Chapter 7 TEARS FLOW

Book:Heart Speaks Published:2024-5-1

“Can’t believe this,” I said, drinking my salty tears.
Tears dripping down Benjamin’s cheeks. He slammed his fist on the chair. “Shit. I can’t take this.”
My tears dropped like winter’s rain, I couldn’t control it anymore. In my childhood, to stop the tears from flowing, I learned to focus on an object for a length of time, but now, all objects here keep reminding me of Erica’s face. The more I tried to look at one thing, the more I see her face, and the more I look away, the more I see her in my heart, and I burst again into tears helplessly. “I can’t believe this.”
“I will find Henry, and I will make sure I killed him,” Benjamin boomed as he darted outside.
I sat, shedding tears like a baby. The death of my lovely sister hurt me so much. I can’t imagine that I will sleep alone and woke up alone, without a breath of Erica near me. I cleaned my tears, but the more I do, the more it rains. And then, I just stopped controlling the tears, and I allowed it to take me to the depth that I have no plans to go. “It is normal to cry,” I thought to myself.
I see myself in the big mirror beside the bed, the image looks clear first, but after two seconds, it’s blurry, and tears crawled to my tongue.
I walked out to the sitting room, glanced around the wall, and I saw the picture of Erica and me, smiling. I remembered that we snapped the picture when we followed Dad to the zoo, where Erica touched the lion’s tail. Dad was happy to have such a brave girl as a child and swiftly snapped us a picture. Dad hung it here on the wall, for him to always remember that her daughter, Erica touched the lion’s tail. But where is she now? My tears answered me. It says, ” She is gone. The brave daughter is gone.”
A phone was ringing on the chair, it was my Dad’s phone. Dad forgot it here when rushing out to the police station after receiving a call. I looked at the caller’s name, HONEY. The caller was my mom. My mom was a journalist, she had traveled for a week now, for some research. The phone rang again, and I was tempted to receive it. But if I receive, what would I say to my mother? Would she not faint if she heard that her cinderella was murdered? I ignored it like a wrong number and then walked out into the parking space.
And here, Erica’s car looks dirty, and I interpreted it that “Erica’s car moaned that she died.”
I remembered yesterday when she was telling me that she can give her boyfriend, Benjamin, her car. “Everything I have was his,” she said.
I can’t believe she can say that after Benjamin has broken her heart many times, as if she knew what was in my heart, Erica says, “But now, he had come back to me. He told me that he had learned a lesson when he loses me for the first time. He promised me that if he failed to make me laugh, he won’t fail to make me smile.”
And I replied to her, “What if he lied?”. But I was astonished when she says, “It’s normal for the lips to lie, but if you want to know the truth, look into his eyes, look into his eyes.”
And here, I remembered Erica’s eyes when she was telling me all these things. I knew she was telling me the truth because I looked into her eyes, I looked into her eyes.
And here, I want to tell her that she is right, but my eyes’ balls lost their backbones, and tears flow.
The gate was open and Abigail, Erica’s bosom friend stepped in. And then My two friends followed. They were all in school uniform. Abigail’s eyes were as red as fire when she looked at my eyes and says, “Is it true? Is it true that my Erica died? Please stop crying, just please tell me it isn’t.”
I managed to speak out amid my tears, “I didn’t believe too.”
Abigail brought out a handkerchief to covered her face. The handkerchief was given to her by Erica. “Oh no, can’t believe this, she doesn’t give me this handkerchief to clean the tears for today.”
Her pensive mood touched us more, we all cried in sorrow, helplessly.
I looked at Lucy, crying, her bosom friend has betrayed her. I looked at my friends too, their Baby Face has betrayed them too. And after an hour that looks like thirty minutes, Lucy asks, “Where is Erica now?”
“In the hospital.”
“I don’t know.”
“Why did Henry kill her?” Bella asked.
“Henry can’t do such things,” I said, “He can’t kill a hen.”
Abigail yelled, “Who the hell killed her?”
“We must find out,” Lucy said.
“Yea,” Bella said, “Must we wait for police intervention?”
“We must do it by ourselves,” Lucy said.
I sighed and say, “If we should investigate, If we should do it all by ourselves, the question remains how?”
“We must start somewhere,” Lucy said.
“Where exactly?” I asked.
“Anywhere,” Abigail said.
I sighed, “I’m having a headache already.” And tear dropped from my eyes.
“This is not the right time to cry,” Abigail said
“We haven’t lost yet,” Bella said.
Lucy cleaned her tears, saying, “That’s true.”
“We should all clean our tears and fight for Erica,” Lucy said.
“Yes, for Erica,” Abigail said, cleaning her tears but it seems her eyes didn’t obey, it’s kept dropping tears. “I know I can do this, for Erica.”
I remembered back then at the school’s restaurant when Lucy raised a glass of wine and says, “For Erica.” And we all filled out a glass with wine, and then did the same. I remember I get drunk that day, to celebrate Erica’s success in winning a car key. But here, the situation looks different, It is not to rejoice, but to hide out tears. It is not to make peace but to fight. And as I get drunk that day, I must get drunk today. And drunk to fight.