Sluts & Lovers EP 4

Book:Crazy Pleasure (Erotica) Published:2024-6-4

They arrived at the lake house late Sunday afternoon. The house was everything the boys said it would be, large and rustic. Each mother had a master suite with their own bathroom. The boys share the spacious third bedroom. It was open and airy with a large kitchen, dining area and living room with a fire place. They had their own dock and small boat. It was perfect.
After unpacking they had burgers and called it an early night.
Jason and Robbie anxiously talked about the next steps. “OK man how are we going to do it?”
“We make this happen tomorrow night. I figure we spend the day tanning, swimming, maybe a boat ride, and then we go out to dinner. We”ll go to that Italian restaurant across the lake. There”s a bar so they can have a couple of cocktails. As always we take charge to make sure they know we are doing our best to see that they are have a good time. Then we come back here and more cocktails. Ask them to let us have some drinks since we are in for the night.”
“OK, I figure it”s going to be more of a challenge with both of them here but if we can get them going… maybe somehow separate them. Get them alone. See if we can get things rolling.”
“Let”s try to get some sleep. Tomorrow”s a big day.”
The next day goes perfectly. The day is sunny and warm. The day is spent lounging on the dock sunning and taking dips in the lake. The boys offer to rub sunscreen on their mothers. They put up little resistance. Lying on their stomachs from their neck and shoulders down to their manicured toes slowly, sensually the take their time rubbing every inch of exposed skin, working the lotion. Both mothers are wet trying to control their breathing as not to let on to their arousal. Finally, it ends.
The next sound is the boys hitting the water. They swim out to the raft partially to cool off but mostly so their mothers don”t see their raging erection. Claire raises herself to see the boys swimming away. “Donna how are we going to make it through a week!?” There is no answer.
Finally Donna turns her head to look at Claire. “I don”t know if I want to. Let”s not talk about it. I just want to be quite.”
It was late in the afternoon and everyone was starting to get ready for dinner. The boys poured the mothers a glass of wine before they went up for a shower. While the boys waited for their mothers Jason tells Robbie about his encounter with his mother.
“So, mom and I are in the kitchen getting drink for everyone. Just before we are about to go back outside, she comes up behind me and…”
“Geez mom I didn”t know you were right behind me.” Turning his mother is looking into his eyes.
“Jason, I wanted to tell you how much I love you.”
“I love you to mom.”
Looking down, “No I don”t think you understand or maybe you do, I don”t know. I”ve been so confused lately. But I do know I want to make this a special week, a week that we will never forget. You won”t think badly if I try to do that, will you?”
“Mom, I told you I love you. I will always love you no matter what. I wouldn”t want to be with anyone else.”
“Oh Jason,” Donna presses her body against her son”s. She rises on her toes as her slightly parted lips meet her son”s. Her hands reach out holding his hips as their tongues lightly touch sending sparks through their bodies. Parting Donna looks deeply into her son”s eyes. “Tell me again that you love me.”
“I love you more than anything.” They kiss again before going back outside.
“I tell you man it wasn”t like anytime we were along together. She had this calm about her. It was like a burden was lifted off her shoulders. What are you grinning at?”
“It”s going to happen! I know it. When you were inside my mother want more sunscreen. She was on her stomach with her legs spread. I was rubbing the insides of her thighs so close to her pussy that…”
“Alright we”re ready. We hope we didn”t make you wait to long.”
The boys snapped out of their conversation to look up and see two hot women. Claire wore gray cuffed short shorts, black spaghetti strap top that hugged her firm body and four inch heels. Donna walk in behind Claire in a black mini skirt, white cotton dress shirt with enough buttons opened to show an ample amount of cleavage. She also wore heals. “Well should we get going?”
Robbie was the first to respond. “Sure, I”ll drive since you”ve had something to drink.” He takes his mother”s hand and walks her to the care. Jason and Donna follow arm in arm.
Dinner is everything everyone expected. Jason orders a bottle of wine for the women. There is a piano player entertaining the dinners and bar patrons with light romantic music. As few guests dance slowly. The entire restaurant seem relax and having a good time.
Robbie excuses himself. Walking to the bar he waits momentarily to ask directions to the men”s room. That was all the time needed for one of the three cougars to start flirting. Jason caught somewhat off guard engages in conversation trying to understand what she wants. Before he realizes what is happening she is holding his hand as she move closer. Robbie smiles at her. Then he said something that makes her laugh. She releases his hand and points to the men”s room. None of Robbie”s encounter went unnoticed.
Returning to the table Claire looks at her son. “What was that all about?”
“What was going on with that woman?”
Robbie starts to quietly laugh. “Well, I guess she was hitting on me.”
“What she”s old enough to be your… grandmother. What did you say to her?”
“I told her I already had a date and she was beautiful and quite the jealous type. She told me how lucky my date was and to look her up if you ever dump me.” Robbie”s laughter increases. “Then I ask her were the bathroom was. That was it.”
Claire emotions are getting the best of her. She is Jealous but how can she express it. She sits quite not knowing what to say or do. Robbie sees what is happening and seizes the situation. Standing he walks behind her. Leaning over, Robbie whispers in her ear. “I”ve want to dance with you and hold you close all night. Come dance with me.” He pulls out her chair as she rises and leads her to the dance floor.
Donna and Jason look at each other as the couple leave. “I don”t want you going over to that bar”
“Why would I? Everything I”ve ever wanted is right here. Do you want to dance with me?”
The ride home is quiet and peaceful. Arriving back at the cabin the Robbie lights a small fire to take the evening chill out of the air as Jason pours the mothers a glass of wine. “Is it alright if we have a glass since we are in for the evening?”
“It”s OK with me if it”s OK with Claire.”
“Sure, they can have a glass or two. Robbie did you look at the pictures you took today?”
“Yeah, we looked at them while you were getting ready to go out. Here check them out.”