Catching the elevator to the top floor, I step into the foyer and walk to my desk, my heels clicking on the marble floors. Grabbing the AC remote, I turn the heater up full blast and stand directly under it, warming myself up while I sip my coffee.
Once warmed up, I sit at my desk, start my laptop, and look over the day’s schedule and any notes I have left for myself. I have been working at Kane and Madden industries for around twelve months. I’m the secretary for Theo Madden and Tobias Kane. They own the tech company, and I am about 98 percent sure they are a couple.
Not that I have seen them officially together or anything at any of the company parties, or even shared a glance with each other outside these doors. They have separate offices, but they have this way of communicating. They always seem so in sync with each other, and I have caught them staring weirdly at each other. I have also walked in on Theo kissing and sucking on Tobias’s neck. So that is a pretty big indicator that they are a little more than business partners.
I must admit it was hot, and it kind of turned me on, until Tobias noticed me gawking which made Theo freeze, and then it got awkward and tense really fast. I ran from the room. They never mentioned it, so I assumed I was let off the hook. I’ve since added that memory to the “it never happened” file of my brain.
It’s a shame they are both gay. They are the hottest gay couple I’ve ever seen. Or whatever their dynamic is.
Tobias is the more imposing one. His intense gaze sends shivers down my spine and chilling vibes that rival my car; even before I’d walked in on him. If he weren’t gay, I’d think I am prey with the way he stares. Sometimes, when he speaks to me, he gets this faraway expression, like he is looking straight through me instead of at me. It isn’t the only awkward encounter I’ve had with Tobias; I swear I heard him growl once. People don’t growl, not like predators do. I put it down to the 18-hour shift I’d worked that day.
Tobias Kane is tall, dark-haired, muscular, has a 5 o’clock shadow, possesses a strong jaw, and is gifted with sharp, piercing blue eyes.
Theo Madden, on the other hand, has softer features. He is just as tall as Tobias but has a very casual, laid-back attitude and fluffy brown hair that is short on the sides and a little longer on the top. He has green eyes that sparkle when he talks to me and high cheekbones. Both are breathtakingly handsome. Even after all the time working there, I still get stunned by their godlike appearances.
I’m astonished that I haven’t been fired. I have been caught way too many times daydreaming, staring off into space, and having very inappropriate thoughts about my bosses. But I also know I’m extremely good at my job. No one has lasted this long as their secretary, and no one is willing to do the sometimes-grueling hours I have endured in my position.
Once I finish checking my laptop, I check the time. It is 8:30 AM. I still have half an hour before my bosses arrive. Slipping out of my seat, I rush to the bathroom with my handbag. Setting my makeup on the counter, I quickly pull my hairbrush out and brush my unruly waist-length blonde hair.
After deciding to pull it into a high ponytail, I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste and quickly brush my teeth. I apply some mascara to my already long, thick eyelashes and some eyeliner to brighten my dark green eyes before putting on some red lipstick. It contrasts nicely with my fair skin.
I’m so glad this floor has no cameras because it would be embarrassing if my bosses found out about my morning routine. Plus, they would see me in all my morning bedhead (or car head) glory. Tom doesn’t count. He doesn’t care what I look like, and I’m always comfortable around him. But if anyone else had seen me, it might have gotten a bit awkward.
Once I finish, I quickly duck into the small kitchenette and prepare their coffees for their arrival. I hear the elevator ding just as I finish making them. I place them on a tray and hurry back to my desk, tray in hand. It’s the perfect routine, and it has never failed me once.
Tobias is the first to step out of the elevator. He is sporting his black suit today, accompanied by a white shirt and silver tie. His head is bowed, staring at his phone. He grabs his coffee off the tray without even glancing up at me and walks directly into his office.
Theo, on the other hand, has a gray suit on, and the top three buttons on his white shirt are undone, exposing part of his chest. I have yet to see him ever as polished as Tobias, or in a tie, for that matter. Theo stops, grabs his mug, and takes a sip. “Good morning, Imogen,” he says with a wink before walking into his office across from Tobias.
Tobias shuts his door, pulling me from my stupor, and I can’t help the blush that creeps across my face, making my entire body heat up. I quickly place the tray back in the kitchen and grab the tablet off my desk. Hesitantly, I stand at the door to Tobias’s office, giving myself a mental pep talk while hoping he is in a good mood today and doesn’t have anything heavy close by to throw at me.
Just before I knock, his voice sings out. “Are you going to enter or stand out there all day?” His husky, deep voice makes me jump, and I quickly open the door enough to slip inside.
Tobias sits at his desk, fingers typing away at his laptop. He still hasn’t looked up. I stand there, moving from foot to foot awkwardly. Mr. Kane, I’ve always found him very intimidating. He’s always so formal, so serious.