I didn’t wanna stop. I knew I had to enjoy the rest of the trip as much as I possibly could. After Mom and I had s. e. x in the one-person sauna cabin, Mom smiled at me and put her purple bikini back on. Afterwards she opened the door and carefully looked out of the cabin. There was nobody around. So Mom got out and headed to the showers. Me on the other hand… I went straight to the hot water pool and jumped in. After Mom came back from taking a shower, she lay back down on her lounger and watched me. She smiled at me. And I smiled back.
When Dad came back from his massage, twenty minutes after Mom and I came out of the sauna cabin, Mom was lying on her lounger and I was swimming in the pool. Everything looked like nothing happened.
The rest of our trip… eight days and two new European towns later, Mom and I still had no chance to be alone again. I mean… we were alone for maybe a couple of minutes, but we didn’t have s. e. x. No blow-job. No hand-job. I didn’t see her naked. I didn’t kiss her.
I was so horny almost all the time. I was getting crazy. We arrived at our last stop and we only had three more days left until we had to fly back home. And I remembered what Mom said:
“It has to stop before we get home.”
I knew the vacation was the best ever and that I was pretty lucky how it turned out… I mean “lucky” might be the understatement of the century… I fucked Mom three times: on a boat, in the hotel room and in a sauna. I came in her mouth twice. It was more than I could ever dream about, but it wasn’t enough for me. I wanted it to continue.
I mean at first I felt really guilty because it was my own mother, but during those last eight days my opinion changed into:
“It’s the best s. e. x ever and it”s your own mother you dumbass. This is the hottest thing ever.”
So I hoped for another chance to be intimate with her. But there never was one. We only travelled during the day… Dad was always around as well… and I had no idea how I could ditch him for an hour or two.
It was weird… at the time my parents told me about my birthday trip to Europe I was thrilled. I wanted to go to Europe for a long time. And now that I was here… I didn’t really see anything. I mean we did a lot of touristy stuff… sightseeing, shopping, swimming, hiking, whatever, but those last eight days I was completely oblivious of my surroundings. I didn’t observe what happened to my right… I didn’t observe what happened to my left. I only saw what was right in front of me: Mom.
I watched her the entire time. I wanted to be with her so bad. Every day when we had breakfast and Dad told me the plan for the day, I thought about possible chances to be alone with Mom. But there never were any…
So three days before we had to fly back home, we arrived at our final destination. We arrived in the morning and did a lot of sightseeing during the day.
In the evening we went to a tiny amusement park. There were a lot of people there, so it was pretty crowded. So Mom, Dad and me slowly strolled through the park, but after fifteen minutes I already had enough of it. Usually I would have loved it there, but I wasn’t in the mood. I was in the mood to have s. e. x. And since I didn’t get any… I was pretty pissed off most of the time. Of course I didn’t want Dad to know that I was in a bad mood, because he planned the trip and he paid for it.
So I told my parents that I wanted to walk through the amusement park all by myself…
But as soon as I was alone, I was thinking about Mom’s naked body. I mean there were people everywhere… there were loud noises and music everywhere… but I blocked all of it completely out.
After an hour or so, I saw the ferris wheel. The varicolored cabins drew my attention. When I looked closer, I saw that almost every cabin was empty. Also, the ferris wheel turned very slowly. So I thought that it would be the perfect place for me to just be alone and get away from all the noises and screaming kids.
So I made my way through the park. But on my way there I saw Mom and Dad. Dad was standing at shooting range. He had a small rifle in his hand and he was aiming at a can or something. Mom was standing next to him. She looked pretty bored. So I walked over and talked to Mom for a little bit. I told her that I was about to take a ride on the ferris wheel. Dad barely noticed me.
So five minutes later, I said goodbye and walked away. But as soon as I turned around, Mom grabbed my arm. Right at that point Dad put the rifle down. But he didn”t talk to me, or Mom, he turned to the guy behind the counter and handed him more money. And then he picked up the rifle again.
Mom made a step towards him and kissed him on the cheek.
“I”m going on the ferris wheel with our son. You”re pretty busy anyway…”
Dad obviously didn”t care.
“Alright. You guys have fun.”
An then Dad turned around and concentrated on his task again. Mom and I walked away from him. When we got to the ferris wheel, there was no line. Apparently we were the only ones who wanted to ride that thing.
So an overweight guy opened the door of a red cabin and Mom and I got in. We sat down on a small bench next to each other. The cabin was made completely out of medal and instead of windows it had medal bars on the side to look out. And then the guy closed the door behind us and the wheel started to turn again.
About ten minutes later, our cabin had reached the three-o”clock position. Neither Mom nor I said anything. I was looking around… down on the people and the town… and then I looked into the other cabins. Every single one was empty. And then Mom finally broke the silence.
“So honey… did you like your birthday trip?”
I didn’t really know what to say.
“Of course, Mom. I loved it.”
I paused for a second.
“But I don”t want it to end.”
Mom looked at me. She knew exactly what I meant. I wasn’t talking about the trip. I was talking about having s. e. x with her.
“I know, honey. But it has to end.”
“But… it”s only two more days and…”
“I know.”
“I wanna be alone with you one more time. Do you think we can be alone back home?”
“No honey. I told you… What we did was a mistake. It kinda happened. But what we did is not right. We can”t continue…”
“But I wanna touch you again. I want you to touch me again.”
“I know you do…”
I looked out of the cabin. Our red ferris wheel cabin almost reached the two-o”clock position. Mom turned away too. She moved closer to the side of the cabin and looked through the medal bars. Even if your face touched the medal bars, it was almost impossible to look down on the park.
And then all of a sudden Mom”s hand landed on my thigh. She was still looking out of the cabin. She was watching the people down in the amusement park. And then she was surveying the other cabins.
And then Mom”s hand moved further up and landed on my groin. She let it rest there and to my surprise she began to massage my private area through my pants.
Even though the entire trip had already been so strange and so crazy, I didn”t expect that. But because Mom and me had to be extremely careful not to get caught… on the boat, on the train, in the whirlpool and in the sauna… I kinda knew what to do.
So I looked out of the cabin. I looked down to the people beneath us. The medal bars on the side of the cabin started at our chest. So there was no way… absolutely no way, someone from down there could see what went on below our chests. They could probably see our heads, but that was it.
Nevertheless it was a strange feeling. There were a lot of people at that amusement park. But still, the further our cabin was up in the air, the softer were the noises from the park down there.
Of course it only took three or four strokes for me to get hard as a rock. I was permanently horny the days before. So as the cabin reached the twelve-o”clock position, I opened my pants button and my zipper.
Of course Mom recognized it. She turned around and faced me. And then she shook her head and softly said: “No.”
But all I could say was: “I have to…”
Mom turned around again and looked in every direction possible. Me on the other hand… I pulled down my boxers a little bit. And as soon as I did, my dick jumped out. And then I took Mom”s hand and placed it on my crotch again. And as soon as Mom”s fingers felt my dick and they grabbed it, Mom sighed and so did I.
Mom”s hand froze around my dick. Both me and Mom looked around. We tried to see everything… everything that went on in every other cabin of the ferris wheel… we tried to see everybody down in the amusement park… we surveyed everything.
And then Mom began to knead my dick with her fingers. And about thirty seconds later I felt pre-cum ooze out of my dick. Mom caught it with her thumb and spread it out on my shaft. And then she began to stroke my cock. Very fast. Of course we both knew we didn”t have much time left. The cabin already reached the eleven-o”clock position. It was already on it”s way back down.
I was so horny. And I was so hard. It was an absolutely amazing feeling to feel Mom”s fingers around my dick again. And then the ferris wheel stopped for about thirty seconds. I was so thrilled. That gave me more time. I closed my eyes for just a second and concentrated on the feeling of Mom”s hands stroking me. And then the wheel started turning again.
Still, Mom was working her fingers up and down my shaft in a very fast rhythm the entire time. She also massaged it pretty roughly. I knew I was about to come soon.
But then Mom suddenly turned around. Her hand stopped moving.
“There are people in that cabin.”
I turned around and saw them. That was why the wheel stopped turning. Fuck. Soon our cabin would be at the nine-o”clock position and their cabin would be at the three-o”clock position and then it would have been too risky to continue what we had been doing.
Mom took her hand off my dick. And I tried to somehow get my prick back into my pants. Of course it helped that Mom and I almost got caught. My dick went limp in a second. So I pulled my boxers back up and closed my pants.