16 months later,
Snow falls out of the window as Sage walks forward. He looked down at his watch. Irena was an hour late. Where was she?
A soft Christmas ballad plays in the background. Amanda did a great job finding a decorator to decorate this cabin. A Christmas tree sits in the far corner with twinkling lights. Titan was lying nearby with Irena ‘s present tied around his collar.
Everything is perfect. Except that Irena wasn’t there. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. His outfit made him feel like he was strangling her. He wasn’t sure if it was his stress because he was about to ask Irena to marry him. Or that he’s afraid Greenland has claimed it again.
He should have known he shouldn’t have booked a cabin in the mountains of Greenland. But somehow he thought it would be romantic to go back to the place where they fell in love. Man, he can be stupid sometimes.
He should have taken Amanda ‘s parted lips and raised his eyebrows as he told her what he had planned. But it seems like a perfect proposition.
The headlights were flashing outside the window and Sage ‘s heart was pounding. She was here. Finally,
” Take your coat and run out. Joseph.” His driver is opening the back door. He glanced at Sage .
“Are you okay?” Sage asked.
Joseph looks a little pale. “Not very familiar with these winding roads.”
Sage reached out and patted his shoulder. “I’m sorry.”
Joseph shrugged. “Well, we’ve come here, haven’t we?”
Looking at the limo, Sage looks for Irena . She was wrapped in a blanket, her head not visible.
“Irena ?” he asked, sliding into the chair beside her.
She came out with her eyes wide open. “What. What. Damn it,” she whispered as her gaze swept over the limo.
Sage reached out and pulled her towards him. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I think it’s so romantic. I’m such an idiot.” He leaned down and kissed her on the head.
Irena ‘s rough posture seemed to relax as she leaned toward him. “Not one of your smartest ideas.”
Sage ‘s heart sank. This proposal did not go as planned. How can he be so stupid?
“Let’s go. Go inside and have some hot chocolate.”
Irena nodded into his shoulder. “Alright.”
In less than five minutes, his luggage was unloaded and into the house. Irena was cuddled up on the couch as Sage led Joseph to the limo.
“Thanks, man,” he said, patting Joseph on the shoulder. “I owe you a big Christmas bonus.”
Joseph ‘s eyes lit up. “Yeah, okay,” he said, smiling at Sage.
“Just tell Amanda I agree with everything you think.” It’s Christmas. Anything he can do to keep his employees happy, he will.
“Good luck,” Joseph said, nodding toward the cabin. “She really doesn’t know.”
Nerves run through Sage ‘s stomach when it comes to his plans. “Yeah, hope I didn’t blow it up with all of Greenland.”
Joseph shrugged. “I’m sure she’ll get through it.”
Sage nodded as Joseph closed the door and walked down the aisle. Taking a deep breath, Sage stepped inside.
Titan had left his corner and happily sat next to Irena . She finally got out of the blanket and was patting his head. She looked calmer, more composed.
“Is Joseph gone?” she asked.
Sage nodded. His stomach tightened as he watched his hand move dangerously close to the engagement ring he wore on Titan ‘s collar.
“Hey, Titan .” He whistled. Titan just gave her an unimpressed look and turned back to Irena.
She laughs. “You still love me more than Sage , don’t you?” she asked, grabbing the sides of Titan ‘s face and pulling him closer to her. “I’m so mad that Lindsay bought a Jersey for the holiday. She’d love to see you.”
‘It’s going to bite you,” Sage blurts out. He could see the ring glittering between the folds of the fur. It was the worst proposal in the history of proposals. Scared the girl then found the ring before she had a chance to ask.
Irena glanced at him. “How are you? Titan didn’t bite.” She leaned over and let Titan lick her cheek.
“He just vomited!” Sage shouted this time. Anything to get him away from his dog.
“Sage Kennedy , why do you say that?” she asked, reaching out and wiping her face with her sleeve.
“And why are you acting so weird? It was you who invited me here.” She moved away from Titan but her hand remained on his head. He was comfortable next to her, placing his body next to hers.
“I…” His heart pounded in his chest. Should he do it? Stop this ridiculous scheme and just ask?
“What’s that?”
Too late. She was touching the ring on Titan ‘s neck.
Kneeling on one knee, Sage took Irena ‘s free hand and looked down at her.
“Sage ,” she exhaled as she stared at their hands.
“Irena Derrick. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone or anything.”
Titan barked.
“More than I love Titan .” He swallowed when he met her gaze. “You are the best thing that ever happened to me. You are the only person I want to say good night to and the only person I want to see when I wake up in the morning. You are my soulmate. My people. . You may not want to? Do you have the honor to be my wife?” The words popped out of her lips at a record speed. The rhythm of his voice matches the beat of his heart.
She studied him.
He swallows. Why didn’t she say anything?
“Sage Kennedy , I thought you’d never ask.” She slid off the couch and knelt down in front of him. She took his free hand and looked up at him. “I’ll marry you on one condition.”
Sage nodded. “Whatever.”
“We’ll never go back to this place.”
Sage laughed as he pulled her closer and pressed his lips to hers. He stepped back and looked at her.
“I can make this deal, honey,” he said, then leaned down for another kiss.
Author’s Note:
This is it! If ever you reach this far, meaning you finished the story. I hope you like them, whoever you are, thank you for making time to read this and I hope it didn’t disappoint you in a way.
See you in my next story entitled SPELLBOUND BY BILLIONAIRE