Book:My beautiful seductress Published:2024-6-4

Outside the elegant design shop, Caleb stood waiting with a bouquet of flowers at hand.
Today, his best friend for the past five years invited him to a date.
Clad in blue jeans and a white button up shirt, he was looking elegant and Charismatic.
Five years had passed since he decided to face reality and be a better person for himself. Throughout the journey of discovering himself, a certain amazing woman stayed by his side. She corrected him when he went astray, encouraged him when he was on the verge of giving up and sympathised with him when things didn’t go as planned.
Today is the day he finally mustered his courage to ask her out only to have her beat him to the task.
He was getting off the office where he worked when he received a call instructing him to pick her up at her shop so that they could have dinner together.
It wasn’t the first time they would be having dinner together but something about her voice told him that things might be different from tbe friendly dinners they have shared in the past years.
” Caleb, you are here?” Alicia greeted, moving to hug him.
” Did I make you wait for long?” She asked but the man shook his head. As long as it’s her he was waiting for, no time could be long in his eyes.
Alicia smiled at him, knowing that he lied to her. Actually, she was ready by the time they agreed to meet up only to have a client show up .
Since it was one of her loyal clients, she could not turn her down and that made her late by almost an hour.
” These are for you.” Caleb said, passing Alicia the bouquet of red roses.
” Oh Caleb, they are beautiful.” She said as her eyes looked over the red roses.
Caleb watched her as he looked at her beautiful smile that radiated happiness and satisfaction.
He couldn’t take his eyes off her even if he tried.
Alicia felt Caleb’s stare on her. The intensity of his gaze made her heart race. She was so happy at the thought of the dinner they would be having together and now that Caleb was there in front of her, it made her feel even more giddy.
She would make her intentions known to him tonight.
“I’m glad you like them.” Caleb spoke.
” Let’s go?” He asked.
Linking her hand with Caleb’s, she smiled at him, ” let’s go.”
Caleb opened the passenger door of the car for her. After she was seated down, he closed the door and moved to the driver’s seat.
The car moved forward with Alicia’s soft music playing. Although he didn’t own a car, he knew how to drive one. Alicia allowed him to drive them anytime they went out. To them, it was like a custom.
” Ramah house.” She directed and Caleb drove off.
When they arrived at the hotel, Caleb stepped down first.
Alicia followed.
Caleb held her hand and walked her inside the restaurant.
The waiter greeted them and showed them to their table.
The table was placed by the window, giving them an amazing view of the city lights. The sky was clear and the night sky had an orange tinge.
Caleb and Alicia sat down, placing their orders on the table.
They were silent, each having their own thoughts in mind.
” So, how is your week going so far?” Caleb asked, breaking the ice.
Alicia giggled at his question. ” What a cliche way of starting the conversation.”
Caleb shrugged.
” My week has been great. Tomorrow is a Saturday but I’m taking a day off.” Alicia announced.
” A day off? Are you going somewhere?” Caleb probed and Alicia smiled mischievously.
” Not really.” She answered.
Their orders arrived. For tonight, Alicia decided to order something heavy for them.
” What are you planning to do during your day off tomorrow?” Caleb asked as he took a sip of the water that came with their orders.
Alicia shrugged, ” Nothing in particular. I guess I’ll just spend some time by the pool, maybe read a book, play some games or maybe do a bit of yoga. You know, just take it easy.”
Caleb looked at her, a slight disappointment in his eyes.
He had expected to be invited but from the sound of things, she didn’t plan to host him.
” That’s good. I’ll just stay indoors tomorrow.” He said.
Alicia smiled Inwardly sensing the disappointment in his voice.
So he was actually looking forward to spending time with her? Was that a good sign?
The chef finally placed the last dish for the night. It was a full course meal consisting of pasta and steak, cheesecake for dessert and a bottle of table wine. A Candle was lit and placed at the centre of the table too creating a romantic atmosphere.
Alicia and Caleb thanked the chef and started their meal.
It was a quiet night with Alicia taking the lead in the conversation as she told Caleb about the things she had done over the week.
The soft jazz music was doing Justice to the current ambience.
The meal was delicious and before long, it was all finished.
Alicia served them a glass of wine.
She had her gaze fixed on Caleb.
Caleb felt the heated gaze directed to him. Raising his head, his eyes met and collided with Alicia’s own.
” What ? Do I have something on my face?” He asked, trying to wipe his mouth of non-existent dirt.
Alicia shook her head with a smile.
” It’s nothing. I’m just mesmerised by the handsome face.” She confessed making Caleb look away shyly. He didn’t expect her to compliment him so blatantly.
” Are you shy?” Alicia teased and Caleb blushed even more.
” Who is shy?” Caleb retorted.
Alicia grinned as she sat back.
She took a sip of wine, her eyes never leaving him.
It was now or never, she thought.
” Caleb, there is something that I want to tell you.” She said, her voice so serious.
Caleb was getting worried. It felt like he was standing in front of his boss waiting to get scolded.
Alicia looked at him, her eyes never breaking contact.
” Do you remember what I told you the first day we met at the club?” Alicia asked and Caleb shook his head.
” That day, I told you that I liked you and that I’ll pursue you when I have something on my name.” Alicia said, her eyes observing Caleb’s face to spot his facial expressions.
Caleb’s breath hitched hearing her confession.
” Alicia…” He called. What was she doing? He was the man, wasn’t he the one supposed to be saying those words to her?
When did the situation overturn?
He was supposed to be the one confessing to her, not the other way round.
Alicia continued.
” I know that this feels awkward. I know you are wondering if I’m crazy and the answer is yes, I’m crazy about you. So crazy that I am here with you, asking you to be your boyfriend officially. ” Alicia spoke.
” Caleb, I like you. Heck, I love you. I’m not good at words but I can promise you that I will make you happy and I will support you in anything you do. I can say that I’m completely in love with you and I want you to be my boyfriend.” She added when Caleb remained unmoving.
He was speechless. He didn’t know what to say. This was all too sudden. It was nothing like he had expected the night would end.
” Say something Caleb,” Alicia urged.
” Alicia…” Caleb breathed out.
” Please.” Alicia urged once again.
Caleb looked at her, ” Alicia, I think you should be the boyfriend and I should be the girlfriend. I’m a man and it is my job to confess my feelings first.” Caleb said, making Alicia smile.
” No, no. Caleb, we are equals in this relationship. So what if I confessed first? If we are going to be together, I want you to understand that I am not afraid of asking for what I want or telling you what I feel.” She declared.
Caleb was shocked at her response. He then broke into a smile.
” So will you be my boyfriend?” Alicia asked and Caleb nodded.
” Yes, Alicia. I want to be your boyfriend. I have always loved you. All these years, I have secretly been crushing on you but I withheld my feelings because I wanted to become someone worthy of you. You are the reason I am where I am today. Everything I have achieved in life, it’s all thanks to you.” Caleb said, standing from his seat and walking to Alicia.
Taking her hands in his, he kissed her knuckles.
” Thanks Caleb. Agreeing to be my boyfriend has made me the happiest lady.” Alicia said, pulling Caleb to herself and claiming his lips.
The people dining at the hotel all burst out clapping and cheering.