I leaned down once again and began kissing her with my hand still between her half opened thighs. As I did, I began to feel her thighs tremble and very slowly relax, as she slowly spread them. I then gently pulled behind her right knee in an attempt to expose her crotch in the wildest, most sexually exposed way possible.
I could still feel slight yet controlled resistance from Gina, knowing she had reluctantly decided to take him inside her, and in some carnal way I was suggesting to her that the more she spread, the deeper she could take him.
I’m sure that only a small fraction of husbands who have ever had this fantasy are lucky enough to experience it, and in reality, most are probably more comfortable fantasizing about it than actually witnessing it. I must say that up to this very moment, I was one of those husbands who was more comfortable only fantasizing about it.
Believe me, when you have spent years fantasizing about it and finally gaze at another man’s sexually aroused cock inches from your wife’s vagina; you begin to really question whether you can go through with it.
Let’s face it, willingly having the head of another man’s cock positioned against your wife’s cervix, in an act that will cause him to fill her vaginally with a few hundred million sperm, knowing she will be carrying his seed in her for days, is a mental bazooka. But again, this had escalated to the point that it was going to happen and I chalked it up to a simultaneous state of apprehension and want.
As I continued kissing her wildly, she suddenly exhaled and softly gasped into my face. It was intensely erotic as I smelled a combination of her cinnamon gum and a strong aroma of alcohol on her breath. I knew she had just felt the head of his cock breach her vaginal opening.
As we awkwardly and wildly kissed in a combination of her gasping and exhalation, I began to feel that he was no longer taking short thrusts, but had developed into harder and longer rhythmic thrusts. A few seconds into his forcefully thrusting his pelvis against hers, I leaned up to finally view what I had fantasized about all these years.
As I did, Gina continued to squeeze my hand and hold it to her face. As she held my hand tightly, with her eyes squeezed closed she repeatedly gasped, “Scott, he’s going inside me, oh, my God, Scott, he’s going inside me.”
When I was completely raised up, I instantly noticed his soaked and glistening cock rhythmically sliding into her pussy. I was amazed with how wet his cock appeared. Even the front of his pubic hair was becoming wet with her vaginal fluid.
I couldn’t take my eyes off of her crotch. When he was fully inside her, he would occasionally and very slowly raise his body on a back thrust. As he did, his cock would wildly stretch and spread the top of her pussy lips, making the sides of her pussy tightly bulge out and cling to his cock. I was still almost in denial that another man’s unprotected cock was actually inside my wife.
As they fucked like this for a few minutes, he distinctly changed rhythm and began erratically thrusting, intensely gritting his teeth, moaning, and pulling at her ass. This went on for nearly twenty seconds more when he finally let out a roaring, almost possessed, “AAAAAHHHHHHH, FFFFFFFUUCK.” As he did, he strained and violently slammed all the way inside Gina’s pussy.
As he held this death lock inside her for at least five seconds, she instantly jerked up onto one elbow and gasped, “Not inside me…”
As she pressed against his chest and sharply gasped a few times, he sharply withdrew and a strong jet of semen shot onto Gina’s stomach. Gina kept her hand on his chest as he leaned in grabbing his cock and squeezing it tightly.
There was no doubt in my mind that he had blown the first few shots of semen as deeply as he could into her pussy. He held the thrust too long. I knew the instant he shot the first jet of his seed inside Gina, her first gasp said it all. She closed her eyes tightly and probably didn’t even know she did it, but she raised her ass up and thrust her pelvis against him just once before getting his attention and as she did she let out a moan I hadn’t heard before, ever. It was as if the head of his cock spewed a shot of seed point blank into her cervical opening.
I was mesmerized.
Knowing full well that the first few shots violently shot into Gina’s vagina, I then watched as he withdrew and bolted several thick gelatinous, milky streams onto her stomach.
As he continued straining and squeezing his cock, the jets of semen began to reduce to thick, dripping globs, which turned into him squeezing the last few lubricating drips onto her inner thigh. With the volume he put on her stomach and the force with which the semen shot from his cock, I couldn’t imagine what the first few and most powerful jets must have felt like for her, point blank against her cervical opening.
Of all the things to remember, I knew full well; even when Gina was pushing against him when he first tensed up, telling him not to come inside her, she felt the first powerful thick jets of his seed explode inside her. It was unmistakable.
After he was completely spent, looking as if he might pass out, he slowly withdrew and fell onto the bed at Gina’s right side. I was so utterly worked up watching, I instantly threw my shorts off and maneuvered between Gina’s legs.
As I did, I immediately noticed a slight cloudy white stream of semen which had drained from her vagina down between her ass cheeks. The bottom of her vaginal opening was gaped about the circumference of a pencil with a translucent drain of his semen running from her vagina to a small puddle touching her ass and the sheet.
I could never fully describe in words how mind blowing it was; I took my middle and index finger and very slightly spread her inner vagina. When I did, I began to see his semen slowly pool in the glistening space I had created inside her.
Very soon after Stan realized I was going to fuck Gina, he went to the other bed and began to get dressed, saying nothing. His friend who had been there the entire time had already made his way over to the edge of the bed Gina and I were on, having thought it might be his time to capitalize.
He just knelt there holding his cock, and thank God Gina had her face towards the wall because I’m sure she might have reacted in such a way as to say, “One time okay, I did it, twice in the same night, with another guy, how about a divorce?”
I knew for certain he thought this was his open invitation, but it wasn’t. Only half of me was even paying attention to him. I was still completely enthralled with what had just taken place and after witnessing the most erotic thing I thought possible, I was only thinking of positioning my cock and sliding the head of my cock inside her.
As the head of my cock got to her vaginal opening, I effortlessly leaned in and the warmth of her semen-filled vagina took my breath away. In an instant I felt her warmth all the way to my scrotum. She was so filled with his semen I found myself completely inside her simply leaning down to kiss her.
A dose of reality then jolted me, shouting the fact that the only time I had ever felt this exact same feeling was when I had come inside her. Only this time I knew that another man’s semen and sperm were coursing through every inch of her vagina.
As I was completely engrossed watching my soaked cock very slowly and methodically going in and out of her pussy, Brian who had sat there quietly and witnessed the entire incident, slowly sat on the edge of the bed. In only a couple of seconds, he slowly began touching Gina’s breast.
My mind was a twisted mess at this point, and I had enough erotic euphoria and semen built up to populate a new planet. Gina kept her face towards the wall as he cautiously and softly caressed her breasts. As I glanced from my cock to him caressing her breasts, I had to withdraw or I would have certainly come.
As I watched for a few more seconds, an insistent devil on my shoulder caused me to reach out and peck his shoulder. As I did, I quietly mouthed and motioned with my hand, “Fuck her.”
Being yet another twenty-one year old young man, he rose from the bed and was ready before I even got it out of my mouth. The tip of his cock was smeared with what had to be his excitement having watched the most vivid sex act of his life.
The last thing I would ever want to do is take away from the actual account by sounding generically pornographic, but by my ignoring him from the onset, after having gotten between my wife’s legs, I hadn’t noticed his cock erect at this point.
He was the young man I had pointed out earlier in the evening, one of the ones who lost their underwear on a losing hand; the same one who had the half-erect very healthy sized cock.
It was painfully apparent by this time; he was at the very least an inch longer and perhaps an inch thicker than either me or the guy who had just fucked her. I debated for what seemed like an eternity whether to end it all right then and there, but didn’t. The more I slowly thrust and watched him touch her breasts, the more I talked myself into wanting to watch him fuck her.