“Are you crazy! That’s my sister!” Liam screamed before a few henchmen quickly pointed their guns at his head before he got an idea to do something he might regret.
“Great! That means we can raise the price for this,” the leader happily replied. “Now, all of you get those cocks out, or none of you will be anyone’s brothers anymore,” he added, and scanned the group to see if any of them will reveal some other juicy details that will make this film even filthier and more valuable on the markets it was meant for, but unfortunately, all the rest seemed to be completely petrified by what was happening.
Well, almost all, at least.
“You won’t get away with this,” Sawyer said, sounding rather calm and sure about what he was saying. “When you freaks will be spending the rest of your lives in prison, I might visit you all a few times,” he added, before pulling his jeans down and taking out his semi-erect cock.
“Really?” Bella mumbled to herself at the sight. They were about to be forced to rape her at gunpoint, it was the single worst moment of their lives , and his cock was already at half-mast.
And he wasn’t the only one. Despite his fighting words, he was the first one to take his cock out. With him taking the lead, the previously-petrified rest of their group followed, revealing that all of them were already quite ready for the action. Alexander was the only one who was mostly limp, while Gavin and Liam were both already rock-hard.
“Ugh,” she further mumbled under her breath while looking at her brother’s prick.
“Oh, don’t worry, we’re professionals,” the leader replied to Sawyer before a few of his underlings chuckled for a bit. “Well, Since you’re such a brave leader, why don’t you take a lead in giving your busty and not afraid to show it friend some fine, hard meat to suck on, just like chicks like her love anyway?”
Sawyer mumbled something quite nasty-sounding in response, but whether that was meant at the leader of the kidnappers, or his cock since it visibly hardened the moment he got ordered to violate her first, she didn’t even have the energy to guess.
“Bella,” he said, pointing at his prick.
Suddenly, it was as if the entire world had gone quiet. She could hear nothing more than a few scattered, muffled sounds as her mind pretty much broke down.
Robotically, she closed the distance between her and her childhood friend’s brother, opened her mouth , and started sucking.
“Oh shit,” he apologized as his cock twitched when her lips closed around it. “Sorry, Bella.”
Well, at least there was that.
In response, she just looked up at him and rolled her eyes to make it clear that it was no big deal, before proceeding with her task.
At first, she played a little with him, as if they were lovers enjoying a beautiful night together instead of what they actually were. After a few exploratory sucks, she put her tongue to work, circling and playing with his cockhead while she instinctively cupped his balls.
“I think that your hands would look much better on the poor cocks next to you ,” the kidnappers’ leader said. “Grab them.”
Lucas and Christopher looked at her with worry in their eyes, though their pricks were quite ready for action. Grabbing them, she saw both of them close their eyes from the pleasure they felt when she grabbed their genitals.
Then, she started jerking both of them off, finally getting into that classic gangbang position with a cock in her mouth and two more in her hands.
She could feel some additional hardening in all of the cocks under her control, but only a bit. All of them were already rock-hard and ready for the fun. She couldn’t blame them, though. aroused by the moment, but unlike them, there was no one masturbating her or eating her out.
“You guys can also play with your cocks, but just make sure that your cum will flow down her throat. We’re paid for that, so your health kind of depends on that,” the kingpin said, right as Bella moved from using her tongue on it to bobbing her head on Sawyer’s meat. “And you honey move to the next gentleman. You have much more dicks to play with and drain. Let’s make this dynamic!”
A bit annoyed, having never stopped sucking a guy at a moment like this before, she nevertheless obeyed. Moving on her knees, she got in front of her childhood friend, grabbing his older brother’s wet cock with her left hand. Meanwhile, with her right one, she took over jerking off Gavin’s surprisingly large one, temporarily stopping his rather awkward attempts to pleasure himself in front of cameras and a bunch of strangers, leaving Lucas to do just that.
“Ah, God, Bella,” her friend moaned as she went straight to bobbing her head up-and-down his hard organ. “I don’t know if ah, yeah, I’ll ever be able to tell, ah, you this. I love…”
“Shush ,” she silenced him, her “words”more of a mix of breath and saliva she spat at his cockhead than anything she had actually said.
Nevertheless, it had the desired effect. He did stop talking before saying those words, the words which she knew that it was only a matter of time before he had said them anyway. Now, the only sounds leaving his mouth were quiet moans as she turned his dreams into reality.
Bobbing was soon replaced with sucking, as her hands meanwhile worked on the two other cocks next to him. Sucking and sucking, she enjoyed the taste of his prick, which was quickly gaining a distinctly salty undertaste as his pre -cum started leaking out and mixing with her saliva.
“Mmm, yeah,” she moaned with her mouth full, her pussy moistening as she did so. She couldn’t help herself. was doing were simply too strong for her.
When the sucking became too boring for her, she went back to moistening the entirety of his dick, bobbing up and down its length in an almost uncannily regular rhythm.
The two guys next to him, meanwhile, received just pretty standard handjobs. Which was the reason why it surprised her so much when it was the older brother instead whose cock and body started stiffening in a way which unquestionably betrayed the incoming orgasm.
“Shit, hold it!” she quickly reacted as she took her mouth off of Christopher’s meaty organ and turned towards his brother, remembering the gang leader’s orders for her to swallow all of the loads.
Thankfully, she was even faster than she had expected.
“Oh yeah, Bella,” he blurted out as she closed her lips around his prick just in time to swallow all of the salty loads that had exploded out of it. While that was happening, not willing to risk angering their still very much armed and dangerous captors, she grabbed a hold of her suitor’s cock, continuing to jerk it while swallowing his brother’s hot seed.
“Don’t worry, you had to,” she said, after noticing a particularly conflicted expression on his rugged face when she looked up at him after sending the last of his loads down into her stomach.
“I know,” he regretfully admitted.
The well-dressed kingpin, or maybe one of his underlings around him, audibly breathed in to say something or maybe laugh at the situation, when something none of them had seen coming happened.
Feeling that familiar stiffening in her right hand, Bella looked at her friend, and from the first moment she saw his face, she knew what was happening. If it wasn’t clear enough before that those two were brothers, it was now.
” Ah, I’m cumming,” he said, alerting everyone to what was happening as Bella lounged herself to take his sex safely back into her oral cavity and make sure that all of his sperm would soon meet his brother’s.
She made it in time ”
Oh, damn,” he continued moaning as she sucked his ejaculating dick. “You know, ah, ermh, you’re pretty cute from up here. Ah, I mean, ahh, the big, perky boobs sticking out, and the way your black hair covers you, damn, it’s pretty sexy,” he added, Apparently hoping to deal with the awkwardness of the situation by making it even more so.
“Wafff?” she asked, before swallowing his last load.
She wasn’t the only one mystified by his comments. He was pretty sure about half of the people in the room now stared at him, shocked and amused by what he had said . He could even feel the kidnappers’ gazes through their latex masks , though they seemed to be much more amused, and a bit mystified, by his attitude than angry.