Learning his sexual experience frightened me. My insecurities fluctuated. Watching those exhibitionists exploring their desires, comfortable in their own skin, and their way of life had me question my own sexuality.
Was I enough for Thayer? Knowing how far he would go to satisfy my needs, my curiosity, as he said, my fantasy, I loved him even more. What if one day, he would ask for something more? What if I couldn’t give what he wanted?
I woke up to an empty bed. Since we were back together, he shared my bed. We didn’t have any arrangements, but having him every night made me feel content.
Judging by the time on my nightstand, I expected he left work already. Once I was done to look myself satisfactory, I went down and met Ash with his cup of coffee in his grasp.
“Morning.” He was always kind, even if he looked like he could snap me in half effortlessly.
“Morning. You’re still here?”
“Big boss is still in the study.”
My brow arched. “Why?”
He smiled. “You should ask him that.”
“And your partner in crime?” I asked about Lud.
“In a phone conversation.”
“I’ll check him in the study.”
I left when he nodded with a smile. Considering I was an outlander, they were overprotective over Thayer. Ash and Lud always treated me right, though, despite my bad girl behavior, and it made me comfortable around them. I felt like I could also trust them with my life.
Before I could knock, one of the security details named Darren greeted me and opened the door for me.
“Thanks.” I walked towards my man. He was busy scouring stacks of documents on his desk. Marko was standing beside him with a tablet in his hand, pointing his pen on the lines of papers.
“Good morning. Wrong timing?”
My man already looked splendid in his ivory single-button jacket as he snapped his gaze at me. He smiled—his smile alone could make me wet. “Right on time.”
“You’re working home today?” I walked closer until I reached his desk.
He rose from his seat and kissed me on my lips. “I’m leaving in thirty. I’m only waiting for you to get down.”
“Then why nobody went up to get me up early?”
“I told them not to. Arina will be here shortly. She’s running an errand for me.”
“You don’t have enough men to run an errand for you?”
He smiled mischievously.
“Am I missing something?”
“You’re protective over Arina?”
“Like you are to your guys. I actually don’t have the right to question how you order anyone in your payroll. I’m just curious what’s that all about. I apologize.”
“Don’t apologize, darling. Marko, can I have a moment with Kennedy? Tell them to ready the car.”
Marko nodded. “Of course, Your Highness, Miss Gilby.”
Once the door shut behind Marko, Thayer rounded to cup my face and kiss me with such urgency. He took in the gasp of surprise that slipped out of my lips. The kiss was abrupt. Still, it made me all tingly. He pressed a quick kiss before he let me go.
As I got back my bearing, I licked my lips. “What was that for?”
“You came to check on me, and I just wanted to kiss you.”
“Okay. I should check you more often.”
His smile widened, tracing his thumb on my cheek. “Beautiful.”
“I wouldn’t take much of your time than I already did. See you later?”
“If I come home late, eat your dinner. Have you eaten your breakfast?”
“About to.”
“Darling, you have something to do today. Take your breakfast, and please, don’t miss any meal?”
I wrinkled my nose. “I’m a big girl.”
“I can see that.” His gaze dropped to my boobs. “But you’re gonna hate for me for minding your free time.” He fixed his suits.
“You look great.”
“I know why you agreed to date me because I’m handsome.”
I snorted. “Don’t be too cocky. I’ve seen attractive and asked me out but turned them down.”
His jaw clenched. “Choose your words wisely, darling. And those motherfuckers.”
“I’m gonna spank your ass till you can’t sit later.”
The word spank made me laugh. “I’d love to do the same.” I closed our gap and squeezed his ass.”
His eyes widened in surprise, filled with humor.
“What can I say? I love that ass.”
“Just my ass?”
“Well, I have a long list, but you should know by now which one comes on top.”
“Hm. Don’t talk dirty before I go to work. I’m gonna be late, or I leave you aching.”
“Just go. Take care.” I tiptoed to kiss him on his lips. “See you later.”
“I have something for you on top of my side nightstand. I also wrote a note.”
Excitedly, I went back to my room after they left. With my heart in my throat, I picked up the black velvet box with his written note.
I told you I would propose to you until you say yes. Wear this ring if you have decided and kept it on your finger. If you’re still doubting my intention, put it right back to the box once the visitors are gone.
I love you with all my heart.
I flipped the box open. My jaw dropped. I thought I was blinded by the sparklers of the biggest diamond cut I’d ever seen. It was a rare solitaire blue diamond in emerald cut with find step-cut two trapezoid white diamonds set in a platinum band. In my estimation, it was around five to six carats.
My fingers trembled. I wasn’t sure if I should put it on or not, but my curiosity got the best of me. So I pulled it off from the box and inspected it carefully. I’ve heard of Oppenheimer’s blue diamond, but this one was so elegant, and it fits perfectly on my finger as if he knew my ring size.
Arina came back with wardrobe guys and celebrity and etiquette experts. Thayer was right. I was going to hate him for putting me up with these people unprepared.
Etiquette expert Tegan taught me from basic table etiquette, excuses, modern manners to royal etiquette. My head started to spin when he started with protocols.
“I need a break. I think I just have hypoglycemia.”
“Okay. We’ll have a break, but Tania will show you something on the screen. The easiest part for today.”
I placed my hand on my forehead. He’d been teaching on this table, and my ass was burning. My legs were numb, my back stiffed. Earlier, he showed me how to walk and let me wear different kinds of shoes.
“Arina, do you know what are we gonna do tomorrow?”
“You mean, your schedule tomorrow? You’ll be having a training on your wardrobe.”
I grimaced.
“Let’s start with simple and Internet sensations. Those celebrities you’ve found online,” Tania started. She wiped the screen of her iPad, and the first picture that appeared on the tv screen was the wife of the former US President. Easy peasy. Next was an Oscar Award-winning actress, then a black British actor. Then next was Morgan Freeman.
“Why Morgan Freeman?”
“Most people might not know about his philanthropy, but Mr. Freeman converted his 124-acre ranch into a giant bee sanctuary to save bees. If the bee colonies continue to decline, it can lead to ecological and agricultural problems. As you know, bees play a huge role in pollinating the plants that provide us the food we eat.”
“Now, let’s move on to the UN council. Tonight I want you to do your research and familiarize Monarchies around the world.
After two hours, I couldn’t keep it up anymore. I had a terrible headache. Working in magazines and publications, I didn’t need to broaden my familiarization outside the industries. Politics, governments, monarchs were not in our top lists unless our features had backgrounds.
In the evening, Thayer hadn’t arrived home yet. I grabbed my phone and sent him a message.
Kennedy: Still busy?
The message box bubbled. I smiled.
Thayer: Tell me this isn’t wrong sent.
Kennedy: I think I sent it to someone I used to know. Sorry.
Thayer: He’ll have my fist on his ugly face later
Kennedy: No need to get too violent. He’s important to me.
Thayer: Who the f— is he?
I raised my hand with the engagement ring on, took a picture, and sent it to him. A second later, my phone vibrated in my hand.
“Kennedy?” He seemed to catch his breath.
“You did not take it off.”
“Why would I keep something gorgeous like this off my finger?” I was still looking at my ring when the door flew open.
He then strode to lift off the floor. I yelped in surprise.
“Thayer! Put me down!”
He put me down on my feet, cupped my face. He was grinning down at me like an idiot. “I was supposed to propose to you at dinner on the yacht. Let me do it now.”
I shook my head. “That won’t be necessary. Let’s have our own way of proposal. No bending on one knee. And yes, I will marry you.”
“Oh, thank God.” He crushed his mouth into mine, kissing me like he meant to be. “For real?”
“For real. Not for your birthright, the terms, or your kingdom. This is for you and me.”
“For you and me. For us.”