Aunt Sophia (Series 2)

Book:Crazy Pleasure (Erotica) Published:2024-6-4

“I saw you play!” She whispered as our lips parted. “Drill me just like you did that quarterback! Take my breath away!”
There was no foreplay this time. She was ready and so was I. I rolled her over and with one smooth thrust I was in her. She whimpered just slightly as I started to fill her.
“Is it me or do you feel bigger tonight?” She teased.
“Oh you are going to pay for that!” I teased back.
“Promises, promises.” She squealed as our pelvises met.
I lifted her legs in front of me and against my shoulders. I drilled her hard between her shapely thighs. Angie was anything but quiet when we fuck. Not a screamer but always vocal. It was a good thing my roommate was gone for the weekend otherwise he would get an earful tonight. She whimpered and whined, giggled and squealed, and then just before she climaxed she would go completely quite.
“Now **…” She groaned. Her pelvis shifted her legs clenched. I knew she was close.
“Not yet!” I teased. “Wait for me!”
This drove her crazy. I knew she would wait. Tonight she was fucking the star football player! The one night hero and this is all she wanted. We both knew it. This, a bit more than friends with benefits. This was stature in her mind. Well at least she was somewhat honest about it. But now she was totally quiet. Angie was focusing on her own pleasure.
“Come for me baby!” I whispered. “Just think I won the game for us tonight!”
“Yessssss… Oh! ** you are the MAN!” Angie cried out as I fucked her through her first orgasm. Her hips rolled up as I plunged down. Angie was gasping for air her moans filled the room. I was starting to slow down as the remnants of her orgasm subsided in her body. Letting her legs down she pulled me in for a kiss.
“I know I can”t say I love you, but that was awesome!” Angie pulled me in for a kiss. We did care for each other but we agreed for now to keep the word love out of it. We were exclusive but we both knew the day would come when we would move on. I turned her over and drilled her pussy from behind. I loved to watch her massive tits swing as we fucked. Angie always came the second time just as I did. Tonight was no different.
Just as my balls boiled I would reach down and flick her clit. She responded by clinching her pussy, and slamming her ample ass back into me. I filled her pussy as she hissed in approval. This was our way, or better still, her way of having S*e*x. We tried oral once. Angie refused to try it again. Anal was a non-starter and kinky S*e*x was not to be discussed. What she lacked in variety she made up for in enthusiasm. Still you can only eat vanilla ice cream only so many days.
I earned a partial scholarship for college. With Mike being a past student I got some breaks as well. Mike has been very helpful financially, but I decided a job was needed if I did not want to get buried in debt. I work for a roofer. You know, stripping roofs, carrying shingles and nailing them down. Hard, hot, back breaking work. It pays well and it keeps me in shape. I wouldn’t say I love it but there are aspects about it I find helpful even in school. I am going for a business degree and this has been a real learning experience.
I was invited over to my aunt’s house for supper Sunday. After cleaning up a job we finished the day before, I stopped at the dorms and showered. I called Sophia to make sure it was still ok if I came by. I knew the minute I walked in the door something was off. Sophia didn’t have to say a word. Odell was loud and boisterous, even more than normal. He had been clearly drinking.
“So the new football star can’t even afford to feed himself?” He yelled as Sophia opened the door.
“Don’t listen to him. You are always welcome here **.” My aunt said softly so he couldn’t hear.
“Well they don’t pay us to play but they do feed us pretty well!” I said loud enough so he could hear. I tried to lighten the mood.
“Oh so you”re here to gloat?” He growled.
“I am sorry?” I asked. “Gloat about what?”
“The fucking game!” He yelled.
“Well we won it but I am not sure there is much to gloat about. It wasn”t a blowout or anything. In fact we almost didn”t hold on for the win!” I replied not sure what he was talking about.
“Fuck yes you won! Cost me five large you fucking losers!” He turned to my aunt. “Get the boy a beer and refill this glass!” He bellowed.
My uncle bet on the game? He lost five hundred bucks on us? Serves him right I thought.
“Thanks but I will pass on the beer. I am driving and have classes in the morning.” I explained.
He gave me an evil look but Sophia came back with his glass filled with booze so he was happy about that. It was going well through most of the dinner. I stayed away from sports, and we couldn”t talk about family. So I stuck to school. Sophia was passing me a dish for seconds when she knocked a spoon off the table. It was by my foot so I started to reach down and pick it up.
“Let the bitch do it!” He yelled. “She knocked it there.”
“It”s ok, It”s right here.” I smiled as I started to reach down again.
“I said let the bitch do it!” He yelled louder as he wavered in his chair.
Sophia grabbed my wrist and stopped me. Her eyes told me I would only make it worse if I continued. She picked it up and set it aside. I could see the embarrassment in her face as she looked at me. It haunted me the whole way back to the dorm. I didn”t know why I let him do that to her but I knew I would never let it happen again. Mom was right, there was something going on, I just didn”t know what. Even for Odell this was out of character.
I had dinner with them several weeks later and the mood was closer to normal. Still there was this tension in the air. Sophia did not say anything to me but you could feel it in the house the whole time I was there. Odell was just as demanding as before but there was never a need to challenge him.
I was in the locker room the several months after my big game. The season was now over and I was here for conditioning. One of the seniors came up to me. He was a good player, not a superstar but someone we all looked up to. He was smart, tough and best of all he led by example. He said very little unless asked and then he was honest and right to the point.
“Jake is there a night you might have free this week? I would like to talk to you about something?” Randy asked.
I looked around to make sure he was talking to me. I was the only Jake but still we were not what you would call friends.
“Sure I guess. Tomorrow I have the whole night open!”
“Great I will pick you up around seven.” He explained. “Oh and if you have some black slacks and a white shirt that would be nice.”
He turned and left as quickly as he came. I had black slacks and decent shoes but did go and buy a new white shirt and undershirt. At seven I was outside looking like a dork but when he pulled up in a big black limo I didn”t feel so stupid.
“Hop in!” Randy said.
I opened the passenger door and sat up front with him. “Nice car!” I explained.
“Thanks but it is not just a car **, it is much more than that.” He smiled.
“How so?” I asked.
“Later. I brought you a jacket try it on.” Randy replied.
He handed me a jacket like the one he was wearing. It was a bit snug in the shoulders but otherwise it was perfect.
“Not bad!” He looked over. “Now you don’t need to do anything but watch. I thought it best if you looked the part just in case.”