Angry tears well my eyes, making it difficult for me to read Nikhil’s expressions.
He clears his throat as I grab a tissue, quickly wiping the one drop of moisture that leaked my eye, blinking away the others back to their original place.
“Why haven’t you told Dhruv about it Sandy?”
I flinch, looking down, “I… tried to tell him”, I start off softly, “But he wouldn’t believe me. And Nayan was feeding him lies that I was going behind his back. For petty revenge. And… and Dhruv came to know that you liked me just a few days before that. He was already very angry with me. Nayan’s lies just pushed him off the edge I think.”
“But I don’t understand why you didn’t fight for your innocence”, Nikhil frowns.
“I really tried. But he said”, I close my eyes, pained, “I cannot be with a girl that so many guys pine for. I don’t like feeling insecure. And even if Nayan is lying about you, I don’t want to be with you when so many other people want your attention.”
“Yeah”, I say, my head bowed down, even when I wasn’t at fault.
Nikhil stares at me for sometime, then looks away.
“I’m Sorry for bluffing to Dhruv that we’re getting married”, he says, looking straight into my eyes.
For some strange reason, I suddenly feel worthless.
“I… I get it. Don’t worry about it”, I say the words with difficulty.
“Dammit. It’s not about you Sandy”, Nikhil runs a hand through his hair, “We are not in the right state of mind. And you are in pain. Adding marriage into this equation is nothing but a disaster.”
I simply nod. His words make sense. I don’t think I’m emotionally ready to marry Nikhil.
“Goodbye Nikhil”, I walk out, completely missing the deep pain in his eyes and what he said next.
“Are you sure you are okay?”, Anshu asks, as if I’m an alien as I drag her through the footpath.
“Yup”, I bob my head up and down, “Didn’t the Pani Puri uncle open his stall today?”, I frown.
“Sandy!”, My best friend grabs me by the shoulder and shakes me vigorously.
“Wow. Thank you”, I say, my head spinning, “I’ll give you my jar of chocolate milkshake when the mixer doesn’t work.”
“Ugghh”, she pulls at her hair lightly, ” Why the heck are you not telling me anything?”
“I gave you a visual of a one hour dinner for three hours to you, exactly two days ago.”
“But you didn’t tell me the verdict”, she exclaims.
“Your Majesty, the princess of Mumbai Sandeepthi Guptha hereby gives her verdict”, I give a dramatic pause, “That her best friend is dumb”, I say in a flat tone, walking ahead.
I hear a sigh, as she walks beside me, the bounce in my step prominent as we near our favourite ice cream store.
“I had called Dad yesterday”, I say.
Anshu rolls her eyes, “You don’t even have to say anything now”, she says dryly.
I grin, “I know I’m smart.”
“You’re crazy”, she mumbles, digging into her ice cream.
“I emotionally blackmailed him”, I say proudly, “And very insincerely put it out there that I don’t want to marry before I graduate.”
Her eyes narrow, “What about Aunty?”
My grin widens, “I didn’t talk to mom about it. I asked dad to handle the issue. I just said I met Nikhil on Mom’s wish, and that I don’t want to proceed so that I can focus on my career right now.”
“Hmm. The topic is actually closed?”, she asks.
“Yup”, I lick the back of the spoon, “Dad had called Nikhil’s parents yesterday. And told them the same thing, in a more diplomatic way, I guess. And Nikhil called me to confirm it too.”
“Hmmm. Okay”, Anshu nods, “Are we going to eat cotton candy after this?”, she asks, as we drift to lighter topics.