I provide a warm welcome to the newbie with a kind grin. As Lisa carefully lifts her infant from the coffee table and into my arms, a grin appears on her face.
She grins when I make a scowl or tense my muscles in frustration.
“Luna, give him a soft embrace and hold his head high with your hands. ”
Cuddling is something that Kara enjoys doing.” Lisa delicately repositions my arm under Jonny’s brow, as if she can read what I’m thinking about.
As soon as Lisa rises to her feet, I wrap my arms around him securely.
Lisa exits the cramped living room in quest of fresh drinking water.
Everything I thought about was centered on the beautiful infant in my arms. He’s a little fragile creature, to say the least. Kara squirms a little in her seat for a few seconds before snuggling up to my breast.
The word “mine” makes my heart hurt! I maintain a low tone of speech.
As a result, the couch cushion in front of me begins to bulge. I dart a glance across the table to David, who seems on the point of cracking a smile. Currently, his left arm is positioned below my right shoulder blade. Watching from a safe distance while he softly touches Kara’s ear is my favorite part.
Strangely enough, I sit and watch Kara sleep, which may seem unusual to others. As Lisa returns to the living room, the enormous glasses of water are put in front of my legs.” She smiles and nods with a kind demeanor. “No. “It seems that he is a fan of yours.” I give Kara a kind grin.
David coughs. “Let’s have a look at why we’re here, Lisa,”
Lisa takes a rest in the rocking rocker next to the stone fireplace, which she built herself. Her once-glowy grin starts to fade, stress lines form, and her age doubles in the blink of an eye. She is no longer young. I’m carrying her son in my arms, and I’m trying to figure out how old she really is.
“Alpha. “I had been looking forward to your arrival,” she said.
“Do you really want to be the one who has to deal with the repercussions of owing taxes?”
David is deliberating about his alternatives.
When I sat down next to him, I was confused. Lisa clenches her fists in an attempt to divert David’s attention away from her.
“I realize you’re obsessed with your child, but you need to find a job.”
“I understand you’re preoccupied with your child, but you need to find work.” Every member of the pack is required to labor, according to pack policy.”
I take a big breath in and exhale. What happened to her husband? What exactly is going on?
“I’m raising my kid,” Lisa says, tears welling up in her eyes as she does so. “I can’t put my trust in anybody anymore, particularly after my spouse passed away.”
She begs in whispered tones that are scarcely audible.
David’s pupils were constricted, and I could see it.
“You have one week to seek work, we’re a pack, and we’ll be able to find other people to care about him while you’re away.”
With her eyes closed and a dreadful scowl on her face, Lisa nods slowly and deliberately. She sobs, her other hand covering her mouth with her other hand.
The snow-covered plain and two-story buildings with snow-covered roofs and brick chimneys that I see as I go past the trees confound me as I continue on my way.
It seems like the backs of the buildings are serving as shop entrances, but I’m really crossing over a short space between two structures.
I softly move to the right, with my back against the brick wall as I do so.
When I finally emerge from the building, I am confronted with people entering and exiting buildings, as well as people merely walking along the sidewalks.
Strangers stop and look at me, furrowing their brows, but they continue on. Some people begin to sigh.
Some people just ignore me. I warily follow the little crowd, gathering up as much information as I can.
After there, there is a two-lane highway, another sidewalk, and a row of buildings.
So far, I’ve seen apparel stores, restaurants, repair businesses, and a grocery store, to name a few establishments.
Everything looks to have been multiplied by two.
One on either side of the table. Instead of crossing the street, I enter a tavern that is hardly populated.
It’s a little establishment. Interiorly, popular songs are performed acoustically, with all of the lights out.
Customers are either placing orders or reading at a booth on the inside.
Being broke, I take up residence in one of the unoccupied booths and gaze out the decal-covered window.
I’m relieved that no one from the outside has a peek inside. The general feeling is that everyone is taken aback by my appearance.
I heave a sigh of relief. Is everyone else a werewolf as well?
Now, everyone seems to me like a wolf. Wolves with a variety of hues on their coats. My table has been smashed.
When I turn around, there is a waitress with steely blue eyes in front of me. Coughing is heard from the waitress.
“Luna, you are adored by everyone. We were advised not to speak with you by Alpha, but I couldn’t leave you thirsty.”
She comes to a complete halt, looks at the drink, then at me. “That’s all there is to it.”
As she goes away, the feeling I had on the hill comes flooding back to me again.
I watched her walk away from me. As she opens the half-door, she cleans measuring cups, utensils, and glasses with a soft cloth.
I’m inclined to say anything as I’m sipping the hot, sweet beverage she so generously supplied me.
I’m surprised that the vine isn’t bitter. I make an effort not to gaze at her.
Having shivers down my spine and neck is a real treat. I’m back in high school, and I was all prepared to pose a question, but I completely forgot. I’m attempting to find out what I want—or need—to say at the moment.
When I’m through with my vine, I cautiously climb to my feet and decide to bring her the leftover cup.
I’ll know exactly what to say when I get to her. But I need to know as soon as possible. As I got closer to her, she greets me with a kind smile. Then everything becomes hazy and disintegrates. I see a waitress lying on a starched white bed, her hair in a careless bun, and sweat dripping down her temples as she rests her head on the pillow. Although I cannot hear her, I can see her lips open in a heartbreaking scream of sorrow. She leans on the bed, her blue eyes temporarily closing as wrinkled hands pass her a squirming, bare baby daughter in their care. She smiles and giggles as she gradually opens her eyes.
My vision is impaired, and the baby’s cries reverberate in my head and ears.
I open my eyes and gently set the cup on the counter after a few seconds of being closed. I’ve turned into a weirdo. Confused. Confounded.