The following morning, David left early for work. After what happened last night, he was ashamed of facing that little woman.
He had resulted in jacking off twice to calm his bulging member. That was something he never did in all the years of his existence. He was ashamed of himself for imagining her while he took care of his erection.
The day passed by peacefully. Sheila and Lily bonded over various games. Sheila also offered to prepare lunch for the family to which Aunt Meng gladly let her.
Lily couldn’t be any happier and her joy could be seen from the sweet smile plastered on her face
Lily was so tired that she slept immediately after dinner. David did not return home for dinner. He had a lot of matters to attend to at the company following his abrupt departure yesterday.
His secretary and personal assistant knocked on his door.
” Come in.” David ushered him and Jordan sauntered in, carrying with him his working tablet.
” What’s the matter Jordan?” After staying with Jordan for years, their relationship was More than that of a boss and his worker.
Jordan was specially trained by his family to take over the duty of helping the next heir of the Brown family.
Ever since he was a little boy, his fate had been decided.
That was the tradition in his family.
Their family was closely related to the Brown family and was responsible for nurturing loyal helpers to the heirs of the Brown family. It was the same for his old man who handed him the responsibility after David assumed the position.
” President, you have a business trip to country B tomorrow.” Jordan Informed to have David stop whatever he was doing before casting his eagle-like eyes on the secretary.
” Why didn’t you tell me before?” For some reasons, he didn’t want to leave home at this time, not when his little wife was in the house. He wanted to be able to go home to her every evening after work.
David couldn’t tell where that feeling came from all of a sudden, all he knew was that leaving home would be difficult from now onwards.
” I tried telling you yesterday but you were in a hurry to leave.” Jordan defended himself.
He had tried informing the president about the business trip but the guy left before he could say it.
” Cancel it.” David said.
Jordan had a conflicted expression on his face. Cancel it? That would be definitely hard.
” Eerr!” Not knowing what to say, Jordan could only murmur. Ofcourse David saw this and squinted his eyes.
” What’s the matter?”
” I am sorry, president but I don’t think it’s possible to cancel this one.” He explained, hoping that the president would understand his difficulty.
David could only sigh in defeat. He was aware that the business trip was important for the Brown Corp. It was something he could not just cancel out of impulse. It took him months to arrange the meeting.
Although he was reluctant to leave, he still had to do it anyhow.
” Make the preparation, we will be leaving tomorrow morning.” He finally conceded.
He left for his house at eight in the evening.
When David arrived, the Villa was unusually quiet.
He walked to the living room and plopped himself on the couch.
Sheila, who was relaxing by the coach watching business news, grew conscious of the presence of another person in the room.
Turning to look at who it could be, she was greeted by a pair of shining black orbs that were staring at her directly.
David was observing the beautiful lady before him when their eyes collided before she looked away immediately.
His thin lips curled up to a thin line.
” Good evening sir.” Sheila greeted looking everywhere but his face.
His handsome face had a thing of making her blush stupidly. She was never like this. She was used to holding gazes with people, be it men or women. But that changed after she arrived at the Brown Villa. For some reason, she would cower and look away whenever their eyes met.
Her heart would start thumping loudly, not to mention how hot her cheeks would feel.
These kinds of changes baffled her.
” David.” His husky voice resonated in the house.
” huh?” Sheila was confused by his reply.
” Just David. Drop the formalities.” He uttered, his manly voice coupled with the bobbing up and down of his Adams apple whenever he talked charmed the little woman.
Sheila found herself in a daze, admiring his well defined facial features.
She had to admit that the man before her was handsome. Maybe using handsome would still be an understatement, the guy was devilishly hot and sexy.
David watched with amusement as the little woman engrossed herself in admiring him. A smile was etched at the corner of his lips.
” Care for a glass of wine?” he asked and only then did the girl look away, swallowing in embarrassment as she realised that she had been discovered ogling at his beauty.
” Why not?” Sheila replied nonchalantly, trying to hide her embarrassment.
Walking to the wine cabinet, David retrieved a bottle of a thirty year old wine and picked two glasses.
Actually, he loved and treasured his wine bottles. He had quite a big collection and would rarely open one to share. But today, he decided to be generous with a hidden agenda.
Pouring a glass for each, he handed Sheila one and they clicked their glasses.
Sheila took a deep breath and the scent of fermented white grapes filled her nose.
” It’s medicinal. Made from fermented White grapes, dandelions and a hint of morning dewy flower.” She commented.
Her analysis obviously surprised David because it was correct.
” You know about winery?” He asked to cure his curiosity on her.
” Not much. My adopted mother was into wine making. She would brew us wine from different plants and flowers. She was a wine taster before marrying my father.” Sheila explained, taking a big gulp of the contents in the glass.
She closed her eyes as she allowed the drink to go down.
David watched each and every expression she made and he could clearly tell that she was quite a fan of wine.
” Tell me more about your parents.” David decided to engage her in a talk and get her to open up more about herself. He had asked Jordan to run a background check on her but decided against opening the results.
Since he was interested in her, he decided to treat her a little different from the previous ladies he brought home for Lily.
He will be the one to learn about her not done lousy report. He wanted to get to know her better and understand the kind of a person she really was.
Sheila drank the whole glass and David patiently poured her another drink.
” There’s nothing much to tell about my parents. They were the most loving people I have ever seen. Although I was not their biological daughter, they never made me feel like it. I was the apple of their eyes.
My father loved to cook so they opened a food eatery. That’s where they worked until they were met by an accident.” Sheila explained, gulping down the whole glass.
Talking about her parents wasn’t something she liked, it always brought sadness to her.” Take it slow, you might get drunk.” David warned.
” Isn’t that the main point of drinking? To get drunk?” Sheila questioned.
At this point, she felt like her head was becoming lighter and things were running in circles.
She was getting tipsy.
David smiled cunningly. He had poured her three glasses already while he still sipped on the first one. His intentions were very clear, he wanted to get her drunk.