“I really hope she comes to Nigeria and don’t end up giving excuses”, Nihmah said.
“I hope so too but somehow I feel she’s going to come, Ameedah won’t promise if she weren’t coming, I know that much about her”, Eesha replied.
“You’re right though. Uhn Uhn.. back to the plan, as you know the plan is to reunite Ameedah and Habeeb by inviting them both to the wedding”, Nihmah stated.
“Yup, I know and guess what!, I called Ridwan yesterday to inform him about my wedding and I told him to come along with his remaining friends and he promised they will be there”, Eesha replied eagerly.
“Yaaaaay… that’s so cool, now I know our plan will surely succeed”, Nihmah squealed happily.
It was lunch time in the hospital, Hikmah, Qamar and Ameedah were having random conversation when she suddenly remembered that she hasn’t told them about her travelling.
“Guys, I’ll be leaving for Nigeria..”, Ameedah was saying.
“Whaaat!!!!”, they both cut her short.
“You guys should chill now, let me explain, one of my bestie’s wedding is coming up and I need to be there, its also an opportunity for everyone to meet my daughter and I’ve missed my families and friends also so I decided I’ll be going”, she explained.
“Only your family and friends?”, Qamar asked.
“Yeah.. only them, who else do I miss?”, she asked looking at him.
“What of your husband?”.
Her heart skipped a beat at the mention of Habeeb then it dawned on her that she might truly see him but she remembered what the doctor told her years back then she decided she was going to try to avoid him.
“I asked a question Ameedah, you look lost”, Qamar jolted her out of her thoughts.
“Ohh.. no, its nothing like that, of course I miss him as well”, she said and faked a smile.
“Well Ameedah, I wish you safe journey and believe me when I say, I’ll miss you so much”, Hikmah said looking a bit sad.
“I’ll miss you more you know”, Ameedah also said looking a bit sad.
Soon their break was over and everyone returned to his or her duty.
And work went well for the rest of the day.
~ A week later. ~
“Ameedah, please take care of yourself and of my baby”, Qamar teased.
Azeezat, Qamar, Hikmah, Ameedah and Zara were all at the airport.
It was time for her to go to Nigeria.
“Okay, I’ll take good care of Zara”, she replied.
“Ameedah, please update me on everything and I’ve started to miss you already”, her aunt said almost in tears.
“Come here, don’t cry”, Ameedah said and hugged her.
“Best colleague ever”, Ameedah indirectly called Hikmah and went to hug her as well.
” You guys shouldn’t cry and I’ll be fine, we’ll still talk so its okay. Take care guys, we have to leave now”, she said and wanted to carry Zara but she insisted she was going to walk by herself then she left her.
“So won’t you hug me Ameedah”, Qamar said to her as she was about to leave.
“Joker, you deserve it too anyways”, she said and hugged him too.
“Bye everyone, Zara won’t you say bye”, Ameedah said.
‘Bye”, she said with a smile and everyone took turns to peck her.
” Thanks for always being there”, Ameedah said finally before exiting.
Ameedah didn’t inform anyone that she was coming to Nigeria on that day, not even her closest friends knew.
She had also worked really hard for almost two years and she has shown her capabilities, therefore she was very stable, especially financially.
Ameedah called Azeezat immediately she entered the cab.
Aunt, I’m in Nigeria already.
Hmm, we give thanks the journey went well, hope you aren’t so stressed.
Nope, I’m okay and how’re you.
I’m also fine, how’s my sweetheart.
The naughty girl is asleep, please take care of your self.
Okay and take care of everyone as well, have you now informed someone of your arrival.
Not yet, I’m heading to my parents house though.
Okay, love you.
Love you too.
They both hung up.
Ameedah also informed Hikmah and Qamar as well.
“Should I call Nihmah and Eesha?, Nope, I’ll surprise them tomorrow as well”, her mind told her.
It was around 9:00pm that she got to her parents house. Zara had woken up by the time.
When the driver drove into her street, she kind of felt nervous, everywhere looked the same just like yesterday, suddenly Zara called her.
” Mummy, where are we going”, she asked.
“To see grandma and grandpa”, she replied and smiled at her daughter.
“Okay”, her daughter said and smiled back at her and continued with her chocolates.
They got to their destination after few minutes and she settled the driver.
She opened the gate and Zara walked in first, then Ameedah carried their baggage and walked behind Zara.
Zara got to the door and wanted to turn the knob.
” Zara, hold on”, Ameedah cautioned and pressed the bell instead.
Her mum asked who was at the door.
“Ameedah”, she replied gently.
She hurriedly opened the door for her daughter and hugged her tightly.
” Mum, I missed you so much”, Ameedah cooed as she hugged her.
“I can’t believe its you”, her mum simply said and disengaged from the hug when she saw Zara, she carried her in her arms and Zara was smiling at her.
The trio walked in and Ameedah shouted ” Home sweet home”, her dad and her brother who were sleeping already left their various rooms in a hurry, they couldn’t mistake that voice for someone else.
Abdullah was stunned when he saw it was truly his sister, she ran to her dad and hugged him as well, while this was going on, Zara was just looking at the family drama. Abdullah and dad went to meet Zara and she smiled as she saw them approaching.
Ameedah’s dad crouched to look at his grand daughter, she was just too cute, not clingy as well as friendly, just like her mother, he hugged her heartily and the little girl chuckled.
Ameedah watched the duo as they performed and smiled.
“Welcome home, you and your Darling daughter, you two even rocked the same outfit, wow sis, you look really dope and candidly speaking, Zara looks exactly like Habeeb, her smile, her dimples everything is like her dad”, Abdullah said.
I agree with you on this one but Ameedah, why didn’t you inform anybody, her dad asked.
“It’s called surprise dad, I surprised you all”, she said already settled on the couch while Zara walked around the sitting room.
“Go change your clothes and come back for your meal”, her mum told her.
” Mummy, won’t we pray”, Zara asked.
“We’ll pray now”, she replied.
” Wow, I’m proud of how you raised your daughter despite being a single mother, you’ve trained her well”, her dad commended.
“Thanks dad, by the way when is sis coming home, she needs to be stunned as well, no one should inform her of my arrival o”, Ameedah warned jokingly.
“She will be here tomorrow and no one will tell her”, her mum said.
Zara, let’s go change and pray.
Zara then followed her mum to the room feeling very happy.