Looking down, I saw Mom raising her hips, presenting her hairy pussy for the pounding she desired. Wasting no time, I shoved my anxious cock deep into Mom’s hungry hole. It was her turn to groan while hugging Rachel tight. Lucky for me, they were already excited, and Mom would be easy to bring to climax. There was no finesse. I rapidly thrust in and out of her hungry slot.
After a dozen strokes, Mom howled, experiencing her orgasm. Her pussy vainly attempted to coax me to erupt my load of cum when her walls tightened around my shaft. She finally gave up and lowered her hips to the bed. Pulling out of her, a glob of cum dripped onto the bed. I pulled Rachel off Mom, positioning her next to my mother, both flat on their backs.
Moving up to Rachel, I shoved my prick to the bottom and rewarded her with a dozen strokes. She moaned in pleasure being fucked so soon after her orgasm. Pulling out, I moved to Mom and repeated with her. Their eyes glazed from being serviced by their son and nephew. After the same number of strokes I did to Rachel, I pulled out, my dripping prick teasingly bobbing.
“Which one of you beautiful girls would like my load of cum tonight? My girlfriend couldn’t help, so it’s up to one of you to drain me.”
They giggled and spread their legs, trying to entice me to choose one over the other. Mom smiled when I moved between her legs. She knew her son couldn’t resist his mother. Her hands gripped my head and pulled me in for a kiss. She tasted like Rachel’s pussy. Releasing my mouth, she muttered, “Let Rachel have it. Fuck my sister and fill her with your sperm. Since she’s given me a night of bliss, I want her to get the ultimate gift from you.”
Rachel squealed with delight, cupping her breasts and tweaking her nipples in anticipation. Crawling between my aunt’s splayed-out legs, I placed my engorged head at her entrance. When I lowered to her hot body, my prick slid in until my balls slapped against her ass. Her arms wrapped around me while I thrust as hard as before. There would be no drawn-out love-making. Locking my lips to hers, I pounded her pussy, her body writhing below me.
She knew I was close and wrapped her legs around me, lifting her pelvis for maximum penetration. Her eyes conveyed how much she loved the attention I was giving her. Holding her tight, I furiously fucked my horny aunt. Not more than two dozen strokes later, my shaft expanded, her nails digging into my back. A full day’s load of cum spewed out and bathed her walls. Her pussy squeezed tight when her orgasm hit her. I filled her cavern with virile sperm while she milked my prick dry. She gasped for breath, her body wracked with pleasure.
When her body relaxed, I remained melded to her body, knowing she liked the close, fleshy contact after sex. After she unwrapped her legs, I rolled off while we recovered from our joining. Rachel was the first to speak. “Monica is your girlfriend, but we’re receiving all the benefits. Not that I’m complaining.”
We all fell asleep soon after, exhausted after our coupling.
I visited Monica and Camila several days during the week and looked forward to spending time with them. Mom was ecstatic about how happy I was upon my return. When I didn’t go over, Mom and I would go out to eat at the restaurant where Lisa worked. Rachel would periodically accompany us, but it was usually just Mom and me. We didn’t give Lisa another show. After a few times, she quit asking if we wanted any ground pepper.
One time when we arrived, there were no booths available. When the hostess sat us at a table outside of Lisa’s serving area, Lisa noticed and walked over to our table. She handed me her text number so I could notify her ahead of time in the future. After that mishap, Lisa made sure to take good care of us. She lingered longer each time to talk with us. It became clear that Lisa was intelligent and focused on her future. Her server job was a part-time gig while she finished her nursing degree. Her side job as a nanny left her with very little free time. After her degree, she aspired to become a certified midwife.
Mom’s gratuities increased each time we dined out. One afternoon, Mom and Rachel told me to text Lisa we’d be showing up for dinner.
Expecting us, Lisa quickly led us to a booth. Mom sat down on the end so Rachel and I could sit opposite her. Lisa did a double-take since this was a first. Mom had sat by me in prior visits. She took our drink order and left to fill them. My aunt pushed the table towards Mom until we had a large gap on our side. Mom’s giggling gave away their hidden agenda. They had something devious planned today. Rachel’s skirt was high enough to expose her panties. Reaching down, she pulled her underwear off and stuffed them between us. Moving her skirt down an inch, she grinned and croaked, “Let the show begin.”
When Lisa arrived with our drinks, she noticed the gap and said, “It looks like one of our larger patrons must have been here. The table has shifted over. Do you want me to get someone to put it back in position?”
Rachel quickly replied, “No, Lisa. It’s fine. I’m a little hot tonight. It’s good to get some fresh air.”
Lisa’s brow frowned when her eyes drifted down to my aunt’s exposed thighs. “Okay, if you change your mind, let me know. What would you like to order?”
Mom made her selection, and when it was Rachel’s turn, she said, “I’m not picky tonight. Maybe a pasta selection that I can spice up with fresh ground pepper. Sam would like a similar dish but one that requires shaved cheese on top.”
Lisa’s smile broadened, knowing another erotic display was in the works. She piped, “I know what you need. I can’t wait to surprise you.”
She broke into a trot to submit our order. Turning to Rachel, I said, “You could have at least told me you were planning on a performance tonight.”
She replied, “That wouldn’t be near as fun. Once your Mom described your earlier exhibition, I knew I had to up the ante.”
Telling me to keep watch, she reached over to unbuckle my belt and unzip my jeans. Lifting my hips enabled her to pull my pants and shorts down past my balls. Firmly holding my prick, she stroked until I was hard. Unfolding the large table napkin, she covered my turgid tool while she prepared herself for the event.