This was the medley relay. It was the final race of the state championship. Robbie Blake and Jason Robinson, co-captains were as ready as they were going to be. Robbie was third in the relay swimming the butterfly with Jason as anchor swimming the freestyle. They had devised their own training plan for this moment. An intense program they found on the internet. It went well beyond the off season program the coaches wanted. They didn”t care both boys are goal oriented with driven personalities. They were the best in the state. They knew each other for only 3 years, but they were immediately drawn to each other by their common life experiences. It only stood to reason they would become best friends.
Jason and Robbie were only children living with their mothers. Both boys endured nasty break ups that caused a disruption in their personal and academic lives. Jason”s father abandoning his family for another women and Robbie”s for another man. Both had loving mothers that dedicated their lives to their sons. Even though their mother”s divorce settlement set them up comfortably for life they wanted nothing to do with men and dedicated themselves to raising their sons. The boys first met at the swim team tryouts after Jason and Donna Robinson move to town. There was no doubt they were outstanding swimmers. From the start they never tried to compete or outdo each other. They easily settled in as co-captains with one goal in mind, to win the state championship by their senior year.
Carl the second man in the relay was approaching the wall, a full man behind the first place swimmer. As he touched, Robbie hit the water. Jason and the crowd were on their feet cheering him on. In the stands two of the loudest fans could be heard above the rest. Like their sons and because of them Claire Blake and Donna Robinson became best friends. Both women had just turned forty and would very easily be classified as MILFs. Normally this may have been a problem with the other mothers but nothing was further from the truth. Their dedication to their sons, hard work on every school fundraiser and team activity did not go unnoticed. Lastly their attitude toward men because of the bitter divorces was well known. All the husbands behaved or suffer their wrath.
As Robbie approached the wall he closed the lead to only a half a man. Jason entered the water focused and ready. The man he had to beat knew Jason. He knew at best he would try to keep pace. As they made the turn at the far wall Jason caught the lead man. Now neck in neck it came down to the final lap. As Jason approached the wall he had a comfortable half man lead. Touching the wall the state championship was theirs. The team erupted, jumping into the pool in a congratulatory frenzy. Two mothers hugged as they jumped up and down screaming.
After the awards ceremony both mothers made their way to their sons.
Claire spoke first. “We are so proud of the both of you!!!! You”ve worked so hard, congratulation.”
“Yes congratulations! We are going back to the house for a swim before we prepare for the team victory party. We”ll see you at home?”
“Sure Robbie and I will come home to help with the prep. See you in a while.”
As they walked away arm in arm both sons though what was never spoken, their mothers were hot. Claire Blake was a red head with a short hair cut, 5″7″, and long willowy body with perky 34b breasts. Her nipples challenged any top she wore. Donna a brunette, shoulder length hair stood 5″9″. Her body was shapely and accentuated by her 36d chest. Both women turned head where ever they went.
Back at the Robinson house Claire and Donna undressed each other as they gazed into their eyes. Even though they swore off men they needed and wanted intimacy. They both experimented with women in college. They enjoyed fulfilling each other”s needs even if their preference would always be men.
Their gaze melted into soft tender kissing as their hands wander over each other”s body removing clothing a piece at a time. Their kissing becomes more passionate as each article of clothing is removed until both women are fully naked and their tongues lustfully probing each other”s mouths. Moving to the bed Donna lays Claire down and moves between her legs and up her body to suckle her hard erect nipples. Claire holds herself up on her elbows to offer her breast to Donna and give herself a better vantage point to watch as Donna works her tongue over her nipples. She watches as her tongue moves down her taunt tan stomach until her face is buried between her legs.
Claire pulls her knees up and spreads her legs to give Donna complete access to her s.εメ. Her lips are swollen and open with excitement. She has been wet since the car ride home in anticipation of this intimate moment. Donna takes full advantage tonguing Claire”s clitoris causing her to arch her back and thrust her hip into Donna”s mouth. Donna takes her time bring Claire to near orgasm then back off to make the moment last. She knows Claire. She knows her body. Donna probes her vagina with her figures as her orgasm builds. Her fingers pump faster as Claire”s body tightens. Donna is prepared for what is coming. The first time it took her by surprise. Now she waits with anticipation. Claire lets out a loud moan as she erupts. Donna backs off slightly swiftly pulling her fingers out of her vagina as the first stream of Claire”s orgasm soaks her face. She opens her mouth as the second stream hits catching as much as she can. Claire”s orgasm subsides as the third and forth gush spurts from her vagina.
Donna is charged as she watches her good friend trying to recover. Moving up the bed Donna offers Claire her large breast and nipples. Claire responds wantonly wanting nothing more than too pleasure. It has always been her nature, enjoying to be made to sexually pleasure her partner. Once satisfied, Donna offers her one last kiss before straddling her face. Claire reaches around Donna”s leg to spread her s.εメ wide open allowing her to insert her tongue and pulls her back over her mouth. Donna ride”s Claire”s face as her tongue moves in and out of her vagina licking her clitoris every other time. Donna”s juices are flowing as she is about to orgasm. She grabs the back of Claire head riding her face as her orgasm soaks her. Claire loves being soaked, wet glistening with fluid and Donna loves accommodating. Claire greedily tries to get her mouth on Donna”s s.εメ wanting to lap up every drop of cum. She sucks Donna dry before allowing her to dismount.
Both women lay next to each other caressing and kissing until they must clean up before their sons arrive.
During the car ride home the boys are starting to come down from their win. They worked for years for it and now it had come to pass. “Hell Jason I”m sorry it”s over. I mean it”s great that we did it, but what do we do now.”
“Hey man, don”t sweat it. The schools will be coming to recruit us. We”ll have our hands full with that.”
“Yeah I just hope we don”t die of boredom.”
Arriving at the Robinson”s home the boys grab some drinks and head to Jason”s room to play Military Combat. It always occupied their time and took their mind off everything else. After a half hour Jason hits pause. “I need to drain the monster. Do you want another drink?”
“No I”m good for now.”
Stretching his legs Robbie wanders to the window overlooking the pool area. He stands motionless as his gaze is fixed below.
Robbie lost in his thoughts never hears Jason enter the room as he walks up behind him. “Hey man what are you looking at? Dude are you checking out our mothers?”
Below the two mother were sunning. Robbie”s mother Claire is in a yellow string bikini. Her is body hard and firm. Her nipples hard and erect looking as if they were trying to push through the material. Unlike Claire, Donna fills out her white bikini. Her top strained to hold her chest. Her body is softer with a small waist flaring out to perfect hips and a flat stomach. Their bodies glistened from the dip in the pool they had just taken.
“MAN, don”t sneak up on me like that. I nearly jumped out of my skin.”
“Sneak up on you! You”re kidding right. A bomb could have gone off and you wouldn”t have heard it. You are lost in another world and you”re checking out our moms!”
“OK OK calm down. You”re yelling at me but you haven”t taken your eye off of them. Forgetting they are our moms tell me you don”t think they are HOT.”
Jason doesn”t answer right away. He knows Robbie is right. He”s heard the guys at school talk about their mothers. They would never be disrespectful. They knew better. But, even as a guarded compliment they made it known their mothers were MILFs.
“Yeah they are hot. It”s just that I”ve never said it out loud before.”
“But you”ve thought it.”
“For how long have you though they were hot”
“I guess right after we moved here. What about you?”
“Yeah right about then.” They stood for what seemed like the longest time, staring, lost in their thoughts. “Have you ever pulled one off thinking about them?”
“WHOA DUDE! Where did that come from?”
“Come on man. We have not moved, not spoken. What exactly is going through your mind? Listen if it will make it easier, I”ve pulled it off think about your mom, my mom and both of them together.”
“I can”t believe we are having this conversation.”
“Look outside. We are caught up in the moment. Now answer the question.”
Walking away from the window Jason grabs his controller, turns to Robbie. “Yeah, I”ve beaten the meat to them. After this I”ll probably do it again tonight.” Jason grabs his controller and they start playing. They never made it to the next level. They are wiped out in less than a minute.
“Geez, good thing we didn”t have this conversation before the State meet. We would have come in dead last.” Laughing Robbie goes back to the window as Jason shut down the game. No sense wasting their time. No way could they concentrate.
Robbie turns to Jason. “We should try to fuck them.”
“Are you losing your mind?”
“Listen, hear me out. We”ve both thought about it, fantasized about it. Don”t tell me that your fantasy was Wham Bam Thank You Mamma. You had a fantasy. You made it plausible. It was based in some amount of reality. I did. I know you must of too. So we take the reality and see what we can do. Damn we are State Champs. We did it by finding a way, making a plan. You know, plan the work and work the plan. What”s the worst that can happen; we see it”s not happening and bail. What do you think?”
“I think States just ended and you”re getting bored already. What if they catch on? Do you really want to have that conversation?”
“That”s part of the beauty of the plan. It has to be so subtle that there is always doubt. We never ever push a situation. If anything we walk away innocent, like nothing happened.”
“Dude you”ve already been thinking about this haven”t you?”
“Like I said you have to have some reality in every fantasy.”
“OK, so what did you have in your perverted mind?”
“We start where we always start, the internet.”
The rest of the afternoon was spent on various sites and in chat rooms to gather information on how to seduce your mother or your friend”s mother. They exchanged information about their fantasies and what they knew about their mothers. When time had run out they knew and agreed to three things, they had the basis for a plan that could work, they would be more than willing to let each other bed his mother if it meant having a chance at the other”s mother, and they were going to give it a try.
The party was a success. The girl and boy”s swim teams, their dates and various friends attended. The pool and hot tub was filled most of the night. Jason and Robbie started to initiate their plan.
They acted as the hosts of the party, getting everything ready, greeting the guests, making sure everyone had whatever they needed, and were having a good time. For the first time the mothers had little to do. The sons made sure everyone pitched in cleaning up. Along with attending to the party they made sure their mothers were comfortable and never wanting for a refill of wine. Donna and Claire were enjoying the party as much as the guests.
The boys were in the kitchen for final cleanup after the last guest had left. Donna and Claire came in to see if there was anything they could do. “Well you boys know how to throw quite a party. Isn”t there anything we can do to help?”
“Thanks mom. We couldn”t have done it without you getting all the supplies. You know we pretty much have everything under control. Tell you what, why don”t you ladies put your bathing suits on and meet us in the hot tub. It”ll be nice to relax after all the excitement.”
“OK sounds good. We”ll meet you outside.”
Jason had never referred to the mothers and “you ladies” before. It was the first of what was to be many subtle changes in the dynamics of their relationship.
Robbie and Jason joined their mothers in the hot tub with fresh glasses of wine. Everyone relax in a comfortable silence till Robbie started small sparks of conversation asking about their mothers plans for the weekend. It didn”t take much to get them talking. The boys listen attentively asking questions that kept the conversation going and showing their genuine interest. The flow of conversation and wine drained all the stress from their mother’s minds and bodies, till Claire announced, “I think I”m getting a little overheated.”
“Hey mom why don”t you just cool off in the pool.”
“Good idea Robbie. Maybe we should all take a dip.”
With that, Jason climbs out of the hot tub and offers Claire assistance. They walk hand in hand as they descend the steps and take the plunge.
Robbie watches then turns his attention to his friend”s mother. Donna is still watching as her son and friend make their way to the pool. Robbie can”t be sure but it almost looked as if there is a little jealousy in her glare. Standing he extends his hand. “Let”s join them.”
“Sure why not.”
Donna wraps her arm around Robbie”s shoulder holding him close, her breast rubbing against his side as they make their way to the pool. Once inside bodies start to cool. Taking the lead Jason looks at Robbie, “Hey lets have some chicken fights. We missed out on them during the party.”
“I don”t know boys. Chicken fights, I haven”t done that since…”
“Then it long overdue”. Jason moves towards his mother. Standing her up he turns her around and dips underwater. With a hand on the inside of each of her thighs a foot below her crotch he spreads her legs. Startled by his actions Donna has no time to really think about it before Jason move his head between her legs and lifts her out of the water perched on his shoulders.
“Come on mom it”s your turn.” Reaching out Robbie pulls his mother towards him and follows suit. His head presses along his mothers crotch on his way to putting her on his shoulders. “Let the fights begin!! Best two out of three.”
Maybe it was the wine or the fun of the moment but both mothers embraced the game. Pulling, pushing, screaming, laughing a friendly cat fight was underway and the boys enjoyed watching from their vantage point. The first game went to the Robinsons. The second game went to the Blake”s. The rubber match pursued. Finally the contest was decided. Jason losing his footing spun around. His face planted firmly between his mother”s legs for what seemed like the longest time but the reality only a few seconds. He rose from the water to see Robbie with his mother on his shoulders her arm extended in victory. Suddenly both their mouths hung open as their eyes bugled in amazement. Jason turn to see his mother emerge from the water face covered with wet hair. Her right breast exposed for all to see. Her breast and nipple were large and hung slightly. Any girl or women would have wanted a pair exactly like them. Claire”s surprise changed to uncontrollable laughter as the boys ogled Donna with open mouths.
Trying to push the hair from her face, “I guess you guys won.”
“Well Donna I think both our son”s are sharing the prize.”
“What do you mean… OH MY GOD!” Donna covered herself up as she turns her back to them and put her breast back in her top. “Well I think my chicken fight days are over, at least for tonight. They all agree as they exit the pool, dried off and got ready to call it a night.