Chapter 54: Is this love 2

Book:Rent A Wife!!! Published:2024-5-1

I did a little exploring of my own and smiled as Jude gasped when I squeezed his butt. He bit my bottom lip and I moaned. I wanted more but my body protested, I felt too weak. Jud got off me and said, “I am so sorry Natasha! I knew you were not well and yet I- I am sorry please forgive me!”
“Jude! You have nothing to apologize for! I wanted it as much as you-‘ I broke off blushing furiously and buried my head in my pillow. Jude turned me around gently to face him.
“You want it as much as me?”
I nodded and shyly and Jude chuckled and kissed my hair.
“Not now though you are too weak, we need you to gain your strength quickly. Mom wants to start the wedding preparations in full swing!”
I laughed at the look on his face. Jude then took my tray and kept it in the kitchen. He got back into the bed with me when he came back and held me.
“Jude you shouldn’t be near me you’ll catch the infection too!”
“I don’t care! I want to be near you”
I smiled and felt giddy though I wasn’t sure whether it was with happiness or weakness. I lay there as Jude massaged my throbbing head and I soon dozed off again. When I woke up Jude was still next to me massaging my head. I glanced at the watch and gasped. It had been over an hour since I had fallen asleep and Jude had been massaging my head.
“Jude!” I said my voice hoarse with sleep and flu, “you can stop now. You should have when I fell asleep”
“Well I wanted you to wake without a headache. I hate to see you in pain Nats” he said sadly and I pulled him closer and hugged him tight. Tears formed in my eyes but I blinked them back. I was so not going to cry! That is the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me.
“I need to use the bathroom”
“Do you want me to take you?”
“No I feel well rested I think I can make it”
“Ok but leave the door unlocked just in case”
I walked to the washroom and washed my face. I looked at myself in the mirror and gasped. I looked hideous! My hair was unkempt, I was really pale and had dark shadows under my eyes. He kissed me while I was looking like this?
I went out to see Jude had brought in a bowl of soup and toast. I smiled at him and he grinned.
“Someone once told me that the quickest way to recover is by drinking chicken soup”
“Well that someone was really smart”
“Haha very funny now eat your soup!”
I sat down and quickly finished my lunch. “that was delicious!”
“Thank you!”
“So what are we going to do now?”
“I don’t know what do you want to do?”
“I don’t want to lie in the bed anymore!”
“But the doctor said that you have to take bed rest today”
I pouted and said, “Ok, then you’re gonna have to read me a story”
“wh- what?” he spluttered.
“Yep, that’s the only way I will recover faster” I said smiling at him sweetly.
“What do you mean?”
“When I was little and I used to fall ill my mom used to read me stories to keep me in bed”
“Well I could think of other ways of keeping you in bed”
“Jude!” I said going red in the face..
“hahahahahahahahha you should see the expression on your face, its cute”
I threw a pillow at his face and when he made a move to throw it back at me I yelled, “hey I am the patient remember?”
He sighed and put the pillow down, “Ok what do you want me to read to you?”
“You really will?” I asked widening my eyes.
“Of course I will!”
“Ok in my suitcase there is a copy of Disney’s Little Mermaid, get that please”
“Oh come on! I thought you would ask me to read you a nice romantic book with some hot scenes in them!”
“Ok ok I am going”
I smiled as he left to get my book he returned a few seconds later and plopped down on the bed next to me. He was about to begin reading when is phone buzzed. We both glanced at the display and he groaned. It was Stephanie.
“Damn she just does not get a hint does she?”
“No Jude she doesn’t” I giggled and shut up when he glared at me. He tossed his phone aside and took up the book and started reading. I moved up and lay my head on his lap and smiled as his whole face lit up.
I listened to his smooth and soothing voice. It was funny how he lowered his voice pitch whenever a dialogue by Ariel came up and how he spoke in a baritone when he the king’s dialogues came up and he used his own voice when Eric’s dialogues came up. He was a great story teller.
I smiled when he said, “And they lived happily ever after”
“Boy! I can’t believe I just read that and actually enjoyed it!”
“See! I told you that would like it!”
“Yeah yeah”
“Well you’re a great story teller. At least one thing is decided, you will put the children to bed.” I blushed as I realized what I had just said and bit my lip. Great I had just ruined a perfectly good moment.
“You know what? I would love to do that. We will have one boy and one girl. The girl will look gorgeous just like you and the boy will be as handsome as me”
I broke into laughter, “Well at least no one can accuse you of modesty” I said between laughter, grateful to him that he had save me from embarrassment. It was almost dinner time and Jude asked me what I wanted to eat.
“I am not very hungry”
He shook his head is disapproval. “You have to eat something you know that.”
“I know it but I don’t want to!”
“Stop being a brat that’s my job”
I stuck my tongue out at him, “Well if you’re so insistent I will have coffee and toast, I don’t feel like eating something too heavy”
“Well ok”
Jude’s phone buzzed once more. I yelled out, “Jude! Your phone is ringing”
“Who is it?”
“It’s a text”
“Well check it”
I opened his inbox and saw it was from Stephanie, I opened the message and read it.
‘Jude I am really sorry. Please talk to me baby! Please answer my calls or return them. I am waiting for your call’
“Tell her to go to hell!”
“Er you really want me to write that?”
“No silly” he said walking into the room, “its best to ignore”
“So I think mom and dad will come tomorrow. Tonight its just you and me honey” he said leering at me and making me laugh.
“What are you eating for dinner?”
“I am eating beef and potatoes”
“I hate you!”
“Oh you know you love me”
“I do not”
“Yes you do”
We ate our dinner quietly, and Jude cleared the plates once more. He went to the washroom changed and got into the bed beside me. I turned to him and kissed him on his cheek.
“What was that for?”
“For taking care of me”
“You don’t have to thank me. In sickness and in health right?”
“Right” I said smiling in the dark.
“Goodnight Jude”
“Goodnight Natasha”
And we fell asleep.