19. Back at Work

Book:Babes Stripping For Love Published:2024-6-4

It was Bree’s first day back at Babes, she had met Jojo the day before to get a good grasp of her new job. Hazel was dropped off at her daycare earlier by herself and also Gage. The little girl was too excited that she gets to show off her new friend Gage to the staff at the daycare.
Since Bree was working with Jojo in handling more of the administration side of things she was scheduled a nine to five working hours. It was the only schedule Gage would let Bree work for and she finally relent thinking at least she was working and hopefully able to save money for her and Hazel’s future.
“So, you and Gage huh?”
“Yeah, I’m dating him,” Bree said knowing Gage had told Jojo about their relationship status yesterday. The man couldn’t care less about what his employees think of him. But Bree on the other hand, she was new and she knows exactly how disposable she was. Disposable to Gage and also to her employment.
Somehow after losing everything with Everett she had never felt so disposable in her entire life. Bree felt her unimportance in the big wild world, she could drop dead and no one would care. All that matters to Bree now was Hazel, and how she was going to make a life out of the messed-up situation she was given with.
“Gage is a nice guy.” Jojo looked at her sternly, she was an older woman probably in her late forties, maybe even fifties Bree was not sure and she was definitely not going to ask.
“He is nice but please don’t let my relationship with Gage affect your opinion of my work.”
“Oh, I won’t, honey. I will tell him if you can’t do your job properly.” Jojo tried to intimidate her but the older woman failed knowing she actually liked Bree. Out of all the dancers, Bree was actually kind of nice, maybe it was her polite upbringing, but the woman treated people with respect and that was one of the important things Jojo valued in a person.
“I’m actually telling you not to hurt him.”
“Oh,” Bree offered her a kind smile and Jojo sighed knowing Bree was the sweetest of the girls.
“Yeah, okay enough about Gage, we should start working. As I told you yesterday, you will sit here. Elvis had set your working station, your computer will arrive in a couple of hours. While waiting, you can help me sort out this mess.”
That morning Bree worked silently along with Jojo, and the older woman liked her even more. It was like working with herself and she managed to get the job done quickly since Bree turned out to be a fast learner.
When lunchtime arrived Dee and Cassidy were all over Bree demanding her why she was working at the back office. The girls weren’t supposed to be at Babes yet, but as they usually do, Dee would leave early because her boyfriend Rocco the bartender needs to do preparation work and Cassidy, well… Babes was like her second home already.
Strangely Cassidy studied better there and the distance between campus and work was much closer than her apartment. “Yeah, we kind of figured out that you and Gage had something going on. But wow, I didn’t think it was this serious.”
“Hushh… Cass, you need to shut it.” Dee reminded her. “Sorry love, this girl is a bit messed up in the head. She needs to mind her own business,” Dee tried to tone down Cassidy’s curiosity, but between her school work and her stripping routine, the girl need to focus her attention on a new hobby rather than gossip about other girls in the club.
“Okay… okay, but anyway, do think Jade knew?”
“Oh my god, Cassidy!” Dee once again warned her, a bit more sternly this time. “It didn’t matter if Jade knew, they were over each other, a long time ago.”
Though Dee wasn’t sure about how Jade would feel if she knew, she thought the woman always handled everything calmly. Aside from her gothic look, there was kindness in her that made Gage dated her. Dee had to admit the man had a certain taste in women and kindness is what she knew those two women have so she was not worried about Jade finding out. Hopefully.
“Ugh… seriously, let’s just go out and get some sandwiches. I need to stop drinking my weight in coffee.” The med student grumbled and dragged the two other women out of Babes.
Lunch with Cassidy and Dee was filled with a lot of laughter, then a serious discussion about the guy that had been dating Cassidy on and off for about a year now.
“Yep, we break up again. It’s predictable at this point, and I’m getting bored with him. Every time he wants to get close to fuck, we break up. I’m just still not feeling him, you know?”
“Ehm… no, but maybe because I’m such a nympho. Rocco can vouch for me on that excuse.”
“Ew… Dee seriously, you two just had a vacation. I thought you’d be dialing down by now, aren’t you sore or something?”
“Lube baby, make sure you’re slick if you’re going to go at it several times a day.” Dee winked at Cassidy to which she got a scowl in return.
“Well, I think you’re great Cass. It’s not about being a virgin, it’s about staying true to yourself. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, you know you’re ready when you are.”
“Yeah, maybe I’m asexual.” Cassidy retorted with a heavy tone in her voice.
“Hey, maybe you’re a demisexual,” Dee offered after sipping her ice tea.
“This whole identity identification is making me dizzy and I realized I need to get back to Jojo. Do you girls mind if I get back now?”
“Go ahead, we need to let the food in our belly simmer down before we twirl on the pole.”
It didn’t take long before Bree gets back to working with Jojo while the girls enjoy their break. They still have a couple of hours before their shift started. Then Gage entered when her working hours ended, Bree blushed when Gage greeted her with a kiss.
“You two are so adorable, as much as I don’t want to watch these cuteness overload I’m going to take my well-needed break and I’ll see you tomorrow at five Bree.” The older woman took her purse and pat Gage’s shoulder telling him thank you for getting Bree to work with her.
Since Bree started assisting Jojo, the older woman was able to take the night off. Mostly because her workload was lighter and Rocco was going to handle the girls in her absence. But starting the next day Jojo was going to try and let Bree work mornings alone and she’ll take the afternoon to night shift to handle the girls’ needs.
“She’s being really nice to me now. I don’t want to give you too many praises but Jojo loves you and it’s hard to impress that woman.” Gage said the moment Jojo left them alone in the back office.
“Give it time, I’ve only been working two days.” Bree smiled at him, she was pleased that Jojo thought that she was doing well at her job.
“Nah, you didn’t know about her previous assistants. You’re not the first, we tried doing this a couple of months back and failed miserably and she decided she was going to tackle everything herself and do a couple of double shifts per week. Until last month.” Gage continue talking as he took her closer and kissed her lips longer than he intended to.
“Come on it’s time to pick up Hazel.” He breaks the kiss and takes her hand in his then walked out of the office together.
Some of the girls saw them and if some of them didn’t know about her relationship with Gage they will surely know by now. Rocco’s smile widened when he saw them walking hand in hand. The bartender greeted them, Gage talked to him for a couple of minutes making sure everything was taken care of. Then they both left the club in his car.
“Are you sure you’re not needed at the club? I can order a car for me to pick up Hazel…” Bree was secretly annoyed that her car was still in the shop waiting for the window to be replaced.
“Bree, I won’t complicate myself if I know I can’t drive you to pick up Hazel. I want to be with you.” He took her hand and kissed her knuckles, Bree smiled then let him start the car and enjoy his company as they go to pick up Hazel.
The days were getting better and better, her little sunshine smiled and run to her the second she was at the entrance of her daycare. Hazel chatted about her day to Gage and he laughed and listened to her all the way back to his home.
The three of them looked like a small happy family, but in the back of Bree’s mind she kept on telling herself that whatever she has with Gage had an expiration date. Bree reminded herself that she shouldn’t be lulled too deeply into it. The past had shown her that the worst can happen, though it was getting hard for her not to fall for the man.
Bree knew she was in trouble. Her heart was at the risk of being broken. Again.