The morning after, her fever broke and mine spiked up. But it was worth it. Judy was deeply moved by the fact that I had got sick trying to make her feel better, she saw it as a noble sacrifice of sorts. Honestly it cost me nothing, it came very natural for me to do something for her. Still, it felt great to see the tender admiration and gratitude in Judy’s spellbinding eyes. We spent a couple of nice albeit wheezy days curled up together, sneezing and coughing and watching TV on the couch wrapped up in blankets, until we both recovered. Talk about weird ways to bond.
I know it may sound crazy, but in many ways I saw Judy more as a sister than a friend or a roommate. She was so nice and warm and cuddly, it was so easy for me to get along with her. We synced smoothly on pretty much every level of day to day life. It was kind of a first for me, living in this emotional happy bubble. It was like I always imagined it would be to have siblings, something that I had desperately wanted ever since I was a kid.
As an only child whose one close relative was a taciturn and stern father, it was a totally new experience for me to live with someone like Judy, who came from a big family with lots of cousins and uncles and aunts always around. She and her relatives were very close, and she often talked about them, telling funny stories from her life back home and sharing her happy memories with me, all of which I drank in avidly. With her kind and open attitude, Judy made me feel part of that world and, even vicariously, it felt great and I loved her for it. Right from the start, the feelings involved in the whole Judy situation were even more rewarding for me than the fact that I got to see her naked pretty much every day.
Close and intimate as Judy and I already were, the conversation we had that night about butt stuff marked a turning point in our relationship. Maybe it was the fact that we almost kissed, or maybe it was the subject of anal sex itself and the discovery that we were both into it. All I know is that, in the couple of days after that pizza dinner, there was a buzzing undercurrent of excitement between me and my beautiful roommate.
Nothing out of the ordinary happened, but our daily gestures of affection were charged with a new intensity. Our hugs were longer and tighter, Judy’s pecks on my cheeks were much closer to the corners of my mouth and, a couple of times, my usual adoring stares evolved into playful slaps on her fabulous bouncy ass, which made her giggle and purr huskily in turn.
This new sexual tension lasted until Friday night, when something weird finally happened: Judy decided it was time for me to watch Twilight.
For some time now, the fact that I had never seen any of the movies in the Twilight Saga had been a favorite teasing argument of Judy’s. According to her, even a self-proclaimed disciple of Dostoevsky like me should know one of the defining pop culture references of our generation, at least in light of its social impact and regardless of its artistic merits. It was always more of a joke between us than anything else, but that Friday night Judy made it into so much more.
It was strange from the very start. Judy had me drink two shots of tequila ‘to make the incoming visual agony less excruciating’, as she put it with a smirk. After downing three tequilas herself, she led me by the hand to her bedroom to watch the movie on her laptop.
“Here, let’s not take any chances,” Judy grinned as she lay on her side on the bed, her laptop in front of her, “we should be prepared in case you fall asleep from the boredom!”
I was too baffled to argue, plus I was slightly drunk and too intrigued by this turn of events to say anything. Neither me nor Judy usually drank, and her giggles told me that she was feeling the tequila a bit too. She had a mischievous glint in her pale eyes as she looked invitingly at me. I stood by her bed for a second, admiring her.
She was wearing a tight fitting blue T-shirt that showcased her full perky tits and left her smooth tummy exposed. Her gray boy shorts were straining to contain the plump roundness of her ass. I couldn’t help but slowly let my gaze roam from the swell of her hips to her shapely thighs, all the way down her long legs to her pretty little feet. She was wiggling her toes, a tell of hers that I knew to mean she was either nervous or excited.
“Come on, Greg,” she murmured, patting the bedspread behind her, “I bet you’ll like it…”
I just chuckled and joined Judy on her bed, spooning her and looking over her shoulder at the screen as she started the movie. I stifled a moan as Judy wiggled her luscious ass, pressing her juicy bubble-butt right against my tenting groin. Reaching for my hand with hers, she wrapped my arm around her waist, so that I was embracing her while she snuggled back into me.
The closeness of our bodies and the intimacy of the situation were especially intoxicating after the last couple of sexually charged days. The tequila did the rest. From the very start, I couldn’t care less about the film. In a matter of minutes I was rock hard, my pant-clad boner nestled in the crevice of my gorgeous roommate’s ass.
“Mmh, seems like you’re enjoying the movie after all,” Judy purred, turning to look at me over her shoulder. Her full lips were parted and her breath was labored as she asked teasingly: “Is Bella Swan turning you on?”
Wiggling her perfect ass, Judy trapped my erection deeper between her fleshy buns. “Someone is definitely turning me on,” I moaned, locking gazes with her, “but it’s not Bella.”
I reached my hand to Judy’s face, cupping her chin in my palm and brushing her smooth cheek with my fingertips. “This was never about making me watch Twilight, was it?”
Judy let out a little laugh, turning her clear gaze away from mine. “Well, no, but it might be…” she mumbled, shrugging her shoulders and thus making her tits jiggle deliciously. She was blushing, which didn’t happen frequently but I always found it adorable when it did. “It’s just that since we talked about anal sex the other day… Well, I kind of couldn’t stop thinking about it.”
“I’ve been thinking about it too,” I admitted, brushing a stray lock of dark hair behind her ear.
“Really? Because I actually considered, you know…” she trailed off, arching a thin eyebrow. She blinked her piercing eyes nervously as she sighed and blurted out: “Well, I wanted to ask you, if that’s okay, and I assumed it would be since you said you think about buttfucking a lot and you always stare at my ass, which I’m okay with completely, because you’re great and I feel so comfortable and relaxed with you, and if I’m going to let anyone do me in the ass you are definitely my first choice seeing as… Oh my god…” she sighed, her cheeks burning red and her whole face flushed with arousal. She looked more beautiful than ever as she ranted away, trying to tell me what we both already knew. “I’m messing this up so bad! It was so much easier in my head, I should have had more tequilas, or less actually, come to think of it… What I’m trying to say is mmhph!…”