Chapter 18

Book:Girlfriend For Hire Published:2024-5-28

From the window in my room, I peaked outside and he was still there. Two fucking hours, he hasn’t moved. Same spot, same position.
I got home and took a shower laying in my room and watching a movie. I ordered a pizza and when the doorbell rang, I thought it was the delivery guy. Imagine my shock when it turned out to be Fallon.
The nerve of him. I did the next best thing, I shut the door on him just the way I had shut him out of my life four months ago.
After the first hour, I figured he would leave but he didn’t. He just stood there and now two hours have passed and he’s still there.
I contemplated on going there and making him leave but that might give him the idea that I care which I don’t.
I came back to fulfil my dream, build up the plaza I’ve always wanted and be successful. Afterwards, I’ll make sure to get a little revenge on Fallon but my goals come first.
He’s married and expecting a child from his wife so why won’t he leave me the hell alone.
I’m barely hanging on a thread. It’s almost 9 pm which means it’s been five freaking hours and he hasn’t moved.
“Don’t go, Annabelle. You don’t care.” I muttered to myself, ate a little and went to bed. I switched off the lights and laid there forcing my eyelids shut.
My eyes snapped open towards the clock on my table. It’s 11 pm, I yawned tiredly and put on my flops.
“There’s no way he’s still there. No way.” I convinced myself but yo satisfy my curiosity, I moved towards the window and peaked. He left.
I didn’t know if I should feel elated or disappointed that he left. I shook my head lightly and wanted to go back to bed when I heard a soft knock. I froze and waited thinking I was hearing things but it came again.
Someone was at my door. I placed a robe over my thin nightie and went to the living room to check it out. The knocks came at intervals, I could feel the tiredness of whoever was out there.
Deciding to forget all the terrible consequences my next action might have, I gently reached for the door handle. Unlocking it, I carefully pulled it over.
“Anabelle…” He whispered standing there in the cold night, shaking and quivering down to his boots.
“P-please l-let me in…” He shuddered as he blew cold air. I held the door tightly trying to slam It in his face. He doesn’t deserve my empathy. He doesn’t.
“Please….” He whispered, his voice was barely audible and if we weren’t so close I wouldn’t be able to hear him.
“Why are you here. Go home to your wife.” I spat out shivering lightly.
“Please….” He practically begged, his legs were wobbly and I shut my eyes. The pain I was feeling right now didn’t make sense. I didn’t want to feel pity for this man in front of me. I didn’t want to yet I did. I pressed my eyes in a thin line to make it go away, it just doubled. I gave in after a few seconds.
“Hot coffee. Then you’re out.” I stated sternly and he practically dashed inside. I locked the door beckoning him to seat on my couch.
It only took a few minutes to brew the coffee pouring it into a glass cup and handed it over to him.
“Here you go.”
“T-Thanks.” He mumbled incoherently.
“Drink it and get out.” My voice came out cold and blank just like I wanted. He took once glance at me and his eyes trailed on my bed.
“You’re different Annabelle.” He says dropping the coffee, his voice is a little hoarse but better than before.
“Well, I’m glad you noticed. You can sleep on the couch, first thing tomorrow you get out.” I commanded and turned to leave.
“Annabelle, I’m sorry.”
“Wow, your new anthem. Thanks, Fallon but it doesn’t mean anything to me. The next time you try this shit, I will let you die out there. You can dare me and see.”
Without another word, I went to my room and tried to sleep. I ended up rolling on my bed in the early hours of the morning. My mind kept drifting towards Fallon and Ava. They were expecting a baby, they had a happy life.
I’m the one who struggled to make it. I did uncanny things, I sold my body yet I’m the one with bad luck. I strived to get here so why won’t things go smoothly for me? Why do I have to constantly suffer? Why can’t I just be happy?
I had no idea when hot tears trailed down my cheeks to my neck, I hadn’t cried in four months and just a few hours with him I’m shedding tears.
**He’s the cause of my pain, I just want to be happy. For once, I just want to be happy even if it’s for a little while.**
I kept repeating those words until I finally fell into a deep slumber.
Dried up tears were visible on my cheeks when I got up. Coupled with the fact I had developed a splitting headache. I reached for some pain killers and went to check on my not so guest.
He sprawled on the couch visibly uncomfortable. I took a few moments to check out his features. He didn’t change one bit, he just developed that’s all. I averted my eyes and proceeded to make breakfast for myself.
The second I was done, I went back and stirred him in his sleep to wake him up.
“Mmmm.” He moaned slightly still sleepy.
“You need to go now, Fallon,” I said in a stern tone, he finally got up and stared at me.
“Now,” I added and he gulped.
“Thanks, Anna.”
“Just go, Fallon. For both our sakes, please don’t come back.” His eyes twitched lightly, he sighed before bowing his head.
His phone started ringing, from the corner of my eyes I noticed more than four dozen missed calls from Ava.
** Hey… **He said rubbing his eyelids.
**Hey, slow down. I’m confused.** My eyes widened at his tone.
**Ava, slow down and talk to me.** He waited for a few seconds and then he gazes landed me.
“How could you?” He said making me gobsmacked.
“How could I what?”
“The whole country is talking about how superstar Ava Max couldn’t keep her legs closed. The fucking country knows she’s pregnant Annabelle, how could you!” He fired.
“I didn’t do it.” I retorted and he scoffed.
“Like hell, you didn’t. You were the only one who knew if you didn’t do it then who did huh.”
“I don’t know Fallon. You and your wife can fix your problems but I didn’t rat anyone out.”
“Get out Fallon. Don’t ever come back, I mean it.” His eyes twinkled and I think I saw belief in them. Who cares.
Looking dejected, he turned around walked out of my house and shut the door. The minute he left, I fell on the couch my thoughts spiralling.