It was about four months since I found out about the video and that whole mess. My husband and I never went to another of Peter’s groups. My pal Sherri did introduce us to a casual swinger gathering that we attended twice. I didn’t go with anyone at either, but I did double-team-BJ my hubby. It was an interesting experience, especially seeing another woman sucking my husband.
We both realized the swinging thing is not really for us. I’m not into just screwing other men. I like being hot but not being a hot wife, I guess. I did like it a lot that my husband watched me… but it was the two-dick experience that really attracted me. I’m pretty certain he would like to watch again, too. I know for a fact that he has viewed that video of me getting DP’d many times. Okay, so have I.
Things at work have been a bit edgy lately. Peter is the same old eccentric, but Denise is getting increasingly difficult. I’m sure that’s why they keep sending her off on business trips. It’s likely she’d have been encouraged to move on if she wasn’t still Peter’s nominal girlfriend. His father does own the place, after all.
Hubby is now in his second year of grad school and is increasingly busy with work and searching future job prospects. Sheri and I have become best buds. She is three years older and runs her own real estate office. Very personable, as you would expect, and a real babe, too. A natural blonde with a truly Playboy figure. She’s been divorced for about a year. He was caught trying to syphon funds from her business. Go figure.
We workout together a couple of times a week and usually swim at least once a week. One day I noticed what appeared to be the outline of a piercing under her workout gear. Next time we were changing at the pool I checked it out more closely. Sure enough, there was a silvery ring and pendant, with what looked to be tiny lettering. She caught me looking and smiled. “Next time we go to lunch, I’ll tell you about it.”
As it happened, we were at lunch at our favorite cozy restaurant the next Saturday. She asked if there had been any problems over the video. Yes, a while ago, I described the whole sad incident to her during one of our girls-out-for-drinks nights.
“I haven’t heard anything else about it,” I replied. “I hope it has gone away.”
She looked a bit embarrassed and glanced down at the table. “I should tell you that Denise showed the recording to me… worse, it was just a week ago.”
“Oh shit, so she still has a copy? Wonderful!”
“Yeah, and Denise is not entirely sane, you know. She’s on serious meds but doesn’t always take them. And umm… she claimed she unloaded your video to an amateur porn site. She did, too. I had a look.”
Suddenly I was very light-headed. What would my family and friends say? Because there was no way this would stay a secret. Eventually, about everything on the web comes back on you.
Sheri was still talking, “There was nothing to identify you. Someone would have to be checking pretty closely to know it’s you. In the meantime, don’t be too worried. It’s just sex.”
“Well… yes, I suppose so. I guess I’d just seem confused and deny it’s me, if it ever comes up. But I imagine she’s told others about it. Some people, at least, WILL be looking. Especially if Denise tells people that it’s me.”
“Likely so… but you know, they lose interest quickly.”
“I hope so. But shit, now I’m a porn star? God!”
There were some more reassuring words, then I remembered, “So, how about that piercing?”
“Oh… well, you won’t believe how I got it or what it means. It’s like something out of an erotic e-book.”
“Do tell!”
“So okay. You know, obviously, that I’m pretty sexually open now that I’ve gotten rid of Richie. And, like you, I get a kick out of more than one guy at a time. I dated a fellow for a while who was heavily into gang bangs. One night he showed me a website he subscribed to. It’s called thegangbangexperience. com. The site features only gang bangs. The women involved aren’t porn actresses (or so he told me). They’re subscribers or the wives or girlfriends of subscribers, who volunteered to get done… and be recorded doing it…”
“You’re kidding.”
“Nope. I didn’t pay all that much attention at first. But after watching some of it, I thought it was kind of hot. Scheming devil that I am, I made a note of his username and password, too. Eventually, I signed in at home to look at more of the clips. The more I looked, the more I liked them. That’s the thing with porn, it gets into your head.”
“Yeah… I guess.” Though I knew that was true. It had happened to me a few times. “Wait… don’t tell me you did a gang bang!”
“Do you want to know what happened, or not Babe?”
“Sorry, go ahead.”
“Anyway, I spent a couple of months logging into the site and watching vids. I got increasingly curious about how it would be and about the women involved. The oddest thing… at least outside of the actual gang bang… is that the woman chosen to do the bang, a different on each week, gets a memento of the event. It’s a clitoral hood piercing with a small medal, engraved with the letters GBE.”
“Holy shit! They have their clits pierced?”
“The hood… you, know the skin covering over the clit. It hurts like hell when the actual pricing is made, but quickly passes. It’s not as bad as it sounds.”
OMG, I was afraid of what’s coming now. Sherri did an online gang bang?!!
“Just for kicks, I looked at how the women “volunteered.” The site required a short bio, a brief resume of past sexual experience, and a photo plus a STD test. I was intrigued but, at the same time, more than a little scared of it. You’ll think I am out of my mind, but I was starting to want to do it!”
“I can’t say much about that, since I ended up doing a DP.”
“True, but you didn’t choose to be filmed or viewed on the internet. But the long and the short of it is, I eventually did. I was recorded in a seven-man gang bang and got the medal to prove it.”
“WOW! That’s… I don’t know, amazing. Seven men! Was it like you thought?”
“It all went so fast and there was so much activity… it wasn’t the absolute greatest sexual experience of my life, but I’m glad I did it. It was like nothing else. Yes, I’m pleased I did it.”
“Can I see the piercing?”
“Sure, we’ll stop at the ladies on the way out.”
We did. Sherri lifted her skirt. I could see the outline clearly under her panties. She pulled the panties down, and there was a bright silver ring with an engraved pendant. I could easily make out the GBP. It looked like high quality jewelry. “How long has it been?”
“Four months. It’s completely healed now. I’ve absolutely grown to love it. Would you like the username and password for the site? I don’t mind if you see what I did.”
It felt slightly weird but I did take it.
It was more than a week before I worked up the nerve to log onto the site. I’d thought about it often… especially about seeing my friend being banged by a bunch of men. I’ve viewed group sex porn videos before, but these were something else.
Well, except that there are only so many ways to have sex. They were HD and professionally filmed and edited, but it was fairly evident that the women were not professionals. Some tried to appear so, but not convincingly. In most ways, that made it all the more erotic.
Though names were not used, I had no problem scrolling through to find Sherri. She was as confident and beautiful as ever, but I was still unprepared for the quick successions of blowjobs she gave and the continuous screwing she got. And I mean in every possible orifice! It was almost an hour long, altogether. At the end she was soaked with perspiration and semen. Wow! I closed my laptop completely amazed.
Of course, by now, I had also checked out the video of me that Denise had posted. I went to that site and found it under “Wife’s DP” exactly as Sherri said I would. The clip was only 48 seconds long but clearly showed me taking both men’s cocks at once. I’m ashamed to say I thought I actually looked damned good. I also noticed it had almost twelve thousand views! My husband and I have watched it often. He surprised me again by not being all that upset about it. I believed he actually enjoyed watching me doing porn on the web. The more I watched it, the more I enjoyed it, too. There must be a real streak of exhibitionism in me somewhere.
Over the next month or so, I signed onto the GBE site more and more often, wondering more and more what being gang banged would be like for me. Could it be that much different than that DP I did? Well, probably it could be a lot worse. I realized I couldn’t consider it seriously, but I kept mulling it over anyway.
I was not necessary to log in to the GBE site to view the “About Us” or “FAQ” sections. One of the questions was “How to become a GB Woman” so, just out of curiosity, I clicked. It was as Sherri had described, but there was also a bunch of legal documents and waivers. I’d have to agree to hold GBE harmless for just about everything.
All documents had to be completed and submitted along with a photo (nude preferred) and an up-to-date STD test. GBE guaranteed the men would be disease free, too. The sex had to be without condoms. I would also have to be on the pill, but I was anyway. If accepted, I would have to sign a notarized hard copy of the contract and mail it to them. The day after completing the gang bang, I’d get my piercing with the medallion engraved with GBE on the front and the date on the back. I was sure I couldn’t do any of that. For sure.
Sherri and I spoke again after a workout session, and I mentioned I had been on the GBE site. Sherri smiled when I told her I was becoming a little fascinated by the idea. “You should definitely go for it, girl!”
“Oh no, that would be way too much. What would my family say? What would my husband say? No way.”
“For one thing, your folks, and the people they know, would likely never hear about it, or if they did wouldn’t admit it. I suppose someone could rat anonymously, but still. Second, the site is very expensive, $200 for the initial subscription and $50 a month after that. There are a lot of members but it’s a quite restricted group. Also, you can save favorites for yourself on the site, but you can’t actually download videos. I suppose someone could do a screen capture, but that would be a lot of trouble to go to. Third, it’s your life and your body!”
“Yeah, that’s all true, I guess. But really, it was just something I got wondering about. I’m not serious.”
“Okay.” She didn’t believe me. I wasn’t totally sure I believed myself.