Book:My beautiful seductress Published:2024-6-4

He was startled at first before moving at a lightning speed to cover the little woman’s mouth.
He couldn’t believe that such a small woman could be blessed with such powerful lungs.
The ear piercing scream she let out sure must have woken all the people in the house, not like there were many of them.
He just prayed that her voice didn’t reach Lily’s ears. He didn’t want to have awkward moments with his Inquisitive daughter.
” It’s so early in the morning, do you intend to wake the whole village with your voice?” David sarcastically asked the lady below him, who still had her sockets bulged out.
It was until that moment he realised that in his panic, he hovered above her in an attempt to cover her mouth.
His palm was still resting on her mouth making it hard for Sheila to reply.
Although he was embarrassed by their current posture which was ambiguous, he tried to not show it on his face.
” I’ll uncover your mouth, but promise me you won’t be shouting again?” He gained his composure and asked.
He was really afraid of her shrill shout. It could render one deaf.
Not able to say anything, Sheila sheepishly nodded. She could feel heat creeping up on her face.
It was the first time she was so close to a Man, not to mention their compromising posture.
David slowly retrieved his palm and moved away from her.
Now he was lying on her side, his upper body was naked.
” Why am I here?” After calming her racing heart, Sheila asked.
This was definitely not her room so what was she doing here?
How did she even end up here?
She guessed this must be David’s room considering the minimalistic decor and the grey and white paint dominating the walls.
Everything in the room screamed of masculinity.
Sheila couldn’t remember how she ended up here, in a man’s room and more embarrassingly, in a man’s bed.
The last thing she could remember was drinking wine with David but after that, everything else was blank.
” You don’t remember anything?” Although his face was showing disappointment, he was rejoicing Inwardly.
Her lack of last night’s recollection would serve to boost his plan.
He was excited to see her reaction when he told her what she did plus what she didn’t do.
Yes, he was sly. Taking advantage of any favourable situation he found himself in.
He would make sure before she steps out of that room, she will be his.
Sheila shook her head. It always happens. Whenever she gets drunk, she Wakes up the following morning remembering nothing.
She just hopes she didn’t do anything out of place in her intoxicated state.
Alcohol always gives her unwanted courage which always Lands her in trouble. She hoped things were different this time.
” Since you can’t remember, I’ll tell you.” David offered like the good man he was while he smirked devilishly inside.
” Yesterday you got drunk.” He started making Sheila almost roll her eyes at him.
” I know that.” She didn’t need anybody to tell her that , not when her head felt like it was being hammered.
It felt heavy and her throat was dry. The aftermath of a drinking section.
The things she hated about alcohol were the terrible hangovers the following day.
” Then you said I am handsome and you kissed me.” David continued making Sheila’s eyes almost pop out.
” That’s not true.” Sheila countered. She could say he’s handsome yes, because he was handsome in real senses, but kissing him? Was she really capable of doing that?
She doubted.
” You think I am lying?” David inquired, sounding hurt.
Now that made Sheila confused. He didn’t sound like someone who was lying. Anyways she didn’t see a reason for him to lie. Why would he?
Sheila could only lower her gaze, not daring to look him in the face.
‘Maybe that’s the confidence alcohol gave me! But damn! That’s embarrassing! how do I face him after this?’ Sheila lamented inwardly.
She couldn’t believe she kissed the guy but most importantly, she was disappointed that it happened in her intoxicated State. She couldn’t remember a thing about what happened, including the kiss. One thing was sure, it must have felt nice. Those pink rosy lips of him kept her fantasising about kissing them.
It turned out last night she couldn’t control herself and kissed him.
” Not only that, you said that you wanted to marry me and do sinful things with me. You took advantage of me last night too. I was helpless and didn’t Know what to do.” David reported. His words sounded aggrieved.
Sheila’s mouth hung open hearing David’s words.
She had to shake her head twice to confirm if she heard the right thing.
” I did what? I don’t believe you.” Sheila said amidst stifled laughs.
She was in disbelief, how could she do that?
And what did he mean by she took advantage of him?
That was something she wouldn’t do.
But last night she wasn’t herself and she had zero trust in her intoxicated self.
Yes, she had fantasised about doing those sinful things she reads on those erotica novels gifted to her by Vee, but how could she open up her mouth and confess that?
” That’s not it all you also…”
” Stop! Please stop it, I believe you.” Sheila interrupted David as he tried to continue listing the shameful things she did to him last night.
She didn’t want to listen to them anymore. It will only add to her embarrassment.
David smiled inwardly, he was about to reach his purpose soon enough.
” I am sorry about everything that I said or did last night. Can we just put it aside and forget it?” Sheila requested.
” So you want to dump me after taking advantage of me?” David’s voice was weak and helpless. Like a person who had been thrown aside after his worth was finished.
Why did he make it sound like I am the villainous girlfriend who dumped her boyfriend after finding a better man?
His tone voice made Sheila feel guilty and at the same time helpless.
She was drunk and whatever she did could be excused, or couldn’t it?
” What do you want me to do?” She asked the question she would be regretting in the next moment.
” I don’t want anything, I only want you to be responsible for me?” David replied straightforwardly with a straight face.
Sheila choked on her saliva hearing his words.
Take responsibility for him? Wasn’t that supposed to be her line?
Usually after a one night stand with a billionaire, the girl would ask the man to be responsible for her.
Since when did the roles switch to the man asking for responsibility.
Besides, nothing happened between them. She could tell from how her lower part was free from any pain.
What responsibility was she taking then?
” Nothing happened between us.” She defended.
” Yes, because I was a gentleman enough to stop your advances. But that doesn’t cancel how you molested me.” David replied.
There’s no way he was letting her escape from this.
Her fate besides him was already sealed.
There wasn’t any bargaining about that fact.
The earlier she accepts it, the better.