked, hearing the sharp intake of breath.
“Oh! I just stubbed my toe. Gotta go sweetie, we’re having drinks with the client in just a few.”
“I miss you.” Harold said, meaning it.
“Me too baby, love ya, bye-bye.”
* * *
Harold’s political aspirations were taking a turn for the better, after working his network, and calling all the local party groups. He was scheduled to go in to talk to some movers-and-shakers the next day. Things were certainly moving along better in his life. He just wished Janice was around to share it with. They’d never been apart for more than a week before. At over three weeks now, he felt lonelier then he had in years. If not for his daughter, that is.
Even Heather was becoming less of a pain, and more of the little girl he recalled so fondly.
Over lunch, which they’d eaten together for the first time he could remember, Heather confessed.
“I’ve been thinking about things, about my future, and I’ve really been messing up. I’m going to try to do better.”
Harold was slightly taken aback. “You haven’t been that bad, nothing we can’t recover from. I’ll help you in any way I can, you know that.”
“I know. Lynn’s been telling me that I’m spoiled rotten. She’d never get away with the stuff I’ve done. Last time she got home past her curfew, she could barely sit the next day.”
Harold found his palms itching. Lynn? Barely sit? Jesus! That’s a dream come true.