Chapter Forty-Six

Book:Reyna's Vampyr Published:2024-5-1

Reyna cleaned up in the half-bath attached to her office. Tariq stood in the doorway watching.
“That’s a sexy outfit you’re wearing. You always dress like this to come to the office?” he asked.
She glanced at her image in the mirror. The two-pieced knit suit had a military styled, long-sleeved jacket which nipped in at her waist and had gold embellishments. The short, fitted skirt came to mid-thigh and was the same red as the jacket. With it she wore her favorite knee-high black boots. “Or something similar. It’s professional but still comfortable.”
“And sexy as hell,” he muttered. “The men probably can’t take their eyes off you long enough to get any work done.”
Taking his comment at face value she said, “If that were the case, they’d quickly find themselves in the unemployment line. We don’t tolerate slackers.”
Tariq entered the bathroom and stood close behind her. Their gazes met in the mirror. “You’re a tough taskmaster.”
She shook her head. “We pay people to do a job, and I expect them to do it. You should see our application list. There are plenty of others willing to work if they won’t.”
He nuzzled her neck. “Like I said, tough.”
Reyna shuddered when he hit a sensitive spot. “You need to stop. I have work to do. I’m behind enough as it is.”
He gave the spot one more lick and straightened. “Lunch first. You left this morning without eating breakfast.”
Right then her stomach growled, nullifying any protest she might have made. Reyna sighed. “Fine, but it will have to be here. I don’t have time for an extended lunch today. The deli on the corner sells really good food. I have a menu in my drawer. To save time, we can call in our order.” She glanced at the watch on her wrist. It was a little after twelve-thirty. Still the middle of the lunch hour rush. “If you go pick it up, I’ll snag us a table on the roof.”
Frowning, Tariq asked, “They don’t deliver?”
“Sometimes, if the order is large enough and you order it early in the day. In the middle of lunch hour? No.”
They examined the menu, called in the order, and separated to tend to their assigned tasks. As she rode up in the elevator, Reyna estimated her friends should have returned to their workstations by now. Since all of them arrived before eight, they tended to take their lunch at eleven-thirty. It also gave them the added benefit of beating the crowd.
As soon as she stepped out into the atrium, Reyna heard her name being called and winced. What were her friends still doing here?
“Reyna, over here! What took you so long?”
“Where’s the hunk? Did he leave?”
“Was that Tariq Bastien, owner of The Gladiator?”
“Where have you been? They told us you were sick. Are you feeling better?”
“Is Tariq investing in Illuminator Inc.?
“I heard they were buying us out.”
The comments and questions came fast. Each person spoke over the other so Reyna had trouble distinguishing who said what. Mentally she braced herself to endure the ensuing interrogation.
“Hi,” she said with fake cheer. “I’m surprised to see you here. I thought you’d be back at your desks by now.” Hint, hint. Get back to work, ladies.
“We were waiting for you. Your floor is off limits so we had to corner you here,” Caitlyn said.
“Why are you standing?” Delany asked, scowling. “Pull up a chair.”
Caitlyn, Lexy, and Delany were so excited they didn’t seem to notice Reyna had no food in her hands. Reluctantly, she did as ordered. Jacey watched quietly, nibbling on her salad.
As soon as she was seated, Caitlyn demanded to know, “How are you feeling? We were told you were ill. I’ve never known you to be sick before.”
“She hasn’t,” Delany said, frowning. “Reyna’s always here. In fact, I’ve never known her to take off from work, even for vacation.”
“What happened, Reyna?” Jacey asked.
Not wanting to outright lie to her friends, she said, “Exhaustion. The doctor said I’d pushed my reserves to its limits and put me on bedrest for a couple of days.”
“I told you, you work too hard. You need to start taking better care of yourself,” Caitlyn fussed.
“Believe me, I know and I will from now on,” she assured them.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better. Now, tell us about the vampyrs. That was Tariq Bastien, wasn’t it? I’ve never seen him up close and personal but I’d know him anywhere,” Lexy said.
“Yes, it was,” Reyna confirmed.
Lexy squealed. “I knew it! What was he doing here, and who was the guy with him?”
Delany leaned forward, staring intently at Reyna. “What I want to know is why you two seemed so cozy. I thought you said you didn’t meet anyone at The Gladiator? He seemed mighty possessive towards you.”
“Yeah, Reyna. You holding out on us?” Caitlyn added.
“Um…” Reyna stalled, searching for something to tell them. It wasn’t that she was trying to keep her relationship with Tariq a secret. She’d just become so used to keeping her private life private, even from her friends, the habit was deeply ingrained.
“Well?” Lexy demanded.
“Guys, whatever is going on between Reyna and Tariq is personal. I’m sure when Reyna’s ready to talk about it, she will,” Jacey said.
“Screw that! We tell her about our sex lives,” Lexy said.
“But Reyna doesn’t talk about hers,” Jacey reminded them.
Delany snorted. “That’s because up until now she hasn’t had one. Reyna lives like a nun. It’s why she’s so uptight. A good lay would loosen her right up.”
“Not everyone treats sex like it’s simply another bodily function,” Reyna said primly.
“Well, they should. Sex is like sleeping and eating—necessary for good health and mental well-being,” Delany insisted.
Reyna rolled her eyes. Lexy tossed her napkin at Delany. Caitlyn and Jacey laughed.
“Seriously, Reyna. What’s up with you and Tariq? I follow the tabloids and I’ve never seen his name linked with any woman, though I’m sure he’s had plenty. The man’s a god, after all, but he keeps it quiet,” Lexy said.
“All the more reason for Reyna not to say anything if she and Tariq are dating,” Jacey said.
“We’re her friends,” Caitlyn argued. “It’s not like we’re going to call the newspapers or spread her business all over social media.”
Jacey arched an eyebrow and looked pointedly at Delany and Lexy.
With a laugh, Caitlyn grudgingly admitted, “Okay, I wouldn’t. They might.”
“Hey!” Delany protested.
Lexy appeared sheepish. “I wouldn’t call the tabloids but I’ll admit, I might let something slip to a few of my friends.”
They all stared, their disbelief evident.
“Okay, okay. All of my friends. It’s a big deal. Imagine me knowing someone involved with the great Tariq Bastien, owner of The Gladiator and ruler of the vampyrs.” Lexy closed her eyes and shuddered. “He’s so sexy, and rich, and powerful. He can sink fang in me anytime.”
It made Reyna distinctly uncomfortable to hear her lover spoken of in such rapturous tones by another women—even one she considered a friend. She tried her best to conceal her scowl. “I don’t believe he’s searching for a blood donor, Lexy.”
Lexy shrugged and gave Reyna a gamine grin. “Hope springs eternal. Isn’t that what they say?”
“Enough stalling, Reyna,” Delany said firmly. “Are you two an item?”
She could admit this much, Reyna thought. “Yes.”
“I knew it!” Lexy crowed. “Wait until Shelia finds out. She’s been stalking The Gladiator, trying to catch his attention. I can’t wait to tell her he’s already taken.”
“Never mind that, Lexy. I want to know the good stuff. What’s he like in bed?” Delany asked.